HomeMy WebLinkAbout900126 . This document is Odin9 cecorded ~ 5 5 Fl ,-," , t~ .~ r..'.' by Rocky Mountain Title insurance 8OO~,_ ' '~ Aaenny of Lincoln Coun~ as a REO s ~ · LINCOLN. C0~ ~E~I< Affidavit Of Surwvorsnlp 90'0 ! 2 6 r'H 3:08 We, Lynnette McConkie and Nordell lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon our oath, (]epose That under th(; date of January 5, 2004, for valuable consideration, Leisure Valley, Inc., a 'Nevada Corporation, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on January 6, 2004, in Book 545 of Photos-;atic Records on Page 586, conveyed to Gaylia S. Putnam, Lynnette McConkie and Nordell S. Putnam as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship, the follo¢ing described property to-wit: Lot One (1)ih' Block Sixteen (16)in the Auburn, Wyoming, --~ Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming and Beginning at a point Thideen (13) rods West of the Northeast Corner of Lot One (1) in Block Eight (8) of the Afton Townsite Survey, and running thence South Five (5) rods; thence West Five (5) rods; thence North Five (5) rods; thence East Five (5) rods, to the place of begLnn~ng and Beginning at th~,., Northwest Corner of Lot #1 of Block #8 in the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and runmng thence South ten (10):rods; thence East Two (2) rods; thence North ten (10) rods; thenc(: West two (2) rods to the place of beginning and Lots Three (3) s:nd Four (4), Block Seven (7), Auburn, County of Lincoln, State of 'Wyoming and Lots two (2) and three (3)in Block eleven (11) of the Auburn Townsite, excepting therefrom the one acre tract heretofore conveyed to the United States Forest Service, to-wit: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot three (3) in said Block eleven (11), arc running thence East ten (10) rods; thence North Sixteen (16) rods; thence West ten (10) rods; thence South Sixteen (16) rods, the p!~ce of beginning That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said Gaylia S. Putnam, Lynnette McConkie and Nordell S. Putnam, became the owners of the above described land, and tit"e thereto vested in them continuously from the date of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death of. Gaylia S. Putnam, also known as Gaylia ,Genevieve Putnam, on the 14th day of May, 2004. That by reason of and upon the death of Gaylia S. Putnam, title to the above described real property vested absolutely in Lynnette McConkie and Nordell S. Putnam, as the surviving joint ten~rts. Affiants aver and certify that Gaylia Genevieve Putnam is the identical party named with Lynnette McConkie and Nordell S. Putnam in the aforementioned deed ~.hose death terminated her interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affia'~ts attach hereto and make a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Deatn of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. Dated this //7' '- day of ,2004. Lynnette McConkie ' Nordell S. Putnam State of Wyoming ) )ss. County o .~ ) Subscribed and sworn to before me,. a notary public in and for said County and State, by Lynnette McConkie, this //TZ#-f.~lay of t"'77~u,,,I,~ ~_., ,2004. WITNESS rny haled and official seal. Notary Public My Commission Exp,res:..c~( ~,,¢~'~/. ~_~, State of Wyoming ) )SS. County of ~PL~{~r. ) Subscribed a'nd sworn to before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Nordell S. Putnam, this I~-q4'.day of ~ UL..t.~ ,2004. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires :::"'"':' ' OSO lENT OF HEALTH " ': ..... LOCAL F~LE.UM"ER CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE F~LE 590-34 1955' ' "~'" 71 ' :: :? :~' "~:': ::' · J3' :~ ::~ .~' ":? ~[/P~C~O~:p~TR CI~ o.~'fioe :~:: ~ ~.. . ? ' : :~: :;~. :~ "~:: ." = m .~329 S X~H WESt:. ............ "' z......'" ...~-,.:..~:.¥'~:J:' ~. ~ERER ........... LINCOLN ~ m '.r~n, ~a~n~.'?- ,~::~:. 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