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Form RD 460-1
(Rev. 1-02)
Position ] (Chattels)
Position 5 (Real Estate)
The United States of America, as owner and holder of the following-described lien instruments, made and
executed by Royce C. HoDpes
and Paula D. Hoopes
6590 Bitter Cr.,Afton, ?;'Y 83110 ,Countyof
(Post-office address, include 'ZIF' code)
Wyoming , filed or recorded in the
Counr¥ Clerks
, State of
office of
Lincoln __ County, State of Wyoming
Date of Date Document, File
Lien Instrument Mr ~'tgage Instrument Filed or Book No.
M°rtgage USDA 3/19/2003 3/21/2003 515
Mortgage USBA-FmHA 7/10/81 7/13/81 178
for value received does release i'rom the lien of said instruments the following-described property:
See Exhibit "A" attachet~ hereto and by this reference made a part hereof.
, to wit:
Only the above-descr,bed property is released fi'om the lien of the aforesaid instruments. This release
shall not affect or modify the obligations secured by those lien instruments, and these obligations shall continue in
force and effect until fully paid;satisfied, and discharged.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the United States of America has signed this form on the 15th
day of. June
By '~''~c ~ ~
Title Farm er
Agency Farm Service Agency
United States Department of Agriculture
Page 1 of 2
0 00; O2: i:-_ 904
STATE OF Wyomin9
COUNTY OF Lincoln ~
On this 15th day of June
, before me, the subscriber, a
Farm Loan Officer , in and for the above county and State, appeared
(Title of officer)
Gary L. Miller , known to me to be Farm Loan Officer
United States Department of A[.riculmre, and the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and he/she acknowl[
edged to me that he/she execute~l the same as the free act and deed of the United States of America, for the uses the
purposes therein mentioned.
Alton, Wyoming
IN WITNESS WHER/;OF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at
[Seal] ~,rr
Mycommissionexpires-x~j~/.~-. /'~_~, ~Qd~(9~
the day and year aforesaid.
Not al/Pu~l ic
Page 2 of 2
A portion of the Ho.opes property, as referred to in the Deeds recorded in
Book 178PR, on Page 433, and in Book 556, on Page 265, with the Office of the
Clerk of Lincoln Coun::y, Wyoming, within the NW1/4SE1/4 and NE1/4SW1/4 of
Section 3, T3 iN, R. 119W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes
and bounds being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at th,, B.L.M. type Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker
PE/LS 698, 2004 location for the Southwest Corner of the NE1/4 of said
Section 3; thence S g9°43'27"E, along the South line of said NE1/4, 694.91
feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe; thence S1°17'28"W, parallel with
the Center Line of Bitter Creek County Road 12-140, as referred to in the
Right-of-Way Ease..rient recorded in Book 190PR, on Page 492, with said
Office, 108.03 feet to a Calculated Point; thence N89°43'27"W, parallel
with said South line, 535.30 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe; thence
S1°17'28"W, parall:l with said Center Line, 40.00 feet, to an Aluminum
Cap on Iron Pipe; thence N89°43'27'', parallel with said South line,
198.10 feet to a Cotton Gin Spike marking a point in said Center Line;
thence Nl°17'28"E, along said Center Line, 148.03 feet to a Cotton Gin
Spike marking a point in the South line of the NWl/4 of said .Section 3;
thence S89°43'27"E, along said South line, 38.49 feet, to the Point of
Beginning, containing 2.000 Acres of land.
SUBJECT TO' That portion of land, along the West line of the above
described property, lying within the Bitter Creek 'county Road 12-140, as refelTed
to int he R ight-of-Way. Easement recorded i n Book 1 90PR, o n P age 4 92, with
said Office. Also subject to all real estate taxes for the year 2004, exceptions,
reserVations, covenant::, conditions, restrictions, easements, rightS_of-way,
reservations 'and rights of record.