HomeMy WebLinkAbout900211 RECEIVED LII,ICOLh COUNiY CLERK 559 ...... 008 Document Prepared By: RONALD E. MEHARG 3476 STATEVIEW ROAD, MAC X:'801-033, FORT MILL, SC 29715 When recorded return to: DOCX, LLC 1111 ALDERMAN DR., SUITE 350 ALPHARETTA, GA 30005 770-753-4373 This space for Recorder's use oqly Project #: R043W'FHM Loan #: 685-2919686 *685-2919686* Investor Loan #:20040429 (11043) PIN/Tax ID #: Property Address: 688 COUNTY ROAD 133 WYMRSD3-3 02/26/01 AUBURN, WY 83111 MORTGAGE ~{ELEASE, SATISFACTION, AND DISCHARGE IN CONSIDERATION of the paymenl and full satisfaction of all indebledness secured by that certain Deed of Trust described below, the undersigned, WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. F/K/A NORWEST MORTGAGE, INC., whose address is 3476 STATEVIEW ROAD, MAC X7801-D33, FORT MILL, SC 29715, being the present legal owner of said indebtedness and thereby entitled and authorzec to receive said payment, does hereby release, satisfy, and discharge said Deed of Trust in full and does hereby consent that the same be.canceled and discharged of record Borrower(s): RONALD STOLTENBgRG AND MARILYN STOLTENBERG, HUSBAND AND WIFE Original Beneficiary: FIRST SECURITY BANK, N.A Loan Amount: $124000 Date of Deed of Trust: 6/9/1999 Date Recorded: 6/15/1999 Book: 431 Page: 499 lnstrumeut Number: 859262 Legal Description (if required) · THE W'I/2NWlI4SE1/4 OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 33 NORTH, RANGE 119 WEST, 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. Comments: and recorded in the official records of Lin coin County, State of Wyoming affecting Real Property and more particularly described on said Mortgage referred to herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on this date of 4/20/2004. % ELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. Ft'KJA NORWEST MORTGAGE, . LIN A GREE ~.-' ....'""~'9.'2~ VICE PRES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION Witness: CA COX ,,,,,~d~,o,,~,,a:,,, RACaELL MURRAH State of GA VICE PRES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION County of FULTON On this date of 4/20/2004, before me, tt'e undersigned authority, a Notary Public duly con'wnissioned, qualified and acting within and for the aforementioned State and County, per:;onally appeared the within named LI NDA GREEN m~d RACHELL MURRAH, ~own to me (or identified to rte on the basis of satisfactory evidence) that they are the VICE PRES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION and VICE PRES. LOAN DOCUMENTATION respectively of WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. F/K/A NORWES'F i~4ORTGAGE, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, and were duly authorized in the ir respective capacities to ex{.cut¢ the foregoing instrument for and in the name and on behalf of said corporation and that said coporation executed the same, and ftrthcr stated and acknowledged that they had so signed, executed and delivered said instrument for the consideration, uses and puv)oses therein mentioned and set forth. Witness my hand and official seal on the date hereinabove set forth. Notary Public: ~ Fulton County My Commission Expires: - -- My Comm. Expires Sept. 15, 2006 i tRaCT A- '2 That part of the SW~SW~ si Section ]4, T31N, RIlBW0 Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: B~G~NZNo at a point N23'o-58,.00.£ 923.75 [eec [rom the southwest corner of amid section 24, found as described in the Corner Record filed in said office; t~ence 0~3o.42,.22.£. 208.7~ feet to a point; t~enCs H2goolTt.2~' 417.4~ feet to a point: thence N~3e.4~,.22,W, ~08.72 feet to a point; t[ience S~a.17,.2g.W, 427.42 feet to the POZNT OF T)OETHER with the right of ingress and egress and public utilities over and across a strip of land thirty feet in width. with the cenLerline described as follows~ B£GINNINO at a spike S26=-17,.26.~., 1'35.77 feet, from the easterly corner of the above descr~Sed tract; thence SS~e_~,.03.E, 6~.79 feet, to the beginning of a .circular curve to the right; t~hence southeasterly, along said circular curve, 93.26 test, through a central angle of 5~e-14,.44· with a radius of 95 feet; · ~hence S33"-29'-19-E, ~43.45 ~eet, to the beginning of a circular curve to the left; thence easterly, along said circular curve. 137.~1 feet. through a central angle of ~8e-]3,-43,, witl% a radlu6 of 115.00 feet; thencecircularN77"'5&''SS"E'curve to the left170'15 fee:, to the beginning of a ~hence northeasterly, along said circular curve. 7~.60 feet, '. feet;through a central angle of 29"-15,-27. with a radius of 150 thence N4B~.41,_]i#E, 80.10 feet. to the beginning of a circular curve to the right; thence northeasterly, along maid circular curve, 40.72 feet through a central angle of 30"-15!'-0£. with a radius of feet, tn the westerly right-of-way line of Lancaster Lane. County Road No. "ModJlicaflon In any way O[ the Io~esoin~ detcllpllon terminates Ilabihly si the sttr~'c~'or ' "010 'HUDSoH L. ENO'LAI~D ~ CA~OL ElK]LAND 'TRACT PAGE 715 this northerly and southerly right_of.way lines o~ the above ~:acribed easement to be short.nod or lengthened as necessac7 County Road No. 12- -way line of said Lancaster Lane 145 and ths southeasterly boundary line of SUBJECT to eaQemencs of sight and of record; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the north line of the of Said Section 2~, being S89'-47'-42.N! each "point,, marked by a 5/8. x 24" a a 2. a~uminum can .o.~4~_~ ....... ~eel reJnforclnq rod with ~ i .... ~.mcu ~URVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD PLS 53~8,,, with appropriate details; PIlIE¥ each "spike,, marked by a 3/8. x 12' steel spike referenced b~ two [2] 5/8', x 24,, s~ee! reinforcing rods with 2" aluminum caD inscribed "SURVEYOR $CHERBEL LTD BIG PIHEY WY FL$ 5368". appropriate decail~j wi all itl accordan¢= with the plat prepared [o be filed In the Office Of the Clark of Lincoln Couhty titled "PLAT TO ACCO~PAHy 9ARCBL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR ~UOSON L. ENGI.AND ~ND CAROL £~GLAND WITHIN THE W~SW~ S£CTION 2~ T~IN Rllgw LIHCOLH CO~¥fY. HYOMIN~,,. dac~