HomeMy WebLinkAbout899437 RECEIVED ,LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK KNOWN ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, That SAMUEL DEAN GROVER AND ELDENA G. GROVER, TRUSTEES OF THE DEAN AND ELDENA GROVER LIVING TRUST dated December 16, 1998 ~f the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in consideration of Ten and 00/100's Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have remised, released, convey and forever quitclaimed and by these presents do for my heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto SAMUEL DEAN GROVER AND ELDENA G. GROVER, Husband and Wife, whose address is P.O. Box '85, Auburn, WY 83111 heirs and assigns, forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as we have, ought to have in or to all the following described premises, to-wit: A portion of the SE¼SW¼ of Section 34, T33N Rll9W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more. particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe set N 0°19'10" E, along the East line of said SE¼SW¼, 502.66 feet from a Brass Cap monument marking the Southeast corner of said SE',4 SW ¼; thence running N 89°40'50'' W, 14.00 feet to an iron pipe set near an East-West fence line marking the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence running N 89°40'50.. W, 367.16 feet to an Iron Pipe found near a fence corner post in the Southwesterly fence line of a road; thence N 38°23'01.. E, along last Said fence line, 177.92 feet; thence S 89040'50.. E, 257.47 feet; thence S 0°19'10'' W, 140.08 feet to the true point of beginning. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Dated tbi~.~//¢dF Oayof May, 2004. ~ Samuel Dean Grover, Trustee Eldena G. Grover, Trustee State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The fore~? instrument was ackn,~jd~ed before Grover' this day of Wimess my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: me by Samuel Dean Grover and Eldena G. ,2004. Notary Public'