HomeMy WebLinkAbout900618 NOTICE OF LOCA'I'I ON
The undersi~med hereby ten ifies that they have caused Io be Iocaled the Nu~
Placer Mining Claim in the i;ollo Mng quarter sections(s):
1/4 Section Tow _ ng~ Acres
NE4 .2__5 119W 21N 160
The Claim is !60 acres more or less.
In Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the 30 day of June, 2004. ]'lie clai~n is al)proximately
ESE of the ...... 7 miles
mtersectmn ol US l--hghway 30 and Wyoming High way 89 (Sage J unction).
The monument of location consists ora steel rod or pos[ and is at the SW corner of the chum at
which point the Notice ofL. ocation was duly posled. The corners of the claim are marked by
steel rods or posts.
Name o£ locator(s) is(are):'
Pete]- D. Severns
Susan M: Severns
Richm-d R. Severns
Gall A. Severns
Dated this 30 clay of June, 2004.
Susan ~M_..Sevems
Owner, Claimant, or Agent Nm'n~ (printed)
Mailing address of Agent:
Street or PO Box: P.O. Box 13L3~L7
Darrel Wil]imns
Joann \Villiam~
Nicolas A~ard
~r J. Vineyard
Town: Kemm.erer,_ State,: WY
Zip: 83101