HomeMy WebLinkAbout899898Clerk: RECORD 899898 RECEIVED '~'~'F.,ORvO'%li~"ir4S USE: LII',ICC'I._N ,.. ~..,,..,. C E R T ['[ F I C A T E 0 F L A N D T I T L E THIS CERTIFICATE IS NOT TITLE, BUT A CONTRACT OF POSITIVE EVIDENCE OF TITLE THEREFORE BE IT KNOWN THAT: Clyde Wallace Stock a living, breathing, flesh and blood man./woman upon the land holds ABSOLUTE T~TLE by LAND PATENT to one's own ground and is no~ an accommodation. The parcel of land as described- See Attachmenu "A", which is without limitation to any and all 'minerals, water an'd all other natural or constructed appurten- ances that attribute, by any nature what so ever, to this said tract of land, Which are on the surface, beneath the surface or above the surface, these are held by Me the lawful, sole .and unconditional Ow.her, in fee simple absolute and ,~i are superior to all other claims, as title is procured by Presidential Executive' Order by the direction of the United States Congress authorized by Art:~cle 4, Section 3, Clause 2 inOthe Constitution for the United States of America. The "Land Patent" is held in the personal possession of: PlYde Wallace Stock and is NOT an accommodation to any unrevealed contract or subject to any condition c~.f implied consent. This instant document [Page One of Three.] is Evidence of T~tle and is not for the perfection of any lien, and relates onl~ to an absolute patent title by private possession are keld by Me, the lawful, sole and unconditional owner, in fee simple absolute and are therefore superior to all other claims~ for the public record. The Notary has personally examined the herein described "Land Patent" and find it to be a true existing fact and in the possession of: Clyde Walla%e Stock Heirs and Assign It is further declared by: A Notice to the Secretary of State for the State of Wynm]ng , is notice of record of original jurisdiction and is therefore notice to all subdivisions of ~nunicipalities and/or counties of the State of the Forum and that a true and exact copy of this document was placed in the United States Postal Service via Registered U.S. Mail to the Secretary of State and there to be Noticed by the Secretary of State. A TACIT RESPONSE BECOMES EFFECTIVE THE FOLLOWING DAY AFTER THE NEXT TWENTY (20) WORKING DAYS FROM THE DATE THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PLACED IN PUBLIC RECORD. ANY PERSON OR ANY HOLDER OF ANY AND ALL CONTRACTS OR DOCUMENTS OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER SHOWING A HIGHER TITLE OF INTEREST, DONE WITHOUT FULL DISCLOSURE, WITHOUT MEETING OF THE M~NDS ~ A/~Y SUCH INSTRUMENTS ARE NOW DECLARED, FP~AUDULENT INSTR[~ENT(S), AS ANY PARTY OF WHATSOEVER NATURE THAT FAILS TO RES?OND BY REGISTERED U.S. MAIL WITHOUT FULL DISCLOSURE OF AN]7 SUCH CONTP~ACTS OR INSTRUMENTS ARE THEREBY DEEMED TO BE FRA~. ANY FRAUD COMMANDS ANY AND ALL SUCH CONTRACTS OR INSTRUMENT(S) ARE NOW VOID FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, AS IT IS FRAUD TO PARTICIPATE IN A FRAUD. RESPOND TO NOTARY (as officer of the court): c/o c/o (city)~/×~ ~_ FY~F2~, (state) ,[Page Two of Three.[ ?4O Use of the Notary is to Form and is for certification purposes only and is NOT to be construed as submission to any foreign or local jurisdiction, NOT an accommodation, with all rights reserved: Without Dishonor: My word is My bond My hand is My seal. ' The below Affiant's Autograph verifies under oath that He is aware of the facts on these three pages of this announcing documenn and than He has first hand knowledge of the faces so stated. These fac~.~s are absolute. The Affiant knows the penalties of perjury and bearing false witness against His Fellow man. DONE THIS , day of H i~nd As~sign~7~t A-~iant,s Autograph , 200/---/ ~U~ state) county of The above Man/Woman personally appeared before me and identified to me by proper J. dentification and did verify this announcing document and did subscribe this document before me and thereby winness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: ~/.%D--/Z 0o7 ~~ ~,3_,~.~ Notary~blic [SEAL] ~i~~~ Courtly m' ~ State of Lincoln I~ Wyoming ...... My. Commission i---apires March 25. 2007 [END Page Three of Three.] EXHIBIT "A" Land herein de~cribed as acres more or l'ess~ Parcel: one Parcel comprising a ~otal of 15.63 That part of the S~V:,q of Section 26, '1'32N RI t9¥¥', Lincob~ Co'unty, Wyoming,. ir being the intent to more correctly describe that n-act of record in the Office of the Clerk of Li~.~coln County in Book 394 of Photostatic Records oil page 428, as fhHov,'s: BEGINNING at the southwest comer of the E95W!4S ~V'5.'~ of Said Section 26; thence N89°-5I'-2'3"F_, 435.00 (eet, along the south line o£ Said SW?,, to thc south~vest spike of that mtc~ c.f record h~ smd Office in Book ].62 of Photostatic Records on page 293; thence N01°~29'.59'",~', 35.91 feet, to'a pipe on the west line ofs~id tract; thence contin ,uing, q'01 -.9 -5. W, 695.23 feet, Io the westerly mo~ sou'~hwest fence Dost of Lot 1 of the Paul Stock ?L7 R.:mch Subdivision ~'Mmended of record in said Of I]c'e as Flat No. 199-G; thence N12°-33'-02"\q, 399.01 feet. along the west line of said Lot I, to a point; thence N07°-55'-13 '5¥',. 196.46 feet, to the northwest point of said Lot 1; thence coursing an cxistir~g fence line': contimting, N07°-55'-13"W, 406.17 feet, to a point; N34°-27'- l 9"VV', . 54.27, to a point; N45°-34'-52"W, .~,,,.~,o'~ ~ '~r. feet, to a point; ' N89 -1., -20 W, 43.30 feet, to a point on thc west line o£sa/d thcmc¢ SO0"-tl'-O0%, 2118.37 £~t, along sa/d west line, ~o the CORNER OF