HomeMy WebLinkAbout900812900812 RECEIVED !' {{'.,Ui',I-[¥ CLERK [Above Space is For County Recorder] IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY RECORDER cINCOLN COUNTY COU RTIIOUSE KEMMERER, WYOM lNG 83101 NOTICE OF DEFAULT n To CONTEST OF LIEN AFFIDAVIT OF DtgF~ULT AND CANCELLATION OF CLAIMS OF LIEN (/RS "NOTICE" OF F EDE RAL TAX LIEN) Prepared by: *Maurice Wayne Jones and Dorenda Leigh (Price) Jones lnjured Party/Plaintiff' c/o P.O. Box 117 Grover, Wyoming State PZ [831221 vs. Two (2) Records [Attachment "A"I Iiled into the Lincoln County, Kemmerer, Wyoming Official Records Dept., as; Page I of 6 1. Tax Lien Index Document//884653 recorded on 8 October 2002, IRS Serial Number #840205856, "Notice of Federal Tax Lien" RMR Trust :is nominee and/or transferee of Manrice W & Dorenda P Jones executed on I October 2002, [Exhibit "A"] and; 2. Tax Lien Index Document #884654 recorded 80clober 2002, IRS Serial Number 840205854, "Notice of l~ederal Tax Lien" RM.R Trnst :Is nominee and/or transferee of ]Vlaurice W & Dorenda P Jones executed on 1 October 2002, [Exhibit "B"] Subjects, And; Mr. Fred Skalnba, Internal Revenue Service and; Mark W. Everson, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, Dale Hart, Commissioner, Small Business/Self Eml}loyed Division, lnterlml Revenue Service, and; Kevin M. Browt::, Chief of Staff to IRS Commissioner Everson, Internal Revenue Service, and; P~ Vahe, Agent, Internal Revenue Se~wice, Claimants, Lienors, Respondents, Defendants/l)efaulters. Page 2 of 6 i ......... i '_'.!'z " Filed and executed in: Wyoming State Republic Lincoln County AFFIDAVIT OF DEFAUIJT AND CANCELLATION OF CLAIMS OF LIEN Maurice Wayne Jones anti Dorenda Leigh Price Jones, lhe Affiants herein, hereby serve NOTICE OF DEFAULT ~1'O CONTEST OF LIEN and affirm and declare as follows: That the Lienors/Claimants/l/espondents/Defendants, hereinafter Defaulters, set forth above have fitiled to come forth within the 60 days provided to Rebut or Respond to CONTEST OF LIEN filed 'by Affiants in the office of the Lincoln County Recorder Lincoln County Courthouse, Kemn~erer, Wyoming, which was "RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 04 Mar 22 PM 1:33 JEANNE WAGNER KEMMERER, WYOMING" recorded "BOOK 550-PR PAGE 367" document # "897969". [EXHIB1T "C"I That said Defaulters have failed to file a judicial complaiut in the District Court for Ihe Third Judicial District Lincoln County Wyoming to perfect their claims against the Affiants or have failed ~o e:;tabl.[sh by affidavit and evidence their support for AND/OR endorsement of the said ci:,Ams as evidenced by the "Notice(s) of Federal Tax Lien" :is set forth above. Aftiants decla?e the Lienors/Claimants/Respondents/Defendants, Defaulters named above are in DEFAULT~ THIS NOTICE OF ENTRY OF DEFAULT, filed in lhe public record of Lincolu County Wyoming stale, gives NOTICE to all persons or entities to which these presents come that the claims set forth i~~, the Defaulters' "Notice{s) of Federal Tax Lien" se~ forth above, which were filed and ,'ecorded in the Lincolu County Wyoming Official Records Department, are hereby NllLL AND VOID for lack of prosecution and lack of proof/evidence to support lhem and fi~ilure to rebut CONTEST OF LIEN, and are, therefore, of no force or effect. Page 3 o1'6 NOTICE TO ANY AND ALL PARTIES: Any reference to said "Notice(s) of Federal Tax Lien" witbont equal refererce to this "NOTICE OF DEFAULT TO CON~IEST OF LIEN, AFFIDAVIT O F DEFAULT AND CAN CELLATIO N O F CI,AIMS OF IAEN (1 lis "NOTICE" OF FEDERAL-TAX LIEN) and without equal reference to Defaulters' failnre to prove or perfect Defanlt-ers'.claims shall constitute fraud and/or accessory to frand and/or accessory to the filing of false and frandulent claims and docnments in violation of the Natural Law, the Christian Common Law, Wyoming Stalnte Law, and the peace and dignity of the people of the Republic of Wyoming and iu parlicular the people of Lincoln County Wyoming. Further, because of Deft'alters' failnre to establish Defanllers' fonndation of anthority to tax Affiants' activities and because of Defaulters' failnre to establis!~ Affiants' foundation of debt and liability supporting Defanlters' claims and actions against Affiants, Affiants hereby give notice of intenl to pursne legal remedies to one or ~nore of il~e following charges against one or more of file listed Defanlters/Defendants for the following possible crimes; God's Moral Law "Thon slmlt net steal," and "Thou shall no! bear false witness.", and Wyoming Statutes as follows; 6-3-402 Larceny;; 6-3-403 Wrongful taking or disposing of property; 6-3-407 Obtainiug prol~erty by false pretenses; 6-1-303(a) Conspiracy; 6-2- 402(a)(ii) Blackmail [extortion]; and nnlawful conduct violating other statutes, and acts and attelnpts to overthrow the Lawful government of Wyoming state and Lincoln County Wyoming in particular by subve~-ting the rule of law, snbverting due process, and violating the Constitntional Rights of Wyoming Citizens. The Defaulters, for failnre to prove, judicially perfect, or jnstify their claims AND/OR their snpport or endorsement of the fraudulent claims, now bare a criminal liability as set forth in tile i'n'ecedtng paragraph: DISCLAIMER Affiants reserve all rights t:'uder all forms of law, withont prejndice. Affiants hereby refute, disclaim, and refl~se any implied contract to which any mailing address, salutation, request, denmnd, quote of statute, ~,r presentation contained in Ibis document may snbject Affiants. Page 4 of 6 Ail]ants do not waive any Consti;ntional or Common Law righis. Affiants do not vohmtarily or invohmtarily acqo;esce into any foreign jurisdiction. Affiants hereby make explicit reservation of all rights and re~nedies..Use of nota,'y below is for purposes of signatnre identification on!y and Affiants accept no foreign jurisdiction by the use thereof, and waive no rights herein or hereby. A'ffianls hereby declare an ;! a£firm, as God is witness, thai the foregoing is trne and correct, having first hand knowledge of the facts in this case on this 6th day of July, 2004. Further Affiants sayeth naught. Maurice Wayne Jones Dorenda Price Jones Manrice Wayne Jones ano Dorenda Price Jones Mailing location: c/o P.O. Box 117 Grover, Wyoming 83122-0117 Notary Stat ement coumy £', ) Before ,ne, the undersigned author, itL on this day personally appeared the above signed Affiants ~ known to me or [] provecl to be by ldemification # the natural persons whose names are subscribed to in the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same fbr the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal and executed on this [, _ day of ~.t~ , 2004. Notary Signature ~~~ $ BEVERLY~HNSON-NOT~Y PU~IC ' ~ Nota7 Public lbr the State of _ ~ H~n ~ W~'~i~ ~ My Commission Expires: 3 -- ~ ~- 0~ Page 5 of 6 CE RTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1,(..~ 't ~. , of NOTICE OF DEFAULT TO CONTEST OF LIEN, AFFIDAVIT OF DEFAULT AND CANCELLATION OF CLAIMS OF LIEN (IRS "NOTICE" OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN) is hereby mailed lo the Lincoln County Clerk's Office, PO Box 670, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101 be filed in the Official Public Records and said NOTICE has been served on Defaulters by first class mail, properly addressed and poslage prepaid, as follows: 1. Fred Skaluba, alleged agent, Internal Revenue Service, 301 South Howcs Street, Room 302, MS5446FC, Fort Collins, Colorado [80521] 2. Mark W. Everson, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. [20224] 3. Dale Hart, Commissione~", S~nall Business/Self Employed Division, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution &venue, ;Vashington, D.C. [202241 4. Kevin M. Brown, Chief of Staff to IRS Co~nmissioner Everson, lmernal Revenue Service, 111 l Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. [20224! 5. D. Vahe, Agent, Internal Revenue Service, 301 South ltowes, Room 302, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 Mailed on this mture~erver ' Address of Se~er ,2004. · Page 6 of 6 ,~. L]300S%~ Notice of Federal Tax Lien - ~ ] p~ rial Number - 801-799-6950 ' '"' /' 84020585Z* ~rovided by sections-6321, 6322, and 6323 of the Internal Revenue [e, we are giving a notice that taxes [lncltding Interest and penalties) ebeen assessed against the following-named taxpayer. We have made · .mend for payment of this IiabllRy, but it remains unpaid. Therefore, ~e is a lien in favor of the United States on all property and rights to perry belonging to this taxpayer for the am6unt of these taxes, and ltlonal penaltles,..lnterest~'and costs that may acc~e. of Taxpayer IR Trust as nominee and/or transferee of -Un~c~.W. and Dbrenda P. J'ones ).Box 117 ~ver. WY 83122 Recorded In Book. II )RTANT RELEASE INFORMATION; For each assessment listed below, ;s notice of lien is refiled by tho date given In column to), this notice shall, e day foEowlng such date, open]to as .a ce[tlficate of release as defined c 6325(a). ,d (a) ~04o .i.o'"4'd. ' £Cveec ad i Tax Period Ended (b) 12/31/3.996 :].2/31/1997 12/31/1998 ription: Lot the pl. Clerk, tess ia 89796 H ounty Clerk incoln emmerer, WY I Identifying Nmber (c) 526-70-4578N 52.6-?0-4578N 526-70-4578N , Block (7) of th t ~ecorded in the Lincoln County, ~ ~hway 89. I III II I Date of Assessment 11/01/1999 11/01/1999 11/01/1999 Town of Grow office of the ,oming. 83101 - For Optional Use by Reco~ O~k~ ~ Page.../_~.__. Kemmerer, WY Last Day for Reflllng (~) 12/01/2009 12/01/2009 1~/01/~009. c according to ~incoln County Total Unpaid Balance of Asse~ent 500.00 · 500. O0 500.00 $1500.00 notice was prepared and signed at Fort Collins, CO, on this, the 1 st day of October, 2002. ature [Title E: Ccrf~cata o[ officer aufhodzed by law fo fak'~ ackno:~lod¢cmont~ I~ n~ essential fo fho ~d~y ~ N~ka ~ Federal Tax ~on Ray. R~. TI408. I071-2 F~ 668~ (a~. ...~--~ ~'~ ........ '.. ..... ' .... ~ .~~. ~-~~ ~'- ~x. ~: '. ' = ' ....,.. ~-.~==-~.:-.. ~ ....... ~ .........' .... r'. ....... ~':~ ;" ": '~ue ~ e~ce ' C~4~ ~ ,-.7~ v.?.~.,~%': .,_'.;~.' ..... . '..' .... . '. _ . " ~ " I ,NotiCe of'Federal' Lien For Opflon~ U~. by .: ~'~: -.~ ~-:~¥.-.~ :: ~..- - -- a: 801-799-6950 provided by sections 6321, 6322_, and 6323'of ttie internal Revenue de, we are giving a notice that taxes (including interest and.penalQes} /e been assessed against the following'named .taxpayer. We tiave made lemand for payment of this liability, but It. r~malns unpaid. Therefore, ;m is a lien in favor of the United States c~n all property and rights to )perry belonging to this taxpayer for th~ amount of these taxes, and ditlonal penalties, Interest, and costs that may accrue. of Taxpayer ~IR Trust as nominee and/or transferee of mdce W. and Dorenda P. Jones lance . O.Box 117 'over, WY 83122 - In Book, 08D?DGD. 374 ~. ~anne Wagner, Clerk ORTANT RELEASE INFORMATION: For each assessment listed below, ss notice of lien is refil0d by the dategiven In column (e), this notice shall, he day following such date, operate as ia certificate of release as defined ~,C 6325(a). nd of Tax (a) 1040 1040 1040 Legal Des Tax Period Ended (b) 12/31/1996 12/31/1'997' 12/31/1998 .rip[ion: Lot (2 the p1. Clerk, et address is § ;ofFIling ]ounty Clerk ~incoln (emmerer, WY Identifying Number ,'(c) '526'-70~4578 526i70-4578 526-70-4578 ,-Block (7) of tt .t ['ecorded in the Lincoln County, ~ (79'~ tlighway 89. Date of As r,e r~me nt 09/18'/2000 09/18/2000 Last Day for ' Raffling (e) 83101 ~o/18/2o10. .zo/~a/2OlO ~0/18/2010 e Town of Grov. r according t~ office of the Lincoln Count faming. Total Unpaid Balance of Assessment (q 254133.76 170264.58 101334.52 $525732.86 , notice was prepared ,,nd signed at Fad Colllqs, CO, on this, the 1 St day of October, 2002. ~ature ii . . Jl-ltle , ; ,aub ' ' ' | v nlue Of ce YE: Cccfific~le o[ o4~c~r a~hodzcd by ~w {o I~k~J ackno~odOcmont~. I~ not e~sonflal io fha vafidfly ~ Noflco of Fade[al Tax lien Rev. Ru{. 71-466, 1071-2 ~oo) ' :" . .' Fo~ 668(Y) (a.~. m-~099)