HomeMy WebLinkAbout900314 RECK IVED KNOW ALL PERSC,NS BY THESE PRESENTS, that RUSSELL J. SMITH and ALYSiA J. RICKS, Successor Co-Tra';[tees of the Smith Family Trust, dated August 14, 1993, of Afion, Wyoming, Grantors, for and :in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to MERLE K. RICKS and ALYSIA S. RICKS, husband and wife, Grantees of the County of Davis, State of Utah, the following deOcribed real estate situate in County of Lincoln aud State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waivin[, all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state, to-wit: ~ Description a~ti-~ched hereto as Exhibit A. WITNESS my hand ~his __ day of April 2004. STATE OF WYOM1NG ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ~ R U Sucessor Co-Trustee .......... Snccessor C6-Trustee f - ' The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me by Russell J. Smith and Alysia Ricks this I~ day 'of~,~l~t-, 2004. WITNESS my hand and official seal. N~' FAI<Y PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 395 Description: Lynn B S, mlth Remaining A portion of the Smith ~roperty as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 374PR, on Page 283~ with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County Wyoming, within the SW1/4SE1/4 of Section 24, T32N, R119W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an Iron Pipe marking a Point in the South line of the NWl/4SEI/4, said P0int of Beginning being 390.00 feet N89°51'54"E, along said South line from the B./..M. type Monument marking the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368 1994 location fo tae Southwest Corner of said NWI/4SEI/4; thence N89°51'54"E, continuir~g along said South line, 957.85 feet to the B.L.M. type Monument marking the.,. ILIoyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 2003 location for the Northwest Corner of the SEl/4SE1/4; thence S0°06'12"E, along the West line of said SEI/4SEI/4,415.:96 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe; thence S89°51'54"W, parallel with the North line of said SW1/4SElI4, 964.60 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Iron Ripe marking a point in an East line of the Miller property, as referred to in the De.ecl recorded in Book 440PR, on Page 446, with said Office; thence N0°49'34"E, along said East line, 416.02 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 9.'i 79 Acres of land. TOGETHER WITH: The Right of Ingress and Egress, across a 60 feet wide Roadway, as referred to .in said Smith Deed, recorded in Book 374PR, on Page 283, with said Office. GRANTING and RESER~VING THEREFROM: A 60 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement, the metes snd bounds being more particularly described as followS: BEGINNING at an Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking a Point in the South line of the above described p~operty, said Point of Beginning being S89°51'54"W, along said South line, 565.25 feet from the Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe marking the Southeast corner of said property; thence S0°E 709.70 feet to a Spike; thence sg0°w 89.83 feet to a Spike; thence S0°05'32"E 7.85 feet to a Spike; thence N82°32'46"W 63.52 feet to an Aluminum Cap on Rebar; thence N0°05'32"W 60.00 feet to a Spike; thence Ng0oE 89.96 feet to a Spike; thence NOOE 649.56 feet to a Spike marking a point in the South line of said property; thence N89°51'54"E, aiong said South line, 60.00 feet, to the Point of Beginning.