HomeMy WebLinkAbout900863 RECORDING REQUESTED BY SECIJRED FUNDING CORIL AND WHEN IH~CORDED MAIl, TO SECIJRED FUNDING CORP. 2955 IIEDIIILL AVF. NUE COSTA M~]SA, CALIFORNIA 92626 Loan No. 80003270 Title Order No. FA-10908 Escrow No. ASSIGN'M'ENT OF DEED RECEIVED LIl'.IC:'!l,_f'i C;OUHT'Y CLERK [SI'ACE AIIOVE RESERVED FOIl RECORDER] OF TRUST / MORTGAGE FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the ut]dersigned hereby grants, assigns and transfers ~o WELLS FAP. GO BANK. N.A.; CONSUMER LOAN SERVICING CENTER ATrN: I)OCUMENT MANAGEM. ENT-IMAC; B6955-01 I; 2324 OVEI/LAND AVENUE, BILLINGS, biT 59102 all bcneficM interest uMer that ce~ :am Deed of Trust / Mortgage dated OCTOBER 23 , KEN R. KU Li NSK¥ AND VICKIE A. KIJLINSKY 2003 executed by SECURED FUNDING CORP., A CALIFORN[A CORI'OIDkTION and recorded as Instrument No. 8 9 4 9 50 o11) 0 / 31 / 0 ~ Book / Reel 5 4 0 Records in the Counry Recorder's ofl~ce o3 I,tNCOLN describing laM therein as: LEGAL DESCRIPTION AT'FACIIEI) HE.RETO AND MADE A PART IIEREOF. , Trustor / Borrower to , Trustee 1 Mortgagee · Page / Image 676 ' of Official County, W¥OIYYING , PARCEL NUMBER: 12-2116454-22-165-00 TOGETHER with [l~e note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereo~ with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue TklEILEUNDER. SECURED FUNDING CORP. Dated: A CAI,1FORNIA COIIPORATION (Assignor) /. ( ignature} (Print Name & Title) By: (Signature) (Print Name & Title) By: (Signature) IPrmt Name & Title) STATE OF CAL1FOILNIA , COUNTY OF 0 fI~/N;~ } SS On ~O~k% ~ i~6'5 berore ,nc, /~ ¢~fl~% , personally appeared ~~d~ x ~ ~N ....... d Title) p n, Ily kn{wn to me (r~~'~~~~vid~nge) to be the person(~ w~ ltallle(~)-~are subscribed to Ihe withi~q illstnllnetll and acknowledged to me thai he/~hey e~ecaled the same m hisl~their authorized capacity(~), and that by his/~heir signattu'c~ on Ihe instrt, nent the person(~, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(~ acted, executed lhe instrument. WITNESS my hffi~daand offici~,l seal Signature i'4 ....... ' ' ' ry Piti)Itc in an'~r ~a~.l ~T~tate (Nora rial Seal) I)OCI'REi' SERVICES, INC. ASSNI 0417 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 1 of Block 1 of Hillcrest Subdivision lo the Town of Diamoncville, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. ALSO A parcel of land in Tract 41 of Resurvey of T21N R116W of the 6th P.M., Wyoming morc particularly desc:ibed as follows: Lincoln County, Commencing at Corner Nmnbcr 4 of said TracI 4l and running thence East along the North line of said Tract 41 a distance of 50.~,3 feet to a point on the west boundary of Hillcrest Subdivision of the Town of Diamondville, Wyoming, said point also being a point on the easterly right-of- way line of US Highway 30 North; thence N 17°12'00.. W, a distanc= of 77..59 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this descriptton, said point also being the Northwest corner of Block 1 of the Hillcrest Subdivision said point also being thc Southwest corner of lhe Van Gas Tract; thence S 89°42'00'' E, along the north line of the Hillcrest Subdivision, a distance of 199 13 feet; thence N I1 °04'00" W, along tile westerly line of First West Avenue of tile Town of Diamondville, a distance of 40 feet- thence S 78°42'43 3" W, a distance of 195.22 feel more or less to tim point of beguming of this description. [,ESS AND EX[TEPT land contained in Quitclaim Deed recorded September 21, 1993 in Book 336PR on page 35 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk