HomeMy WebLinkAbout900684 State of Wyoming Corner R~.~:~t! LI ,';': ,~'~i i :'' TM ,2; = ~ [~. In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUA TION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Statutes, 1977, S~g~i~ ~'~-~ 1-i0~, el seg., and~th-e ~ules and Regulations of the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors RECORD: FOUND: SET: S89°-51'W on a true line betweer~ ~c~dtiOh¢.3 '~hd 10 for the west one-sixteenth corner. Marlowe A.Scherbel-2000 A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins long (BLM type) with brass cap inSbribe~ as shown, at the intersection of the mis section fit~es, O. 6 ft. above ground surface Ely. 13 ft. from a 3 ft. h!gh dike, Wly. 5.5 ft. from a N/S fence and S Wly. 80 ft + from the west bank of the Salt Rlver. '- 0+00 1/4 S. 3/S 10 13+25.22 W1/16 S. 3 ' /~, ° .... ~ ~",,, Nothing ~~ S89°O7'52"E ,2647.20' ~ S¢9~0'50"E 2 ~28 1321.82' 2z ~, ~ ~e 1~9 ~,TM ,2, J S88"59'37"~ ~'82.48' '°~~ ¢ T~4~, ~ ~ ~ o 2ooo~ Section 3 ~ - [o/ - . V Date of Field Work 16 June 2004 Office Reference S3T34R19 No/thin( Eastin( Elev. LEGEND @ BLM type Monument Quarter Comer Section Corner CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112131415161718192021222324;;A 5 Firm/Agency, Address Lloyd B. Baker and Associates Box 210, 285 North Main Thayne, Wyoming 83127 Phone: (307) 883 - 2194 Fax: (307) 883 - 4194 This corner record was prepared by me or under my direction and supervision. SEAL & SIGNATURE STATE OF WYOMING Office of Clerk and Recorder County of Lincoln This "corner record" was filed at on the day of. County Clerk Deputy Comer Name: South 1/16 Comer between Sections 3 and 10, T34N R119W 6TH. P.M. Cross Index No: E-14