HomeMy WebLinkAbout899578 RrCEIVED LINCOLN C0UHTY CLERt~ Mo~gagors of ~pine, Co~ of Lincoh~ State of Wyomlng, hereby me.gage to A. K. JO~ ~d PAT~CIA L. JO~, h~b~d ~d ~c Mo~gagees of 731 Noah 1' l~Avenue, Pocatello, ~ 83201 for ~e sum of EIO~Y-FI~ THOUS~ ~ NO/I O0 ........................... ($85,000.00) the followbg d~seribed ~ast °¢l~d in L~co~ Gouty, State of Wyo~g, hereby releasing aid all rights ~der and by h~e of~c homestead e~empfion laws of~e State, to ~t: SEE E~IT "A' A~AC~D ~TO This mortgage is given to secure the following indebtedness: one note of even date herewith for $85;000.00 made payable at the times and place and at the rate specified in the note This me.gage is inzended to cover the rents and profits of said;properly, and consent is hereby given afT. er der'cult, for the appointment of a receiver by any cornpe~nt cour~ and the receiver is hereby authorized to rent the said property and apply the proceeds On this obligation. The Mortgugo~ am'et to keep the buildings now on sa. id prenti~cs or bcrcaflcr creeled thereon full)' insured against loss by fire in some dfc insurance company appro'~cd by the mortgagee, with loss, if any payable re mongagcc, during the life of this mortgage. Thc Mortgagoru also agree 1o pay all taxes aqd assessments on ~d prcmiso, including .ny assessmenls thal may be levied on wazcr rights or sharcs of~tock used in connection herewith, or held as collazeral with thc above note: also an)- [ax That may be assessed by reason of This mortgage or thc debt secured thereby, and renqona'hle azzoro~"s fcr..s in case of forcclosurc, or the commencement of a~y legal proceedings for foreclosure of thc sa. me, and said allorn~J's fees ~hall be added to the mount duc on this mortgage, and made a lien on the premis~ described herein_ hi case of default in thc payment oCany sum covenanted re be paid, either thc principal or interest when the same shall become due and payable, or in case of default in thc p.ert'ormance of an} covenant herein conr4ncd, the whole amoool of this lndcblfdncss sccurcd herein may be immediately declared due and payable, and th bear interest al the raze of 10 percent pcr annum fi.om the date of such dcfault~ and this, mortgage foreclosed az The opt!on of thc lcgal holder. In the event of default. Mortgagors gl'ant to Mortgagees a Power of Sale to foreclose on and sell said property as public auction pursuant to 34-4-101 el seq. Wyo. Stat, 1977. or its SUCCeSSOr. : WITNESS the hand of said mortgagors, this 14d':day of May, A.D. 2004 S usarl Atwood Jani~e Petty State of Wyoming } County of Lincoln } On the 14~ day of MaY. A.D.2004, persopally appeared before me. Jeff G. Atwood, Susan Atwood ~'the sleners of the within instrument, who dulY ac ~knowledged to me that they ~~{ ' , ~Totary PublJc -- , LAND TITLE C~MPANY zgE-:J ~ZO/glO'd 616-i 9819-ggl-lOg ~ued~o3 ell!l pueq-~O~ WV96:60 State of Wyoming ) )SS. County of Teton ) On the 20th day of Nay, 2004, personally appeared before me Susan Atwood, as attorney in fact for Janice Petty, the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. EXHIBIT "A" Beginning on the Northerly line of Grantors land at a point North 81 °32' West, 940.0 feet from the center of Section 29, Township 37 North, Range 18 West, 6ta P.M., and rmming thence South 22°28. East, 215 feet; thence South 67022' West, 210 feet; thence North 22°38' West 215 feet; thence North 67°22, East 210 feet to the point of begimxing.