HomeMy WebLinkAbout878663 Tax Deed .B 0 PR. PAGE_ L f ~'.l,~.~.~ t KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ' that ~?;~:~e~n~ea~r,~ . whereas, the foil Pp~y:.vlz: ~ T32 Rl19 ~.9 PT SE4SE4 situated in the o~mu u~ wyoming, was subject to taxation for the year(s) t~rou~h 1999 A.D.; and whereas the taxes assessed upon said real properly for the year(s) aforesaid, remained due and unpaid at the date of such sale hereinafter named, and whereas the treasurer of the said county did on the 9th day of ~ugust A.D. 1995 by vidue of the authority vested . by law, at the sale begun and publicly held on the 9th day of August A.D. 1995 , expose to public sale at the couA house in the county aforesaid, in substantial conformity with all the requirements of the statute in such case made and provided, the real prope~y above described, for the payment of the taxes, interest and costs then due, and remaining unpaid on said properly, and whereas at the time and place aforesaid, Jer~ L. Greenfield, County Treasurer of the County of Lincoln Slate of Wvomine , and of Joella Duqan.~ havJn9 offered to pay the sum of_Fifty Seven dollars a~d Eighty Three ($57.83)( with total of Ninety Eight and sixteen cents ($98.16) having been paid since 1995), being the whole amount of taxes, interest and costs then due and remaining unpaid on said prope~y for T32 R119 89 PT SE4SE4 which was the least quantity bid for, and payment of said sum having been made by him to the said treasurer the said prope~y was stricken off to him at that 'price and, whereas four (4) years have elapsed since the date of said sale, and the said prope~y Was not been redeemed therefrom, as provided for by laW; now, therefore, I, Jerw L. Greenfield., Treasurer of the County aforesaid, for and in consideration~of the said sum to t~e Treasurer paid as aforesaid, and by vi~ue of the statute in such case made and provided, have granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell, unto the said Joella Duqan. , his heirs and assigns, the real prope~y last hereinbefore described, to have and to hold unto him, the said Joella Du~an., _his heirs and assigns forever, subject, however, to all the rights of redemption provided by law and to any special assessments for unpaid local or public improvements. In witness whereof, I, JetW L. Greenfield ,Treasurer, as aforesaid by vi~ue of the authoriW aforesaid, have hereunto subscribed my name, on this 20th day of March A,D. 2000 -- ....... Je[r~ L 6raenfield'~i~coln County Treasurer ~he ~tate of ~Foming } ] ~ereby ccrti~,, flint bcfiorc me fi~ above signed Jerry ~.. GreenQeld~ in and tbr said county, personally Appeared the abow named Jerry L. Green~elc Treasurer of said County, a~ the date of lhe execution of the abow conveyance, and known to m~ to be tim identical pcrso~ whose name is a~xed to and who executed the. abo~ conwy~nc~, as treasurer of said county, an(~ wino Acknowledges thc execution of thc sam~ m be his voluntary ac'~ ', , deed as treasurer of said county ~or the purpose~ therein expressed Give~ under my lmnd and official s ,t ,s Z_q yof "~ ~A. ee~ ..o~' .':~ ~. ,~