HomeMy WebLinkAbout900915When recorded lnail to: Terry Williams Greeley, CO 80634 QUIT-CLAIM DEED Mary Rose Moon, Gr~:ntor, of 2885 E. Cherry Blossom Lane, Ho!laday City, County of Salt Lake, Stme of Utah, hereby QJIT-CLAIMS to Ten'y Williams of 1013 - vgth Avenue, Greeley City, County of Weld, State of Colorado, for good and valuable consideration the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged by the Grantor, the following described property i.~ Lincoln County, State of State of Wyoming: STAR VALLEY RANCH, PLAT 1, LOT 74 According to the official plat thereof located in the office o'f the Lincoln County Recorder. Parcel No. Also known as: 801 S.~rnce Drive, Thayne, Wyoming WITNESS the hand STATE OF UTAH ) )SS. COtr TY Ot, of said Grantor, Mary Rose Moon, this C~-/4 day of ,2004. /TM ACKNOWLEDGMENT On the ~4 day of M) IA_0A4- ,2004, personally appeared 'before me Mary Rose Moon, the siguer of the foregoing instrm~-nt, who duly ackno~vledged to me that she executed the same. My comlnission expires: g PUBLI¢¢ Residing in State of Utah Notary Pub~io SALLY J. HUTCHING$ I Holladay, Utah ~117 Ju~ 19, ~7 i State of Ut~ C:\CLIENTS~MOON\WYOMINGQCD