HomeMy WebLinkAbout900851FileNo.: 3078,8 (01) WttEN RECORDED RETURN TO: 900851 Name: ][IGRR, LLC Address: P.O. Box 1120 Thayne, W'Y 83 RE,,EIVED · LINOOI.N (:OIINTY CLERK WARRANTY DEED (individual Form) Wihna Schmitt, as Trustee Rich:lrd C. Schmitt Testamentary Family Trust, dated April 27, 2000 and Wihna Schmitt, Individually, G'~LANTOR(S) of Bonneville County, State of Idaho, CONVEY(S) AND WARRANT(S) to HG~{R, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company, GRANTEE(S), Whose address is, PO Box 1120, _Thayne, ~ 83127:for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable Cdr sideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyon3ing, hereby releasing and wafving all rights under and by virtue of the Itomestead Exemption Laws of:the State, to-wit: Lot 28, Star Valley Ranch Plat l 0, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat filed in 'the Office of the Lincoln Cmmty Clerk ~ Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor this Wilma Schm:itt, lAdividually ~_~~ay of July, 2004. STATE OF Idaho COUNTY OF Bonneville The foregoing instrument waslacknowledged before me this ~',, _ day of ,~~ , 9~a-ofi/ , by Wihna Schmitt,: Trustee and Wilma Schmitt, Iud iv idually the sigrfier(s) o/f/the within i~struinent, Who duly ackn~owledged to me that he/she/they executed the same. WITNESS MY ItAND AND f_)FFICIAL SEAL. ~y c~y Public: mmission expires //,/~./2-- ~.4,/ Residing al Idaho Fails, Idaho My Commission ExpireS: 11/IZ/20~4 File Number: 30788 Land Tide Company Warranty Deed - (Individual) Page Iof l~s~::~