HomeMy WebLinkAbout900696 State of Wyoming Corner Record
In compliance with the CORNER PERPETUA TION AND F/LING ACT, W oming Statutes. 1977, ' ?i: i!! !i',: i!:i ~ ~,'" i~::~ ?
Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Professional Land ~Curveyors ' Sect/o?~3!~:! ~- .1~. ! :. ~l. seg,e~d~heV~tule,?n~g,~,lations of the
West on the south boundary of Section 34~ set ~ - si~.
40.00 ~et,,a po_st 4 ~ ft. long 4 ins. sq., 24 ins, in the ~r~oun~l for
~ ~,e.c., Uo, r,..marked '/, .S.. on N. face, dug pits 18x18x12 ins.
~. ~ w. or uor. 5 ~ ft. dist. and raised mound of earth I ~ ft.
high 3 ~ ft. base. alongside.
Marlowe A. Scherbel - 2000
Found:- An E/Wand N. fence intersection NE 0.3 ft. from a
measured position, midway and on line between the NE and
NW comers of Section 3. Accepted this corner as evidence
that the measured position is correct for the comer between
Sections 34 and 3.
Set.'-- A 2 ins, galvanized steel pipe 30 ins, long (BLM type)
with brass cap inscribed as shown 0.4 ft. above ground ~urface
SWly. 0.3 ft. from a RR tie fence post at the intersection of an
E/W and N. fence, with a stone filled tire casing around.
BLM type monument as shown
BLM type Monument
Quarter Corner found
Section Corner
Sa89°18'54'..,4 5280.32' ,~, '~"225
3ZO.US' !1,"1'~ 13Z0 08' ~
~ S89~16'02"E ~-
T35N~ R~ ~ 9W 0
Section 34
Date of Field Wo~ 14 June 2004
-- : Not To Scale
x xL--]-x
No. Northing Easting Elev. Desc.
102 1231/71.'065 23714057.643 5786.63 X-13
104 1231701.102 2376699.654 5876.05 X-17
105 1229042.108 ~7666~.964 5877.47 Z-17
106 1229062.2.~0 23/4017.0/b 5818.70 Z-15
1U6 7231/26.363 23740/4.449 5611.6/ X-15
115 1229122.855 2371370.018 5798.95 Z-13
132 1233097.208 2371430.440 5784.15 W-13
I33 1230446.960 2371387.830 5793.53 Y-13
155 1233030.664 2376717.413 5865.22 W-17
156 1230371.605 2376681.809 5876.52 Y-17
157 1229062.179 2375340.520 5848.09 Z-16
.!58 1229102.553 2372693.547 5808.83 Z-14
159 1231749.724 2372740.046 5798.94 X-14
160 1230405.317 2374045.762 5815.29 Y-15
I61 1230426.139 2372716.796 5792.48 Y-14
162 1233060.086 2374084.826 5797.56 W-15
163 1233078.647 2372757.633 5798.94 W-14
~21 1234423.350 2371455.237 5782.29 V-13
~-22 1234407.570 2372775.220 5779.19 V-14
?23 1234391.789 2374095.204 5783.26 V-15
)_24 1234376.008 2375415.188 5783.26 V-16
225 1234360.227 2376735.172 5854.39 V-17
OfficeReference 83T34R19
~30' +29' ~28' '27' '26' '25~ T
Firm/Agency, Address
Lloyd B. Baker and Associates
Box 210, 285 North Main
Thayne, Wyoming 83127
Phone: (~07) 883 - 2194
Fax: (307) 883 - 4194
This comer record was prepared
by me or under my direction
and supervision.
Office of Clerk and Recorder
County of Lincoln
This "comer record" was filed at
on the . day of
County Clerk Deputy
Comer Name: 1/4 Comer Between Section 34, T35N, R l l gW and Section 3, T34N, R119W: 6TH. P.M. Cross Index No: Z-15