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~', c"-"t ~' C(":~I r,I"FY CLERK
KNOWN BY ALL THESEPRESENTS, That First Nati01iai~:]~':~-n~k ~' ~!"fl~a First National
Bank. West, a corporati'on, of the united States of America, does hereby certify that mortgage
bearing the date of Julyi 617 1998 made and executed by Bruce Maynard Davis and Betty
Burton Davis, as mortgagor, to First National Bank-Kernmerer, as mortgagee, conveying certain
real estate therein mentioi,~ed as security for the payment of $95,470.00 as therein stated, which
mortgage was recorded ii~ fife office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of
Lincoln County, State elf ',i'Wyoming, on July 9, 1998 in the Book 414PR on page 159
mortgaging the following' described real estate in said County, to wit:
A portion of the Davis property as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 223PK on
Page 390, with tihe? Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the
SWIA SW~ASWxA !)f~Section 18, T32N, RllSW, of the 6th P.M., Alton, Lincoln County,
Wyoming, the mete~ and bounds being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at ihb, Southwest comer of the existing circle driveway, Said point of
beginning, being 457.66 feet N 18°34'46" E, from the iron pipe marking the Baker
Engineers PE/LS ,6~:8, location for the SoUthwest Corner of the SWIASW~A of Section
18, also said pOinf of beginning, being 900.33 feet S 8043'55" E, 900.33 feet from the
iron pipe marking' the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 1978 location for the Northwest
Comer of said SW ~/! SW ¼;
thence N 0°21'51'~' iE 68.91 feet; thence S 89014'54" E, 17.93 feet;
thence N 0°50'30" lie 67.80 feet; thence S 89009'30'' E, 13.56 feet;
thence N1 °22"06" ]~ 26.78 feet; thence N 89°39'08'' E, 104.68 feet;
thence S 0°02'23'~ W 148.98 feet; thence S 89°57'37" E, 5.00 feet;
thence S 0°02'23'~ '~V 10.00 feet; thence N 89°57'37" W/5.00 feet;
thence S 0°02'23" W. 5.28 feet; thence N 89°45'21'' W, 138.13 feet, to the Point of
Beginning, Containing .470 acres, more or less.
TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress, 60 feet in width,
adjacent to the south of the above referenced property, the north line being described as
follows: -:
Beginning at the Southeast comer of the above described property; thence N 89 °45'21"
W, along said SoutZ line, 232.13 feet, more or less, to U.S, Highway 89.
It being expressly unders';ood and agreed that this release shall not affect'the said mortgage of
the security thereof, in a~!Y manner or form whatsoever, as to the remainder of the real estate
mortgaged therein and th~.~n.'.by.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the First National Bank-West has caused these Presents to
be signed by its Branch ~ii~anager, this '~ ~ day of June, 2004.
Ron Thomas, Branch Manager
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in the Presence of
State of Wyoming )
County of Lincoln )
On this "'/ day of June 2004, before me personally appeared Ron Thomas to me personally known,
who, being by me duly s~'orn, did say that he is the Branch Manager of said corporation, and that said
instrument was signed ane sealed on behalf 0f said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors,
and said Branch Manager acknowledged said instrument to be the free set and deed of said corporation.
Given under my 'hand and notarial seal this ~ day of 1une, 2004.
My Commission Expires: