HomeMy WebLinkAbout900467STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) I, Connie S. Lascan% being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and state, pm'suant to the provisions ofW. S. § 34-2--23 (2003): 1. I am the Successor Trustee of the McKean Family Trust Agreement, dated October 15, 1996. My addt~ess is 2493 E. Bergeson, Boise, ID 83706 [ became Successor Trustee on March 18, 2004, upon the death of Frances M. M'cKean. 'l am currently lawfully serving in that capacity. 2. The affected !ands and interest therein are described as follows: Lot Five (5) ~n Star Valley Ranch Plat Ten (10) as platted and recorded in :he Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with fill improvements thereon situate. 3. I lmow from my own personal knowledge that Ralph E. McKean and Frances M. McKean were the original Trustees of the McKean Family Trust Agree~nent, dated October 15, 1996, and they took and held title to the above-described property in that capacity. The date of the trust agreement ~vas October 15, 1996. I also know that this trust was in filll lbrce and effect on the date of Frances M. McKean's death, on March 18, 2004 Upon Frances M. McKean's death, [ became Successor Trustee w~th full power to transfer and convey the above-described property. Until Frances M. McK.ean's death, Frances M. McKean served as the sole Trustee as Ralph E. McKean predeceased her on December 11,2001 FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NAUGHT. Connie S. Lascano, Successor Trustee of the McKean Family Trust Agreement dated October 15, 1996 VERIFICATION I, Comfie S. Lascano. being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and state I am the Successor Trustee of the McKean Fatally Trust Agreement dated October 15, 1996; this mstrmncnt is signed and sealed on behalf hr the Trust by me as the Successor Trustee; I have the authority under the temps of the written tm~' t instrunmnt to execute the instrument on behalf of the Trust, and ! acknowledge the instrument lo be the free act and deed o,j;:the Trust. Connie S. Lascano, Successor Trustee of the McKean Fam!ly Trust Agreement dated October 15, 1996 STATE OF WYOMING ) :SS COUNTY OF CARBON ) Connie S. Lascano, personally appeared before me,'a notary public, as the Successor Trustee of the McKean Fa~nily Tru'qt Agree'ment dated October 15, 1996, and aclmowledged under oath that she executed the foregoing document and represented tlie instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of the Trust by her a'; the Successor Trustee; she has the authority under the terms of the written trust instrument to e,~ ecute the instrument on behalf o f the Trust, and that she acknowledged the instrument to be the flee act and deed of the Trust. my hand an4 official seal. exp,-'es: f'~(~x,X Notary Public