HomeMy WebLinkAbout899345 RECEIVED ROAD WA Y MAINTENANCEt!&c i i ,NC I Ri< THIS ROAD WAY MAINTENANCE A~REEMEN~..madB_this..Z~7~r.day of April, 2004, by and between Mary Louise Carlson, a single woman, and Ly~ Talarico, a single woman as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, of 1528 34th Street, Missoula, Montana 59801 (hereafter, "Carlso~Talarico") and Kathleen K. Charles, a single woman, of P.O. Box 2025, Jackson, Wyoming 83001 (~: ereafler, "Charles"). WHEREAS, Carlson/Talarico are the owners of property in Etna Wyoming, 'said property more particularly described in the W~irranty Deed that was recorded in the Lincoln County, Wyoming land records in Book 526 PR at Page 381 as lnstrmnent No. 891434 on July 8, 2003 (hereafter, the "Carlson/Talarico Property"); and WIfEREAS, Charles is the owner of property in Etna, Wyoming, said property more particularly described in thc Corrective Warranty Deed that was recorded in fl~e Lincoln County, Wyoming land records in Book 526 PR at Page 380 as Instrument No. 891433 on July 8, 2003 (hereafter, the "Charles Property"); and WHEREAS, the Property and the Charles Property are all subject to and/or benefit from an easement for ingress, egress, and utilities, said easement being more particularly described in an Agreement Vacating Existing Right-of-Way Easement and Establishing New Right-of-Way Easement, recorded in the Lincoln County, Wyoming land records in Book ~'5't( PR at Pages Z,(~- 2/~as Instrument No. ~'?¢/'~' ~ on A~_'//, 2004 (hereafter, the "Easement"); and ROAD WAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CA R LSON/TALARICO / CHARLES PAGE 10 ~ ...... F? WHEREAS, the parties wish to cooperate in the care and maintenance of the private road way that is constructed within the Easement, hence, this road way maintenance agreement (hereafter, "the RMA") has been developed NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00), receipt of which is acknowledged, and other valuable consideration, including the promises made herein, Carlson/Talarico and Charles hereby mutually agree as follows: 1. ANNUAL CONSULTATION. To consult ammally, on or around April 15 of each year; to discuss ~he condition of the road; to formulate plans, if any, to care for, maintain, and improve the road way; to plan for annual snow plowing; to review expenditures fi'om the previous year's activities; and to select a custodian to coordinate activities and handle finances relating to the RMA. 2. THE RMA CUSTODIAN; The property owners subject to this RMA will elect a RMA Custodian to collect monies for and disburse monies from the RMA. The Custodian will be a property owner subject to this RMA. Each property owner shall have one (1) vote for each lot owned. Upon election of the Custodian, the funds collected will be disbursed to the custodian for deposit into the bank account established for this RMA. 3. SHARING OF EXPENSES. The property owners subject to this RMA agree that it is in the best interest that said private road way shall be maintained in good and passable condition as a gravel drive way and that they will share in the cost of maintaining said private road way to Lincoln County Class "C" requirements and share such expenses are agreed-upon for the RMA. The sharing of expenses shall generally be proportionate to the ownership of ]tOAD WAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CARLSON/TALARICO / CHARLES PAGE 2 OF 7 property (ownership meaning property interest, not acreage), but no sharing of expenses shall be required until such time as there is construction on a property. This RMA is intended to be binding on all parties who own property or residences along said private road way their heirs and assigns, as well as any t'utur~ owner who is given rights to said private road way. 4. ANNUAL FEE. A fee of $200.00 (per lot served by the road way) for each year will be collected fi'om the undersigned once a calendar year (prorated when construction is begun during a calendar year) to provide for private maintenance. In the event additional money is needed to maintain or improve the private road way, a majority vote of all the owners who use the road way must agree in writing of any additional assessment over the $200.00 annual fee. In the event it is necessary to take legal action to enforce any term of this RMA, the prevailing party shall be entitled to collect reasonable attorney's fees for enforcement of this RMA. In the event any of the parcels served by the private road way is subdivided, and the new tract also utilizes the private road way for access, each new owner will be obligated to pay the $200.00 annual maintenance fee and will be bound by all other terms and conditions of this RMA. 5. PAYMENT OF EXPENSES. To contribute funds, as agreed upon, to a bank account established for the payment of easement expenses. Said account shall be under the management and control of the custodian, selected as provided herein, and said custodian shall be responsible for maintainihg an accounting of all income into said account and all expenditures therefi'om. Any property owner participating in this RMA shall be entitled to an accounting of the account, semi-annually, or upon request. 6. LIMITATION ON OBLIGATIONS ASSUMED. To hold any party hereto harmless for the costs of any RMA expenses tha~ have not beeu approved as provided herein by ROAD WAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CARLSON/TALARICO / CHARLES PAGE 3.OF 7 494 such party. This limitation shall not be deemed to prevent any party from assuming any RMA costs at his or her sole expense but it shall preclude such person from requiring reimbursement therefor from other property owners. 7. ROAD WAYWAY NOT TO BE OBSTRUCTED. This RMA is subject to the limitation in the recorded Easement, which states that except for temporary obstructions required for the purposes of maintaining and improving the Easement, and installing and maintaining underground utilities therein, the Easement shall not be obstructed in any manner that would impede free ingress and egress to and from the parties' properties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party to this RMA has caused it to be executed and effective on the date first written above. [Separate signature pages follow.] ROAD WAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CARLSON/TALARICO / CIIARLES PAGE 4 OF 7 't95 MA~R~L~O UIS E CARLSON STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF CENTRE ) ACKNOWLEDGE.D before me by Mary Louise Carlson this ~, ~ day of April, 2004. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: ROAD WAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CARLSON/TA !~ .... ,-' ~f) / CHARLES LVlqffq TAL~,iCO STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF MISSOULA )! ACIGNOWLEDGED before me by Lynn Talarico this ,:v~ 7'/~day of April, 2004. WITNESS my hand and official seal. '"~I'AI~ PUBLIC ' "- O/~ My Commission expires: LINDA F. RILEY NOTARY PUBLIC [or lhe Stale of Montana Residing al Missoula, Monlana My Commission Expires Seotember 28, 2007, ROAD WAY MA1NTEN,4NCE AGREEMENT CARLSON/TA !ii O / CHARLES KATHLEEN K. CHARLES STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF TETON ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by Kathleen K. Charles this WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC ~q day of April, 2004. ROAD WAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT CARLSON/TALARICO / CHARLES PA GE 7 OF 7