HomeMy WebLinkAbout900525Recording Requested By: USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK When Recorded Return To: GARY BYBEE 282 E 5TH AVE AFTON, WY 83110 DEE~ OF ~LEASE US~ FEDE~L SAVINGS ~AN~ #~DF~80~ ~§~5 "SY~EE" ID~! ~i~¢o1~. ~Y WHEREAS, USAA FEDE~L SAVINGS BANK, whose address is ].0750 MCDERMOTT FREEWAY, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78288 is the Owner and }{older of a certain Deed of Trust described below: Trustou: GARY A BYBEE, FRANCES J BYBEE Original Beneficiary: USAA FEDE~L SAVINGS BANK Trustee: FRANCIS E. MROZ Dated: 03/13/2000 aud Recorded 03/21/2000 as Instrument No. ~64842 Book/Reel/Liber ~43, Page/Folio 109, In the Records of the Recorder in the County of LINCOLN, State of WYOMING Property Address: 282 E 5TM AVE, AFTON, WY, 83110 AN~ W~EREAS, the above Deed of Trust has been paid in full; NOW THEREFORE, the present ~wner and Holder of said Deed of Trust does hereby convey, without warranty, to the pe:son or persons legally entitled thereto, the estate, title and interest now held by it under said Deed of Trust. USAA FEDE~L S~VINGS ~ANK ANGELA L. A~MON, AUTHORIZED SIGNOR STATE OF Texas COUNTY OF Bexar ON]UN 2 1 2~,~ before me, D~]BRA A. FOSTER, a Notary Public iu and for the County of Bexar, in the State of Texas the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ANGELA L. ALMON, AUTHORIZED SIGNOR who ~s personally known to me (or provided satisfactory evidence) and ~cknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of the corporation. IN WI S~ W/B~F, ~r set eu]~to my hand and official seal Nutty Expires: 02/~/2006 (ThSs area for notarial seal) ROB[RI K DIBBkfi O53 EXHIBIT A The roi lowing described tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyomi Beginning at a point which is five rods and four feet west of the northea~;t corner of Lot numbered 1 of Block numbered 27 in the Town of Alton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence West 4 rods 12 1/2 feet, thence South 8 rods, thence East 4 rods 12 1/2 feet, thence North 8 rods to the point o~= beginning. Subject to restrictions, covenants and easements, etc., of record, if any BEING the same property conveyed to Gary A. Bybee and Frances J. Bybee from F & G Jewelry Corporation by virtue of a Deed dated June 20, 1994, recorded June 30, 1994 in Deed Book 353, page 423 in Lincoln County, Wyoming. TRUSTORS: GARY A. BYBEE AND FRANCES J. BYBEE