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LI[',IC0I_b! C0tt'~' TY CLERK
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First National Bank - West, which is'.brganized and existing under the laws of tile United States of America and
holder of that certain Mortgage mad;(! and executed by HENDRIK H. DRENTH and LISA A FRIST-DRENTH as
Mortgagor, and First National Bank - West, as Mortgagee on October 14, 2003, certifies that the Mortgage has
been fully paid, satisfied or otherwise.", discharged. The Mortgage was recorded on OCTOBER 20, 2003, in the
LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK for Lincoln County, Wyoming and is indexed as BOOK 539 PAGE 065. The Mortgage
having been complied with, the undocsigned releases the Mortgage and all of its right,' title and interest in the
Property located at, Etna, Wyoming ['3118 and legally described as:
A parcel of land in the SE 1/4 of Section 15, T36N, Rll9W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, WY, more particularly
described as follows:
Commencing at the section corner common to the Sections 14, 15, 22, 23; thence N89 degrees 57' 53"W,
1704.14 feet to the true poim of begnning; thence NOO degrees 08' 18.51' E, 1278.91 feet; thence N 87 degrees
17' 40.3" W, 578.55 feet; thence -3 02 degrees 21' 43.4"W, 1314.94 feet; thence S 89 degrees 57" 53" E,
629.02 feet more or less to the true [0inI of beginning.
First N/~ ank - West~, ~
~'Tl~is ~nstrument w s~'~,owle~':~fore rndhi~.~ day o,~ Penny Jones as Real.ate t_o~n ~ficOr ~rs~ationa(Bank -~est. ~
%--~ / ' ',; (~otary Public)
Wyoming Release OI Rea Estate Security Inslrumonl
W Y/4XDorettaOO ~?;~{~363019062104 Y
996 Ban k r.~¢-.~,*?,,,m s,
Inc,, St. Cloud, MN
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