HomeMy WebLinkAbout878667 Obed L. Wogerman and Theresa A. Wog~rman Family Trust
grantor of , County of Lincoln , State of Wyoming, lmrcby
CONVEY and WA~ANTto T.D. Inc. A Utah Corporation and Edmond
Ray Beasley and Frances Beasley
grantee of ~ .
for the sum of Ten Do~a~s anf Othe~ Valuable ~ons~derat~on
the following described tract of land in L~neo~n County, STATE OF WYOMING,
hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by vi~ue of the homestead exemption laws of the
State, to-wit:
A port,on of the property referred to ~n the deed ~ecorded ~n book 4~2pr
o~ page 337 w~th the off,ce o~ the C~e~k of L~nco~n County, Wyoming, the
me,es and bounds being more part~cu~arSy described as fo~ows:
Eeg~nn~ng at a sp~ke marking ~he ~a~ow A. Scherbe~ PE/LS 5368 ~99~ ~ocat~on
for the Southwest Co~ner of sa~d SW~/f~W~/b; thence ~0 32~34"E, a~ong the
Wes~ ~ne o~ sa~d sw~/bnwl/4 665.00 ~eet; thence NS~ 26~30"E 61~.52 feot;
ghence South 76~.8~ feet ~o a point ~n the South L~ne of sa~d SW~/4NW~/4;
ehenee 89 29~50"W a~ong sa~d South ~ne 6lb.00'feet ~o the point of b~g~nn~ng,
containing 10.000 acres of land. -
Subject to; that portion of a 30 foot right -of way Easement for the Auburn
Tygee County Road 12-134, as referred to in the Right-of-Way Easement
recorded in Book 197PR, Page 339 of said office.
~ubject to rese~ations and restrictious contained in the United States Patent and to easements and
rights-of-way of record or in use.
Together with all improvements and appurtenafices thereon.
WITNESS the hands of said grantor , this i~ day of %~ffu~ff , ~c~_·
Signed in the presence of
STATE OF ~)'~/Om,'n ~ )
COUNTY OF ~:! '?d"a//l )
On the /..~ r l,~. day of ~-'&//qd/~ ~d'~ff , personally ~ppeareS,before me
the signer of the within instmm~nt¢ who duly ac~owledged to me that he executed the sine
as flee act and deed.