HomeMy WebLinkAbout878666Loan No.: q203q5-1 WYOMING RELEASE DEED Prepared by: MEENA C. PATEL Household Mortgage Services 577 Lamont Road Elmhurst, 'IL 60126 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC-REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., a Corporation of the United States does hereby certify and acknowledge satisfaction in full of the debt secured by the following described and recorded real estate mortgage, and same is hereby released: 'Name of MOrtgagor: MARIETTA S LANPHEAR GARY LEE LANPHEAR Name of Mortgagee: HOMEGOLD~ INC. A SOUTH CAROLINA CORPORATION The mortgage is recorded in the office of the County Clerk for LINCOLN , Wyoming. Document No., Volume, Page, Mortgage Date: DOC# 872988 BK 463 PG 508 REC DT 04-30-01 MTG DT 03-30-01 Securing the payment of 42,~00.00. Address of Property': 792 Lodge Lane Alpine WY 83128 Legal Description of Property: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" MADE A PART HEREOF The above described Mortgage with a Note secured thereby, is fully paid, satisfied, released and dischargedJ and consideration thereof the said mortgage does herb¥ reIease and auit ciaim unto siad mortgagor the premises therby conveyed and mortgaged. Dated: January Oq, 2002 MOR~AGE ELECTRONI¢~R~.IS~RAT~I~ SYSTEMS~ ~INC. MONIC~k.~JOHNSON} Asst.hVlce President State of Illinois " County of Dupage ',,,. "' Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, lnc., Its successors and assigns, aa nominee for Household Finance Corporation, Its su~o~ and assigns, G4318 Miller Rd,, P.O. Box 20~, BR8 looo4 ooo - ,. PH #: 1.888-670-6377 On January 04, 2002 before me, the undersignedj a Notary Pubiic in and for said State, personally appeared MONICA JOHNSON , personally known to me or proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Asst. Vice President of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRAT States Corporationj executed the with'in instrument pursuant to its bylaws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. In witness whereof~ 'I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seai this January 04, 20~2o Notary Public/Commxssxon Expxre$: When recorded, please return to: Marietta S Lanphear Gary Lee Lanphear Po Box 3021 · ~,~*~*~*~*~ Alpine WY 83128 WYSOS/MCP · "OFFICIAL SEAL" · , MEENA C. PATEL · · Notary Public, State of Illinois .  My Commission Expires 7/29/05 ~ Loan No.;: 420545-1 ATTACHMENT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 21OOF LAKE VIEW ESTATES INCORPORATED TRACT A SUBDIVISION, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. LG501 MCP