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Bank of Jackson Hole , '
P.O. Box 7000 '
Jackson, WYOMING 8300270'00
. (Space Above This Line for Recording Data)
Bank of Jackson Hole, its successors and asmgns,
P.O. Box 7000, Jackson, WYOMING 830027000
for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, and other good and valuable co ~s deration the receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged, has sold: and by these presents does sell, assign, ami transfer to
Mortgage Elech'onie Registration Systems, Inc., its successors and assigns, P.O. Box 2026, Flint, Micltigan,
48501-2026, which is orgaoized and ex~sfing under the laws of Delaware,
all its right, title, and interest in and to a certain Mortgage dated May 28, 2004, executed by
Lan~S. Compton and Melinda K. Compton, husband and wit~, as tenants I)y the enfireies
as mortgagors, which mortgage covers the following described property located in Lincoln County, State of
WYO~flNG to-wit:
A portion of the NEll4 SWI/4 of Section 8, T34N, RllSW, 6th P.M., Lincoln Counw, Wyoming and Being
more particnlarly decsribed as follows:
BEGINNING at a Point in the East boundary of said NEI/4SWI/4 said point being 329.19 feet N0 degrees
37'13"E, from the BLM type Mont:ment marking Lloyd B. Barker's location IBr the Center South 1/16,
Section 8, thence S89 degrees fi'
4~ 1_ W, 655.74 feet;thence N0 degrees14'58"E, 331.235 feet;thence N89
degrees 57'57"E, to said East lmundary, 657.85 l~et;thence S0 degrees 37'13"W, along said East boundary,
329.01 l~et, to the Point of Begipning.
333 Bluebird Lane
Thayne, WYOMING 83127
This Mortg~e was recordeq in the el'rice of the Coun~ Clerk of lincoln County, State oFWYQMING
ond, e ~ dayof~~ ,~,ash,strt,,ne,,tNo._:'clO?: I
Signed on ~he 28 da~ of May , A.D 2004
~Rank~~°f ckson
Title: Assistant Vice President
State of Wyoming
County of
Oo lids the ~g~ day of W~ , ~ OO ~] , before me, a Norm% personally appeared
Mark B. Ilassler, to me personelly tm~wn, who, being by me duly sxvorn (or affirmed), did say that he/she is the
Assistant Vice President of Bnnk of Jackson Hole and that lhe seal affixed to the instrumem is il~e corporate seal
of the cmporation (or association) by authority of its board of directors (or hustees), and Mark B. tlassler
acknowledged the instrument to ke the fi-ee act and deed of the cmporation.
L'; ?~: 7 ,;; .7 ~:-'
MERS Phone: 1-888-679-6377
Prepared by:
Bank of Jackson Hole
P.O. Box 7000
Jackson, WYOMING 83002700',9
MIN: 100015700036104483
VVYOMING Assignment of Mortgage with MERS
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