HomeMy WebLinkAbout899553-52 q '53 89.3 RECEIVED L NCOLN COUNTY CLERK , ,~ 3:28 QUIT CLAi~'d DEED KNOWN ALL MEN THE.SE PRESENTS, Thai ItONNIE KAY ERICK$ON /~ND ANNA KAY ERICKSON? Hmband and Wife of the Counly of Lincoln, Stale 0t wyoming in consideration cl, f Ten and O0/100's Dollars ($10.00) and other gOOd ~nd v~lu~ble con~k~afion to them ~ Mad paid th~ f¢~ipt wae~ i~ ~r~by co~ed and ac~owledg~, ~ave. r~nls~, relea~, mmi~e, ,~le~e aM fOr~V~ quitclaim unto BART F. I~IIgRRITT AND DEANNA P. I~¢KRRITI, Husband and Wifa wlm~ addraqs i~ Thayn¢, Wyomittg heir~ ~md ~sit~ forever, all ouch right, tt(l~, lnte)~t, property, ~sse~ion. cl~m and demm~ . we have, ought ta hav~ ~ h~r acquit* in or to all th* following described primS.a, to-wit: All of' GLO LOt I of' Section 19, T34N RIIgW of thc 6ti, P,M., Lincoln County, wyomh~g b~tnl pan of ~at tta~ of record in th~ Office of ate Oe~k or Lin~ln Coumy, in Book 1.04PR on ~ 3~, EXCEPT (h~ l~s d~cri5~ m Warr~y D~d record~ May 23, I~O in 286F~ on page 166; a~ In Warranty D~ x~oraed June 5. 1~7 ~ Book 397PK an page 886 being ~t'e cor~e~ty defined ~ followa: That gatt of GLO I.o~ 1 of S~tion 19, 'f34N RI lgW, Linmln County, Wyoming it being th. intern re mote cot~tly d~cribed that tract of teco~ m ~ ~fio= o5 th~ Clink ~f Lincoln Count), ~ Book 397PR on ptg~ 8~6, as follow~: Beginning Secdo~ 19, to a po,Moa; thence Ealt 239 fe~, parallel with thc mrth linc of s~id GLO Lo 1. a ~idon; ~eaee No~h 552 feet. p~fll=l wi~ n~d ~est line, to a posi~on on tho said north t~* W~ 239 feet, along ~aid ~rlh l~:, to the ~rntr of begi~ing, SUBJECT, however, to all reserve tiom rtatrlcdowi, protective covcnam,L excepllam. casement~ and righ:~-of-way of r¢COr,/, it) sight, or in use. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights und~ ~d by virtue of Ihe homestead -,~temption laws of the State Of W),omin8, Kay Edckson Anna Kay Erickson SCa~c of Wyoming )a,~_ Cx~unsy of Lincoln The foregoing instrm~nt wa~ aekno'-,.'lcdg~l be/er, me. by Rormi¢ Kay l~rickson and Anna Kay Erickson thi~. _~.ff.)~ day Of May, 2004. Iq'-I --,I-I I I I ) c..TIl'tlb,I I I-ICIC~ !2tl71 'I3T t-,,F, llYl?--~SY-'-- t ~-II I