HomeMy WebLinkAbout878705ROBERT R RUH 507 Sutter Street FOLSOM, CA 95630 90724 2931110 Release Of Real Estate Mortgage WHEREAS the indebtedness secured by the mertgage described below has been fully paid and satisfied, First Security Bank, N.A., owner and'holder of the debt, hereby declares that the lien ef said mortgage is forever discharged and satisfied. Original Mertgagee: FIRST SECURITY BANK NA Original Mortgagor: ROBERT R RUH, LYNDA L RUH Recorded in Lincoln County, Wyeming, on 071B3/00 nn Book 44BPR on Page 203 Tax ID: 12-3219-25-4-01.013. Date of mortgage: 06/28/00 Amount of mortgage: 830000.00 PART OF LOT 3 OF BLOCK 7 TO THE TOWN OF AFTON, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 104 112 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 RUNNING THENCE EAST 77 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20 RODS; THENCE WEST 77 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 20 .RODS TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. DATE OF SATISFACTION: 12103/01 NoW THEREFORL the recorder or clerk of said county is hereby instructed to record this instrument and to cancel, release, and discharge the mortgage in accordance with the regulations of said state and county. Dated: 12/31/2001 First Security Bank, N.A~ JTION Asst. Vice President SEAL, State of North Carolina ~ount~ of Macklenber~ ~ On 1213112001, he,ora me; the undersisned, a Notary Public for said Gountv and State, personally a~Deared Malices Walls, De~sonall~ known to me to be the De,son that executed the fo~e~oin~ instrument, and acknowledged that he/she is Asst. Vice President of Fire Secudt? Bank, and that he/she executed the ~ore~oin~ instrument and affixed it corporate its board of directors and that such execution ~as done as the free act and deed of First Securitv Bank, N.A.. ~oCarv~ ~j q~.t L[ / ~ ..... ~-7 t ~ ~ My Commission Expires 01/17/05 ' My Comm~ ExpirEs 1/17~5 ~repared by: E. N. Harrison, Peelle Management Corporation, P.O. Box 171~, CampMll, CA 95009 LN~ 2931110 P.I.F.: 12/03~01 , FINAL RE~ON.m 90724 65 Inv: 1048 12~31~01 02:28:4449-Q23 WY Lincoln 1917:24 396 MIN~: 1000158-0007687809.3 ~ ~S TeL~: 1.888-679-6377