HomeMy WebLinkAbout900236BOOK REOEIVED : .M-ORTG~.O-Ft~CO L N CO I_/N TY 0L E R }( 900° KNOIV ALL M~N F. Y 7'H. EXFz PP.~3'ENTS, that--J,.,O,,S hlUA, E D~.:A,.RD FL UD and DIANA HEINER FLUD, hr:sband and wife, of 989 Lincoln 120, Thayne, County of Lincoln, state of Wyoming, 83127 (hereinafter "Mortgagor"), to secure the payment of the principal sum of severty thousand dollars ($70,000.00) as evidenced by a Promissory Note dated of even date herewith, to the order of STACEY G. HEINER and TAMMY C. HEINER, trustees of THE STACEY G. AND TAMMY C. HEINER FAMILY TRUST, dated March 15, 2004, of 1255 Lost Creek Road (hereinafter "Mortgagee") to be paid as follows: 1. Upon the execufioh of this Mortgage and Promissory Note of even date, the Mortgagor will pay to the Mo.~gagee the amount of seventy thousand dollars ($70,000.00) plus interest inthe amount of 5.6% per annum, for the duration of this Mortgage, until the remairini~ balance is paid in full in the following way: A. The Modga. gor shall make payment of four hundred one dollars and eighty six cents ($401.86) per month, beginning on the 10~" day of the April, 2004, and continuing on the 10~ daY o[each month thereafter until April, 2034, or until the remaining balance, including:I interest, principal, and penalties is paid in full..More fully set forth in "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made part of this document by reference, and incorporated. B. Payment shall be made payable to THE STACEY G. AND TAMMY C. HEINER FAMILY TRUST, STACEY G. HEINER and TAMMY C. HEINER, Trustees, dated MarCh 15~, 2004. Page I of 8 2. In addition to the herein described real property the Mortgagor agrees that all structures includin.c t.he manufactured home on the herein described property shall be collateral for this r'~ortgage and shall hold the title to all personal property structures and return them t,:) the Mortgagor when the Promissory Note of even date is paid in full. 3 The Mortgagor nr~[,.y prepay the pnncipal amount in whole or in part at any time without penalty. Any partial prepayment shall be applied against the principal amount outstanding and sh~ll not postpone the due date of any subsequent annual installments or change the amounts of such installments, unless the Mortgagee shall agree in writing. 4. If any payment is made more than 5 days after the date due the Mortgagor shall pay an additional twenty dollars ($20.00) in the form of a late payment charge. MORTGAGOR hereby mortgages to mortgagee, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A "FLUD FAMILY EXEMPTION NO. 1," ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE PART OF THIS DOCUMENT BY REFERENCE AND INCORPORATION AS IF FULL" SET FORTH HEREIN. Together with all wat6'r rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, 6xceptions, easements and rights-of-way of' record or in use. Mortgagor hereby relinquishes and waives all rights under and by virtue of the homestead laws of the Stst6 of Wyoming and covenants that it is lawfully seized of the Bowers Law Office, P.C. P.O. Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 307-885-0640 Page 2 of 8 premises, that they are free '.from all encumbrances and hereby covenants to warrant and defend the title of the premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. MORTGAGOR cov.~n'ants with mortgagee as follows: 1. In case of default in any of the payments stipulated in the note, mortgagor, as further security fOr this mortgage and the note secured thereby, hereby assigns, sets over, and conveys to mortgagee all rents, issues, and profits from the property. 2. To pay promptly, when due, the principal and interest and other sums of money provided for in sale Note and this Mortgage, or either; to pay all and singular the taxes, assessments, levies, liabilities, obligations, and encumbrances of every nature on said property. 3. To perform comply with and abide by each and every the agreements, stipulations, conditions, and covenants, set forth in said Promissory Note ane this Mortgage or either. 4 Failure by the mort'~age to exercise any of the rights or options herein provided shall not constitule a waiver of any rights or options under said Promissory Note or the Mortgage accrued or thereafter accruing. 5. Nothing shall be done on or in connection with the property that may impair mortgagee's security hereunder; mortgagor will commit, permit of suffer no waste, impairment or deterioratior~ of the property nor any part thereof, and the property shall be continuously maintained in good and sightly order repair, and condition by mortgagor at his expense. Bowers Law Office, P.C. P.O. Box 1550 Afion, Wyoming 83110 307-885-0t540 Page 3 of 8 :900236 ,;...J.o. 6. Mortgagor shall be required to maintain or pay for fire, casualty or other insurance to cover the prope;:ty subject to this Agreement, in an amount not less than the outstanding principal a"nount of this mortgage, with the Mortgagee being made the loss payee, during the dur~ti0n of this Mortgage. 7. In case mortgagor defaults in the payment of ground rents, if any, taxes, assessments, water or other .governmental or municipal charges, or other lawful charges as herein provide¢, rnortgagee may without notice or demand pay the same and in case of any failure on the part of mortgagor to comply with the covenants of Paragraph 5 hereof, mortgagee may effect such repairs as it may reasonable deem necessary to protect the prop~,rty, at the expense of mortgagor. Mortgagor shall repay such sums so paid and all ,~xpenses so incurred by mortgagee, with interest thereon from the date of payment, ~t 10% per annum, and the same shall be a lien on the premises and be secured by the note and by these presents; in default of making such repayments the whole amount hereby secured if not then due shall, if mortgagee so elects, become due and pa./able forthwith, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. 8. In the event the property is sold under foreclosure and the proceeds are insufficient to pay the total ibdebtedness secured hereby, mortgagor binds itself personally to pay the unpaid balance, and mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgment. 9. In case default is m~,de in the payment, when due, of the indebtedness hereby secured, or of any ir"stallment thereof or any part thereof, or in case of breach of Bowers Law OJ]~ce, P.C. P.O. Box 1550 dfion, Wyoming 83110 307-885-0640 Page 4 of 8 any covenant or agreemer~t herein contained, the whole of the then indebtedness secured hereby, inclusive .of ~)rincipal, interest, arrearages, ground rents, if any, taxes, assessments, water charggs,' expenditures for repairs or maintenance, together with all other sums payable pursu~nt'to the provisions hereof, shall become immediately due and payable, at the option of mortgagee, although the period above limited for the payment thereof may note'ha.¢e expired, anything herein before or in the note contained to the contrary notwithstanding; any failure to exercise such option shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same at any other time; and it shall be lawful for mortgagee to proceed to enforce the provisions of this mortgage either by suit at law or in equity, as it ma:/e~ect, or to foreclose this mortgage by advertisement and sale of the premises, at public auction for cash, according to Wyoming Statutes governing mortgage foreclosuPes, and cause to be executed and delivered to the purchaser or purchasers at any such sale a good and sufficient deed or deeds of conveyance of the property'so sold, and to apply the net proceeds arising from such sale first to the payment of ':he costs and expenses of such foreclosure and sale, including reasonable attorney fee, and in payment of all money expended or advanced by mortgagee pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 7 hereof, and then to the payment of the balance due or, account of the principal indebtedness secured hereby, together with interest thereon Snd the surplus if any, shall be paid by mortgagee on demand to mortgagor. In case, mortgagee fails promptly to foreclose on the happening of any default, it shall not thereoy be prejudiced in its right to foreclosure at any time lowers Law O]fice, P.C. '.0. Box 1350 [lion, l~Yyoming 83110 07-885-0640 Page 5 of 8 thereafter during which such 'default continues, and shall not be prejudiced in its foreclosure rights in case ¢.f further default. 10. In case of any ¢'efault whereby [he right of foreclosure occurs hereunder, mortgagee shall at once become entitled to exclusive possession, use, and enjoyment of all property, ad to all ren';s, .issues, and profits thereof, from the accruing of such right and during the pendency o~' foreclosure proceedings and the period of redemption, if there is any; and such possession, rents, issues, and profits shall at once be delivered to mortgagee on request, aqd ~on refusal, the delivery of such possession, rents, issues, and profits may be enforced b~/mortgagee by any appropriate civil suit or proceeding, including action or actions in ejectment, or forceable entry, or unlawful detainer; and mortgagee shall be entitled ':o a receiver for the property and all rents, issues, and profits thereof, after any such default, including the time covered by foreclosure k0 proceedings and the period 3f redemption, if there is any, and shall be entitled thereto as a matter of right without ro. gard to the solvency or insolvency of mortgagor or the then owner of the propertY, and without regard to the value of the property of the sufficiency thereof to discharge the mortgage debt and foreclosure costs, fees and expenses, and such receiver. 'may be appointed by any court of competent .jurisdiction on ex parte application and without notice (notice being hereby expressly waiver, and the appointment of any such receiver on any such application without notice being hereby consented to by mort~.tagor on mortgagor's own behalf), and all rents, issues, profits, income, and revenue 3f*:he property shall be applied by such receiver, according to law and the ord6rs and directions of the court. ,wers Law Office, P.C. O. Box 1550 ?on, Wyoming 83110 7~885-0640 Page 6 of 8 11. Mortgagor may Rot convey or transfer any interest in or encumber the described premises withou': the prior written consent of the mortgagee. Mortgagor must give mortgagee written noti'ce of mortgagor's intent to convey or transfer any interest in or to encumber the describ,d eremises at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed conveyance or encumbrance. If all or any part of the described premises or an interest therein is sold, transferred or encumbered by mortgagor without mortgagee's prior written consent, excluding death of a joint tenant or the grant of any leasehold interest of three (3) years or less ncr containing an option to purchase, mortgagee may, at its option, declare the entire remaining balance due under this agreement to be immediately due and payab-le and give written notice to mortgagor thereof. After receipt of such written notice, mortgagor shall have thirty (30) days in which to pay the entire remaining balance to mortgagee. 12. The covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages shall inure to, the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singular number shall include the plural, the 'plural the singular, and the Use 'of any gender shall include all genders. 13. Whenever used herein, the terms "mortgagor" and "mortgagee'' include all the parties to this instrument an.d the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the success}rs, and assigns of corporations; and the term "Note" includes all the notes herein described if more than one. owers Law Office, P, C. .0. Box 1_550 Oon, Wyoming83110 )7-885-0640 Page 7 of 8 IN IFITNESoc IvtqI~R~C~F, mortgagor has caused this mor~age to be executed b_y its authorized o~cers as yt&_F.3'tJ V ¥1 q, 2004. JOSI- STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrur~ent was acknowledged to before me by JOSHUA EDWARD FLUD AND DIANA t'-IEINER FLUD on the _ / ~ day of May, 2004. WITNESS my.hand ~ nd-official seal, My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC ,wets Law Office~ p. 0 9. Box 1550 ?on, Wyonffng 83110 7-885-0640 Page 8 of 8 Ma~ 25 04 ]l:37a Con'tinental Construction 307 654 7803 Description: Flud Famqy Exemption No. 1 A portion of the Flud property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book _ PR, on Page ;, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln Co n , Wyoming, within the S'~_lJ~$EI/4 of Section 7 T34N ~)~ 4mA, _... u~_ Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron Pipe marking a point in the East line of said SE1/45E1/4, said Point of Beginning, being 226.20 feet N0°41'14"E, along said East line, from the B.L.M. type Monurren[ found marking Baker Engineers PE/LS 698, 1971 location for the Southeast Corner of said SE1/4SE 1/4; thence S89osG,16,~/V. parallel with the South line of said SE1/4SE1/4, 192.58 feet to a Iron Pipe; thence N0"41'14-1c, parallel with said East line, 226.20 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe; thence N89o56,16.,,E, parallel with said South line, 192.58 feet 1o an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pil~ marking a point in said East line; thence S0°41'14'1N, along said Esst line, 226.20 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 1.000 Acres of land. TOGETHER WITH and 'SUBJECT TO: The Non-Exclusive Right-of-Way Easement, as referred t() in said Deed. SUBJECT TO: A 30-feet Wide riqht-of-Way Easement, along the South portion of the above described Property,'for Lost Creek County Road 12-120 as referred to in the Right-of-Way, reCOrded in 8ook169PR, on Page 414, with said Office. TOGETHER WITH and <,;uBJEcT TO: All Covenants, Easement, Restrictions, Reservations, Rights.of4¥ay and Improvements of sight and or record. EINER FLUD LOAN Principal: 70,000.00 Inn. Rate: Monthly payment : '401.86 Final estimated payment :'59'?.51 Date No. I nt~ re s t 5/2004 1 326.67 6/2004 2 326.,32 7/2004 3 325.96 8/2004 4 3~5.61 9/2004 5 325.25 10/2004 6 3~4.90 11/2004 7 324.54 12/2004 8 324.18 5.600 % 2004 Totals 2,60'3.43 Principal 75.19 75.54 75.90 76.25 76.61 76.96 77.32 77.68 611.45 1/2005 9 323.81 2/2005 10 323.45 3/2005 11 323.08 4/2005 12 322.72 5/2005 13 322.35 6/2005 14 321.f!8 7/2005 15 321.60 8/2005 16 321.2:3 9/2005 17 32(I.85 10/2005 18 320.47 11/2005 19 320.09 12/2005 20 319.7,1 2005 Totals 3,861 . 3~t 78.05 78 41 78 78 79 14 79 51 79 88 80 26 80 63 81 01 81 39 81.77 82.15 960.98 1/2006 21 319.33 2/2006 22 318,,94 3/2006 23 318.56 4/2006 24 318.17 5/2006 25 317.78 6/2006 26 317 38 7/2006 27 316199 8/2006 28 316 59 9/2006 29 316 20 10/2006 30 315.80 11/2006 31 315.40 12/2006 32 314.99 006 Totals 3,806.13 82 53 82 92 83 30 83 69 84 08 84 48 84 87 85 27 85.66 86.06 86.46 86.87 1,016.19 1/2007 33 314 . 59 2/2007 34 314. 18 3/2007 35 313 .'77 4/2007 36 313. 36 5/2007 37 312 . 95 6/2007 38 312. 53 7/2007 39 312. [1 8/2007 40 311.70 9/2007 41 311.27 0/2007 42 310.85 1/2007 p,,V,,~A,_t.__ 310. ~3 87.27 87.68 88.09 88.50 88.91 89.33 89.75 90.16 90.59 91.01 Years: ,.i. '-135 30 Months: Balance 69,924.81 69,849.27 69,773.37 69,697. 12 69,620.51 69,543.55 69,466.23 69,388 . 55 69,310 50 69,232 09 69,153 31 69,074 17 68,994 66 68,914 78 68,834 52 68,753 89 68,672 88 68,591 49 68,509 72 68,427 57 68,345.04 68,262.12 68,178.82 68,095.13 68,011.05 67,926.57 67,841.70 67,756.43 67,670.77 67,584.71 67,498 25 67,411 38 67,324 11 67,236.43 67,148.34 67,059.84 66,970.93 66,881.60 66,791.85 66,701.69 66,611.10 66,520.09 66,428.66 12/2007 44 3]0.30 91.86 2007 Totals 3,7<7 ~4 1,074.58 1/2008 45 2/2008 46 3/2008 47 4/2008 48 5/2008 49 6/2008 50 7/2008 51 8/2008 52 9/2008 53 10/2008 54 11/2008 55 12/2008 56 2008 Totals 3( 9 57 3C9 14 3C8 71 308 )_7 3(7 94 3( 7 40 3£6 96 3C 6 51 3( 6 97 3( 5 62 305 17 304 72 3, 6[!5.98 92.29 92.72 93.15 93.59 94 .02 94 .46 94 .90 95.35 95.79 96.24 96.69 97.14 1,136.34 66,336.8O 0<.900k36 66, 244.51 66,151.79 66,058.64 65 965.05 65 871.03 65 776 57 65 681 67 65 586 32 65 490 53 65 394 29 65 297 60 65 200 46 1/2009 57 2/2009 58 3/2009 59 4/2009 60 5/2009 61 6/2009 62 7/2009 63 8/2009 64 9/2009 65 10/2009 66 11/2009 67 12/2009 68 2009 Totals 304.{7 303 81 303 36 302 90 302 ~3 301 97 301 50 301 04 300 57 3~0 09 299 $2 299 :[4 3,620. 70 97.59 98 05 98 50 98 96 99 43 99 89 100 36 100 82 101 29 101 77 102 24 102 72 201.62 65,102.87 65,004.82 64,906.32 64,807 36 64,707 93 64,608 04 64,507 68 64,406 86 64,305 57 64,203 80 64,101 56 63~998 84 1/2010 2/2010 3/2010 4/2010 5/2010 6/2010 7/2010 8/2010 9/2010 10/2010 11/2010 12/2010 2010 Totals 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 298.66 298 18 297 70 297 21 296 72 296 23 295 74 295 24 294 74 294 ,?-5 293 74 293 ~4 3, 5.%]. 55 103.20 103.68 104.16 104.65 105.14 105.63 106 12 106 62 107 12 107 61 108 12 108 62 1,270.67 63,895 64 63,791 96 63, 687 80 63,583 15 63, 478 O1 63,372 38 63 266 26 63 159 64 63 052 52 62 944 91 62 836 79 62 728 17 1/2011 2/2011 3/2011 4/2011 5/2011 6/2011 7/2011 8/2011 9/2011 10/2011 11/2011 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 292.73 292 22 291 :71 291 20 290 G8 290 16 2[:9 64 2[ 9 12 2F 8 59 2g8 96 287 53 109.13 109 64 110 15 110 66 111 18 111 70 112 22 112 74 113 27 113 80 114 33 62 619 04 62 509 40 62 399 25 62 288 59 62 177 41 62 065 71 61 953 49 61 840.75 61 727.48 61,613.68 61,499.35 12/2011 92 2.87.00 2011 Totals 3,478.64 1/2012 93 286'. 46 2/2012 94 285.92 3/2012 95 2'35.38 4/2012 96 294184 5/20]2 97 284~.29 6/2012 98 283 .74 7/2012 99 283.19 8/2012 100 282.64 9/2012 101 2i)2 08 10/2012 102 281.52 11/2012 103 280 96 12/2012 104 2&O. 40 2012 Totals 3, 4C I. 42 114.86 1,343.68 61,384.49 115.40 61,269 115 94 116 48 117 02 117 57 118 12 118 67 119 22 119 78 120 34 120 90 121.46 61, 153 61, 036 60, 919 60,892 60, 683 60,565 09 15 67 65 08 1,420.90 137 96 29 60,446.07 60,326.29 60,205.95 60,085.05 59,963.59 1/2013 105 279.83 2/2013 106 279.'26 3/2013 107 27'8.~69 4/2013 108 27'8.11 5/2013 109 277.54 6/2013 Il0 275.96 7/2013 111 275.37 8/2013 112 275.79 9/2013 113 275.20 10/2013 114 27,i.61 11/2013 115 274.01 12/2013 116 273.42 2013 Totals 3,319.79 122.03 122.60 123.17 123.75 124.32 124.90 125.49 126.07 126.66 127.25 127.85 128.44 1,502.53 59,841.56 59,718.96 59,595.79 59,472.04 59,347.72 59,222 82 59,097 33 58,971 26 58,844 60 58,717 J5 58,589 50 58,461 06 1/2014 117 272.8,2 2/2014 118 272:.22 3/2014 119 271.64 4/2014 120 271'.0'0 5/2014 121 270.39 6/2014 122 269L78 7/2014 123 269.16 8/2014 124 268.54 9/2014 125 267.92 10/2014 126 267.30 11/2014 127 266 67 12/2014 128 266'04 ~014 Totals 3,233 129.04 129.64 130.25 130.86 131 47 132 08 132 70 133 32 133 94 134 56 135 19 135 82 1,588.87 58,332.02 58,202.38 58,072.13 57,941.27 57,809.80 57,677.72 57,545.02 57,411.70 57,277.76 57,143.20 57,008.01 56,872.19 1/2015 129 265:46 2/2015 130 264 .'77: 3/2015 131 264.13 4/2015 132 263.48 5/2015 133 262 ~'84:. 6/2015 134 262.19: 7/2015 135 261: 54~ 8/2015 136 260.88 9/2015 137 260. ~-3' 10/2015 138 259.:~6 11/2015 .... 13..~ 258 90: !i:;'~i:~. ,i~,;· !x~ ' 136.46 137 09 137 73 138 38 139 02 139 67 140 32 140 98 141 63 142 30 14~ 56, 735 56,598 56,460 56,322 56, 183 51 56,043 84 55, 903 52 55, 762 54 55, 620 91 55, 478 61 55, 335.65 73 64 91 53 12/2015 140 258 23 2015 Totals 3,142 15 1/2016 141 2/2016 142 3/2016 143 4/2016 144 5/2016 145 6/2016 146 7/2016 147 8/2016 148 9/2016 149 10/2016 150 11/2016 151 12/2016 152 2016 Totals 257 56 2.36 89 2,56 21 255 53 2.54 85 254 16 2 53 47 2~2 78 2 ~2 09 2 51 39 2'50 69 2 ~9 98 3,0~5.60 1/2017 153 2/2017 154 3/2017 155 4/2017 156 5/2017 157 6/2017 158 7/2017 159 8/2017 160 9/2017 161 10/2017 162 11/2017 163 12/2017 164 2017 Totals 249.27 2~8.56 247.84 247.13 236.40 2~5.68 244.95 244.22 2~3 48 292 74 242 O0 2~1 25 2,9F]3 52 1/2018 165 2/2018 166 3/2018 167 4/2018 168 5/2018 169 6/2018 170 7/2018 171 8/2018 172 9/2018 1~3 10/2018 174 11/2018 175 12/2018 176 2018 Totals 240.50 239.75 298.99 238 23 2'37. 47 236.70 235. 93 235. 16 234 .'38 233.60 232.81 232.02 2,835.54 1/2019 177 2/2019 178 3/2019 179 4/2019 180 5/2019 181 6/2019 1.82 7/2019 183 8/2019 184 9/2019 185 10/2019 186 11/2019 187 231.23 230:44 229.64 228.83 '228 02 227 21 226 40 225 58 224 76 223 93 223 10 143.63 1,680.17 144.97 145.65 146.33 147.01 147 70 148 39 149 08 149 77 150 47 151 17 151 88 1,776.72 152.59 153 30 154 02 154 73 155 46 156 18 156 91 157 64 158 38 159 12 159 86 160 61 1,878.80 161.36 162 11 162 87 163 63 164 39 165 16 165 93 166 70 167 48 168 26 169 05 169 84 1,986.78 170.63 171.42 172.22 173.03 173.84 174.65 175.46 176.28 177.10 177.93 178.76 55, 192.02 138 55,047 72 54,902 75 54,757 10 54,610 77 54 463 76 54 316 06 54 167 67 54 018 59 53 868 82 53 718 35 53 567 18 53 415 30 53,262.71 53,109.41 52,955.39 52,800.66 52,645.20 52,489 02 52,332 11 52,174 47 52,016 09 51,856 97 51,697 11 51,536 50 51,375 14 51,213 03 51,050 16 50,886 53 50,722 14 50,556 98 50,391 05 50,224 35 50,056 87 49,888 61 49,719 56 49,549 72 49,379 09 49,207 67 49,035 45 48,862 42 48,688 58 48,513 93 48,338 47 48,162 19 47,985 09 47,807 16 47,628 40 12/2019 188 22~2 . 27 179 . 59 47,448.81 2019 Totals 2,7'21 . 41 2, 100.91 1/2020 189 2,/2020 190 3/2020 191 4/2020 192 5/2020 193 6/2020 194 7/2020 195 8/2020 196 9/2020 197 10/2020 198 11/2020 199 12/2020 200 221.43 22'0.59 219.74 2Z8.89 21.8.04 217 18 216 32 215 45 214 58 213 71 2~2 83 211.95 180.43 181.27 182.12 182 97 183 82 184 68 185 54 186 41 187 28 188 15 189 03 189 91 47,268.38 47,087 11 46 904 99 46 722 02 46 538 20 46 353 52 46 167 98 45 981 57 45 794.29 45,606.14 45,417.11 45,227.20 2020 Totals 2,600..71 2,221.61 1/2021 201 2/2021 202 3/2021 203 4/2021 204 5/2021 205 6/2021 206 7/2021 207 8/2021 208 9/2021 209 10/2021 210 11/2021 211 12/2021 212 2021 Totals 1/2022 213 2/2022 214 3/2022 215 4/2022 216 5/2022 217 6/2022 218 7/2022 219 8/2022 220 9/2022 221 10/2022 222 11/2022 223 12/2022 224 2022 Totals 1/2023 225 2/2023 226 3/2023 227 4/2023 228 5/2023 229 6/2023 230 7/2023 231 8/2023 232 9/2023 233 21.1.06 2~'0.17 2C9.28 2C8.38 267.47 266..57 205.66 2C4.74 203.82 2C2.90 2C1.97 2C1.03 2,473.05 2C0.:10 1~'9.16 168.21 157.26 156.30 1¢5.35 1~4.38 1~'3.41 1~2.44 lfl.46 15.0.:48 189.49 2,33.8.04 1~8.50 i~7.5i 116.~51 1~5.50 1['~.49 183.48 1612.46 181.44 1~0.41 119.37 1518.34 190.80 191 69 192 58 193 48 194 39 195 29 196 20 197 12 198 04 198 96_ 199 89 200 83 2,349.27 201.76 202 70 203 65 204 60 205 56 206 51 207 48 208 45 209 42 210 40 211 38 212 37 2,484.28 213.36 214.35 215.35 216.36 217.37 218.38 219.40 220.42 221.45 ~:'~, :~i:~!i~ 2 45,036 40 44,844 71 44,652 13 44,458 65 44,264 26 44,068 97 43,872 77 43, 675 65 43, 477 61 43,278 65 43,078 76 42,877 93 42,676.17 42,473.47 42,269.82 42,065.22 41,859.66 41 653.15 41 445.67 41 237.22 41 027.80 40 817.40 40 606.02 40 393.65 40,180 29 39,965 94 39,750 59 39,534 23 39,316 86 39,098 48 38,879 08 38,658 66 38,437 21 38,214 72 37,991 20 12/2023 236 1'77.29 2023 Totals 2, 175.30 1/2024 237 1'16.24 2/2024 238 175. 19 3/2024 239 1'74.13 4/2024 240 1',13.07 5/2024 241 1 '12.00 6/2024 242 170.93 7/2024 243 1~9.85 8/2024 244 168 .77 9/2024 245 137.68 10/2024 246 166.59 11/2024 247 i ~5.49 12/2024 248 1~4.39 2024 Totals 2,0~4 .33 1/2025 249 2/2025 250 3/2025 251 4/2025 252 5/2025 253 6/2025 254 7/2025 255 8/2025 256 9/2025 257 10/2025 258 11/2025 259 12/2025 260 2025 Totals 153.28 1 52 17 161 05 1 59 92 1.<58 80 157 66 156 52 1 55 38 154 23 153.07 1.51.91 1'50.74 1,8'34.73 1/2026 261 2/2026 262 3/2026 263 4/2026 264 5/2026 265 6/2026 266 7/2026 267 8/2026 268 9/2026 269 10/2026 270 11/2026 271 12/2026 272 2026 Totals 139.57 1~8.39 147.21 136.02 144.83 1{43.63 142.42 1~1.21 1~0.00 1'38.78 137.55 1.36.31 1,715 92 1/2027 '273 2/2027 274 3/2027 275 4/2027 276 5/2027 277 6/2027 278 7/2027 279 8,/2027 280 9/2027 281 10/2027 282 11/2027 283 135 133 132 131 130 128 1;~_7 126 124 1.23 122 08 83 58 32 06 79 52 24 95 66 36 224 57 2,627.02 225 62 226 67 227 73 228 79 229 86 230 93 232 01 233 09 234 18 235 27 236 37 237 47 2,777.99 238.58 239.69 240.81 241.94 243.06 244.20 245.34 246.48 247.63 248.79 249.95 251.12 2,937.59 252.29 253 47 254 65 255 84 257 03 258 23 259 44 260 65 261 86 263 08 264 31 265 55 3, 106.40 266.78 268 03 269 28 270 54 271 80 273 07 274 34 275 62 276.91 278.20 279.50 37,766.63 37,541.01 37,314.34 37,086.61 36,857.82 36, 627 . 96 36, 397 . 03 36,165.02 35, 931.93 35,697.75 35,462.48 35,226.11 34,988.64 140 34,750 06 34 510 37 34 269 56 34 027 62 33 784 56 33 540 36 33 295 02 33 048 54 32 800 91 32 552 12 32 302 17 32 051 05 31,798.76 31,545.29 31,290.64 31,034.80 30,777.77 30,519.54 30,260.10 29,999.45 29,737 59 29,474 51 29,210 20 28,944 65 28,677 87 28 409 84 28 140 56 27 870 02 27 598 22 27 325 15 27 050 81 26 775 19 26 498 28 26 220 08 25,940 58 12/2027 284 12~.06 2027 Totals 1/2028 285 2/2028 286 3/2028 287 4/2028 288 5/2028 289 6/2028 290 7/2028 291 8/2028 292 9/2028 293 10/2028 294 11/2028 295 12/2028 296 1,53'7.45 lli~. 43 117 tl 115 78 114 44 113 10 11~ 75 llO 4:0 109 04 10" 67 10G ~0 104 92 2028 Totals 1,348.69 1/2029 297 2/2029 298 3/2029 299 4/2029 300 5/2029 30] 6/2029 302 7/2029 303 8/2029 304 9/2029 305 10/2029 30'6 11/2029 307 12/2029 308 2029 Totals 103.54 102 14 100 74 99 34 9'; 93 96 51 9.% 08 93 65 9f 21 90 77 89 32 8~.' 86 1,149.09 1/2030 309 2/2030 310 3/2030 311 4/2030 312 5/2030 313 6/2030 314 7/2030 '315 8/2030 316 9/2030 317 10/2030 318 11/2030 319 12/2030 320 2030 Totals 8~.39 8~ 92 8~ 44 8] 96 80 46 78 96 77 46 75 94 74 42 72 89 7] 36 69 82 93[.02 1/2031 2/2031 3/2031 4/2031 5/2031 6/2031 7/2031 8/2031 9/2031 10/2031 11/2031 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 6~ .27 6(.'. 7:[ 6~ .15 63,,. 5'7 62 O0 6C~ 41 5~ 82 57 2:2 5f 61 53 99 52 37 280.80 3,284. 87 282.11 283.43 284.75 286.08 287.42 288 .76 290.11 291.46 292. 82 294. 19 295.56 296.94 3,473.63 298.32 299 72 301 12 302 52 303 93 305 35 306 78 308 21 309 65 311 09 312 54 314 00 3, 673.23 315.47 316 94 318 42 319 90 321 40 322 90 324 40 325 92 327 44 328 97 330 50 332 04 3,884.30 333.59 335.15 336.71 338.29 339.86 341.45 343.04 344.64 346.25 25,659.78 25,377 67 25 094 24 24 809 49 24 523 41 24 235 99 23 947 23 23 657 12 23 365 66 23 072 84 22,778 65 22,483 09 22,186.15 141 21,887 83 21,588 11 21,286 99 20,984 47 20,680 54 20,375 19 20,068 41 19,760 20 19,450 55 19,139 46 18,826 92 18,512 92 18,197 45 17,880 51 17,562 09 17,242 19 16,920 79 16,597 89 16,273.49 15,947.57 15,620.13 15,291.16 14,960.66 14,628.62 14,295 03 13 959 88 13 623 17 13 284 88 12 945 02 12 603 57 12 260.53 11,915.89 11,569.64 ll,221.77 10,872.28 12/2031 2031 Totals 1/2032 2/2032 3/2032 4/2032 5/2032 6/2032 7/2032 8/2032 9/2032 10/2032 11/2032 12/2032 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 2032 Totals 50.74 714.86 ~9.10 47.45 ~5.80 ~4.14 ~2.47 ~0.79 39,11 37.41 35.71 '34.00 32.29 30.56 478.83 351.12 4,107.46 352 76 354 41 356 06 357 72 359 39 361 07 362 75 364 45 366 15 367 86 369 57 371 30 4,343.49 t0, 521. 16 10,168.40 9,813.99 9,457.93 9,100.21 8,740 82 8,379 75 8,017 00 7,652 55 7,286 40 6,918 54 6,548 97 6,177 67 142 1/2033 2/2033 3/2033 4/2033 5/2033 6/2033 7/2033 8/2033 9/2033 10/2033 11/2033 12/2033 2033 Totals 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 35'3 354 355 356 27 9_5 ~-1 ~_0 16 14 12 11 9 229 .83 09 34 58 82 04 26 47 67 87 .'05 .23 .25 373 374 376 378 380 381 383 385 387 388 390 392 4,593 .03 77 52 28 04 82 60 39 19 99 81 63 .07 5,804 5,429 5,053 4,675 4,295 3 913 3 529 3 144 2 757 2 368 1 977 1 584 64 87 35 07 03 21 61 22 03 04 23 60 1/2034 2/2034 3/2034 4/2034 2034 Totals Grand Totals 357 358 359 360 7.39 5:55 3.70 I .'85 ~8.49 74, 6£5.25 394.47 396.31 398.16 395.66 1,584.60 70,000.00 1,190.13 793.82 395.66 0.00