HomeMy WebLinkAbout899880(15) 30422~?:~ ) 30422 (20) 30541 (23) 30542 uEIVED P,E"" - LINOO[..N COUNTY OLERK PAR EASE OF ,.! I'_A, ', i',~ i~_ '-, ..' '.':; ' - THIS CERTIFIES :hat a ce~ain Real Estate Mortgage executed by David R. Spurlock and Marcia A. Spurlock, husband and wife as Mortgagors to First National Bank-Wsst as Mortgagee Dated 2/24/2004 and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming on 02/26/2004, Book 548 P.R. at Page 842 thereof, and for the sum o,f $100,000.00, and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County to wit: Lots 15, 18, 20 & 23 of T.rail Ridge Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyomifig according to that plat filed Cctober 21, 2003 in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk as Plat No. 225-E has been satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby canceled and discharged. WITNESS my hamt d-Lis ~q~day of ~ , 2004 // First Nation~/B auk-West ~Penny J~~/ Its Branch PresMent STATE OF WYO~G :SS County of Lincoln ~ , ?_00 personally appeared before me, Penny Jope. s,~. own to me to be the Branch President of the corporati0%'(hat execu~te~l}fe ins/~mment on behalf of said corporation and acknowle:':d~,~d to me that such/dg'rporation ex, ecpted the same. ZZO-~ ?OO/ZOO'd 80§-1 9819-~2-10g Xlledmn3 ~11!1 Ptml-~O~d }ldZ~:~O YO-~Z-AV~