HomeMy WebLinkAbout899869 RECEIVED QUITCLAIM D¥_~'CC, I~'" I'.] COUNTY CLERK KNOW ALL MEN ~fC~[~ ~RESENTS, That P~e'~: M ,,;fl 10: ,'3..t Riede and Judith M. Riede aka ... , ~-- ,,-., ~ r, ~,~; :..," r-' f',l.f-~' i~ . . Judy M. Riede, husband an0 wife, of Afton, Lincoln ~o~tl~ry~,.llwyommg,~.,in ¢onslderat}on of the payment of Ten and no/100'D011ars ($10.00) and other va uab e Cods derafion the receipt of which is acknowledged convey and quitclaim unto ~eter ~. Riodo an~ Judith ~. Riedo aka Judy M. Riede, /rustoes of the Revocablo Trust A0reement of ~eter M. and Judith M. R~ede dated May 1, 2001, (mailin~ address: ~O Box 220~, Aflon, WY 83~ 10) all such d~ht, title, interest, prope~g, possession, claim and demand as they h~ave or ought to have, in or to all the follow~n~ described premises, in the County of Uncoln, Stato of Wy0min0, to-wit: Lot 5 of Star West Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described on the official plat thereof. In Book ..~..'~. Page...~...!.~. ..... Kemmerer, WY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Peter M. Riede and Judith M. Riede aka Judy M. Riede, husband and wife, have hereunto set '!heir hands the day and year first above written. Peter M. Riede Judith M. Riede STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Quitcl[~im' Deed was acknoWledged before me by Peter M. Riede and Judith M. Riede aka Judy M. Riede, husband and wife, this 1st day of June, 2004. Witness my hand and .official seal. My commission expires: February 26, 2008.