HomeMy WebLinkAbout900659MRY-5-P004 10:59R FROM: TO: 13077336186 ' RECEIVED TH~S MO~T(;0G~ {s made as of fl~} g~~ day 0f Ma~,"2004, bet RIDGE, LLC, a ~yoflfing Limited Liabili~ Company, P.O. Box 3165, Alpine, g3128 (the "Mo~g~gor") an~ ROBERT TEIBEL, JR., a'mmzied m~ as his sole ~d' property, 11711 Wos~ 90~ Avenue, St. Jo~, Indiana 46373 (the "Mortgagee"). WITNESSEW~ th2t to s~c~2 tBe payment of an indebtedness in th~ ~o~ ~ '~id~d by a Promisso~ Note or even date~Ummre ultimate maturity date or w .ic is January 1, 2005, or, ifa house is buil~ on thc identified, then the date such ~ouse is occupied as a residence, whichever occu renewals, modifications, ~d extensions thereof, the Mo~gagor hereby mo~ [gage. Mortgagee the ]Bllowing d~scribed rea] estate sitCated in the Town or Alpi~m, C Lincnln, State oF Wyoming, ~o wit:~ Lot 15 of the Trail Ridge Subdix land records of Lincoln County, Wyomh Instrument No. 8946' 8. [sion as shown on the plat there g on October 21, 2003, as Plat Togethe. thereumo belon Subject and rights-of-w And the Mortg~ witli MI improvements and all other appurtenances and ,lng. co all cc?venants, conditions! restrictions, easements, reset Ly o'f eight mid/o r record. or covenants wiih Mortgagee as :follows: I. ~t. The Mortgagor shall Pay the indebtedness hereby secured 2. Prenavme. nf. T~e Mortgagor shall have the privilege o'fpaying the at any time without premium or penalty of any kind. ~,onfing epa rate d' 1: i frY [th the 'hq eiu anc all to the runty of ~f filod in thc {o 2;!5-E and he :edil.aments aUon~, rights, age ~um in person or .eknotwledged :ured tby this [ giv4 when tted either . · ~-~ P:~/5 ¢ Mortgage. ' 8. Notice. A mailed, and shall be addn party from time to time in 7. Sthterr ent. T~e Mortgai[or, within twenty (20) days upon reques · 1 within thirty (30-~ay upon ]request by nail, will furnish, a written statement duly verifying and acknoWledging :the amount outstanding' on the indebtedness se Ic~i [ sent certi!ied mail, shall be ..deem: !, n~ces shall be :ssed as follows or at such other plaee'a~q may be!des[~ writing in the ;amc manner as provided herein: MORTGA(;E 3. Preservation df Property_. 'l'hc Mortgagor shall not do n or. in cormectmn wtth th9 Propert ;]that may }mpatr Mortgagqe s sectmty hereunder. , gor will not eom,nit, permit, or sufi~ any waste, impaim~ent, 9r deterioration of.thc and the Property shall be o°ntinUou~y maintained in good and sightly order, repair, condition by Mortgagor at its expense. -~ ,' assessments, ; :' =' ' ' ' ' '- ' ' :harL.,f (e,g., homeowners .~ opel 5. I avments by_ ," l'ortgag, ee. In the event Mortgagor defaults in the r paymenl[0f any lawful charges against the P¥ perry, Mortgagee, at ~is sdle option and discretion, may p~'same. Mortgagor covenants and agrees to · reimburse such sums expended by Mortgagee, with~nterest at the rate of eighteen pereer}t (18%) per annum, and the same shall constitute a lien ag~m the Properly with priority as of the ]ate hereof. ' : ' st 6. Late PiymJnt Fee. If &:fault is made in' the payment required he]~ein, 4nd such default is not cured within,tea (10) days of when due, then a late fee in the amountlof ten percent (10%) of the amount lue ~all also be :Iy~5-P004 Mortgagor: Raven Ridge, LLC Mortgageel: .O. Box 3165 lpine, Wyoming ~3128 [oblrt T;ibei, J~r. 11711 West 90~h Avenuc It. Jt~Im, i. ndian~a 46373. the ~ropely to ~.the 11. Foreclosure Up_o_n_ Default provided, the Mortgagee may)pr'oc~rsua~ht to the laws of the State of Wyomi foreelos~e or advertisement and sale,'~ fbreclose on and sell the Property, proceeds of such sale shall pay all sums secured hereby, including all costs and lbreclosure proceeding. Remedies. ]' 1'_' remediss 12. prgvided in this Mortgage art distinct any other right or rem'e_c[y under this Mprtgage or afforded by law or ec exercised concurrently, indcpcndenffy or~ successively. Any forbearance :fy exercising any right or remec~y hereunder, or otherwise alTorded by applicable· la, deemed a waiver orlpreelude !he exerc~e ofany such right or remedy at any time. (c) governmental charges, quasi-goverm'nental charges ar After the fissi~nment of, the lents of thc Property or written consept of the Mortg~tgee, except ~ otherwise (b) After failure m exhibil~to t e Mortgagee, within th rty (30) days after reeeiptq showing payment of all ground rents, tax~:s, water rents, sew d assessments; or my part thereof provided herein; or (d) (e) (0 (g) If thc Mortgagor~ fail to keep., observe, and perform any of the other cc conditions, or ·agreements contained in this Mortgage (not cured within pl time .~mits); or 1 After ~'ailu[e to comply witp' ~y requirement or order or notice ofviolatic or ordin~ce:issued by ~any gover~ental or qmsi-gove~ental ~ cl~ming j~isdicfi0n over ~e Property witlfin tl~ee (3) monthslfrom the thereof; or Upon sale lot ~r~sfbr bf ~ inten st in the Prope~ without Mo~gagee's as herein prov:.,ded; or ~ An~hing in ~is Moffgage cont~ ed to thc contr~ n necessary.~ ~ ,or M0~gagec or Mort agee's agent t~ not de~hul~ unOer this Mortgage lbr f~ lure to make ~y re mmme~ tw~ (;'[) times, then thc Mo~gagee shall ~ot filahe~nottce ~f [dehult and the Mmlgage ~11, at the detaul~ (~U all amomats ~cured hereby ~d payable ~d p~yab]e) lind the Moagagee shall have all reme. fo~h herein. ~ I )tw/thstanding, if it [fy Mortgagor in w :luired payments in ~¢ obligated to pro' option of Mortgag tereunder shall bc .es available to hit tN MORTGACE RAV RIDGE, LLC / TEIBEL PAGE 2 OF 4 demand, :r refits, ]out the venalltS, ~'scfibed puoflaTM thority ~SUILrlC(~ consent shall: be -iting of timply dc any :e, be in ~lly due ~ aS set herein udicial of the o1' the ttive, to be 9, Warranty. Tim Mortgagor warrants the ititlc to the P[operty. furnish and pay for'title insurance coverage insuring. MoYtgagee's intel'est in 1~11 amount of the indebtedntss(~secured hereby. 10. Del'hult. and_ Acc~lera,tion. The entire indebtedness securedlherel~ sba become due and payable at the optio~of th.e l~lortgagee: (a) Upon default }n/'ihe payment of any amount hereby seci[red or pal hie :reunder (the amount .et] the'Proh~issory Note, late charges, la~wful eharj~s ag~finst the Property,. amcuffts paid ~y Mortg.},~:gcc, attorney fees, collection costs, ,:tc.) and failure to cure such payment det~ilt within twenty (20) d~ys of writte n notice thereof; or IAY~5-200q 10:SgA FROM: TO: 100773061~ 13. Receiver. 'Phc Mortga e, i~} any action or procedUre to tbreclos power of sale, or qther ~ise~, shall bet. ntitled to the appointment of a receiver. hereby consents theft, in :he event a rec lver is appointed, the Mortgagee may be 14. Possessi n.' I~ the ev, possession of the Prope]ty dui'lng thc tp'plichblc, un period of redemption, tt of default by Mortgagor, the Mortgal ~¢ndcncy of any Foreclosure proceeding: er the laws of the State of Wyoming. it (j~, by The Mortgagor :iver. [o any 15. Attorney find FOreclos{.re l~xpenses. It' any action or proceeding to which action or proceeding ithe Mc rtg.a..~ee is made a party due to his interest or in which it becomes ~neces~sary to initiate collection of the indebtedness foreclosure proceedings (whetb. er or not suit is necessary), all sums pad by expense of any litigation or proceeding to prosecute or to defend the rights this Mortgage or to ¥oreclose this Mortgage or to collect the indebtedness (including reasonable artomey?s tbes), shall e paid by the Mortgagqr, thereon at thc rate ofleighteeg percent (1.8%~ iper pmum, and any su}:h sums thereon shall b~ a lien ~n t~e P~:operty, prior to ~ny *ght, or title to, interest in, Property attaching, or accrt~ing, ~;ubsequcnt to thi:, lie r~ofof this Mortgage, and shall · , 16. Assi~nmen. I o'F Rents, ~ The MortgagOr hereby assign to the Mor' :ogeetthe rents, issues, and profits, if any, ol'th..~ Property as further security for the[payment ofttte indybtedness secured hereby, and the Mortgagor grants to the Mortgagee the rigl~t to entctr up(~n the Property cha°r ,any, part. thereof, ~and to, apply, the rents, issues, and profits, a~er payment ~' all hecessary rges aaa expenses, 9n at:count of the ir]debtedness hereby secured. This assigr~rnent [and grant shall continue in effect unt~[ all sum/secured by this MortgageI are paid The fiJrtoao e hereb,, wai~ves the~ r!ght to enter u~.on the ~ope~y for the purpo~'e oi' collecting said ~, i?mes, an~ pronts, and the Mortgagor shall be e~title~ to enllect m~d 'tO receive!said rents, issues, ar d profits; provided that such right of tlae Mortgago[ may'be revoked by th~ Mortgagee up~on ar default (not cured within the applieal:,le cure periol)hereundir' without nolice. 17. Deficien..c~. ~ I:a ~he evFnt the Property, is sold at f~breclosure (judicial,)nwer of sale, or otherwise according to law) and the proceeds are insufficier~t to pay t~e i~td, btedness secured hereb~y, ,Mortgagor .s?{l remain liable for the unpaid balande and M~tgage, will be entitled to a deficiencyjudgn~ent. I 18. Due-On-Transfer. If all or any part o£ the Property or any equita~e o r ! meficial interest thereto ~s sold or othcrwme transferred by Mortgagor ~without Mortgage~s prier written consent, which shall' not b~,~urxeaSonably withheld, excludir}g (a) the ereatio~iol' a purchase money, security interest for ap. pl~ianees, (b) a transfer by descet~t, devise, or ope~ior, of'the law upon the death of any owner, or (c) the grant oF any leasehold i~ateres:! to the Pro ~rty of three (3) years or less not ,,e,,o, ntaining an 0ption to purchase, Mortgageelmay~at : s sol declare all sums secured hereby ~o be ir~tnediately due and paylble. 1' . option, 19. Set-Off. Mortgagor shall not be entitled to set-off or ' righl ainst amounts secured hereb 20. Miscell~ aeons...,"' This Mortgage may not be chart rated ly. The covenantS, agreements an~[ Conditions]contained in this Mortgag, thc and and bind the Mortgagor, tm heirs~ ;succeslors, and assigns of the ~ ad all su >sequent owners~ encumbrancer[, tenants, and subtenants of th~ Pr~,pert'~, and sh~ to thc of the Mortgagee, the personal tep[esentakives, successDrs, and '~s [l o lortgage and all subsequent holders of this Mc. rtgage. This Mortgagelshall be g, e laws of State of Wyomin,g ' ~' . I [ ' · IN WITNESS ~-IEKEOF, thls Mortga ;e has bee duly executed by her.~by relinquishing and waiving ¢11 eights under and b) virtue of the homestead exemption lm of the State of Wyoming, ~ /'l ~ ~ ' RAVgN RIDGE, LL a Wyoming Limited Li ~bility Cc npany MORTGAGE ,RAVEN RIDGE. LLC/TEIBEL ced, Property, :cured or for the by secured wifl~ interest intlerest upon the :o be ELIAN '~. SPRAR~-'q MEMBER STAVE OF WYOMING )'ss. COUNTY O~ Ll~cot~ ) On this Z~b4~day o'f May, 2004 acknowledged to me that he signed the RIDGE, LLC, for and on behalf of said WILLIAM L. SPF~N MEMBER [ personally appeared befbre me BILL NEEB foregoing Mortgage as Managing Member of Eompany. Witness my hand anti official seal, My Commi.ssion exFires: 2-~. NOTAR~ STATE OF WYOMINq SS. On this 7-~D~'-~ day cf ay, 200 personally appearec who duly acknowledged to me that she signed the foregoing RIDGE, LLC, for and on behalf of said Company. PUBLIC I beft~re me ELLIN E. SI ort~age as a Member of Witness my hand and official seal. SANDRA k MOEILE~Y~ · I oo n, o, Lincoln ~'~ WY°rain0 My Commis~pires: [ N'OTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING ).' SS. COUNTY OF L~roc~t~J ' f On this Z~C-'~day' of May,, 2004, personally app~ amd be{ore me WILL] SPEARIN who duly a~k~ovle(tgcd t~ me tha~ he .~igned the fc :egoing Mortgage as a Me RAVEN RIDGE, LLC, for and on b~half of said Company. ~ SANDRA L. MORLEY- NOTARYPUI~UO $ County of ~' ' State of Commissiop exP 'es: ' Z. ct My ~I MOaTCAC~. RAV mOGE, LLC/'r[~ PAGE 4 OF 4 )l o duly EARIN AVEN ,M L. ~ber of