HomeMy WebLinkAbout9009309009'80 RECEIVED ~LINOOI..N COUNT'( CLERK Loan # RELEASE OF' MORT(;AGE 336277 15q6045337 KNOWN ALL MiEN BY THESE PRESEN'i?S, Tba l il. is hereby cerlitied by W¥()MI'NCi COMMUNITY I)EVELOPMi!3NT AUTtlORITY A corporation of the County.~of Natrona, and lhe ,State of Wyoming, lhat certain mortgage givea by a Jacob A Francom and Jill Bur~i Francom~ Husband and Wife~ Mortgagor(s), Major Morteaee~ A Wyoming Corporation as Mortgagee, to sccm'e paymem of the principal sum of .$90~0{10.00, dated on the 1._s~t dayof (hfl~,, 20 ~ and recorded in fl~e office of the County Clerk anti Ex-Of:ficio Register of Deed of Lincoln County, Stale of Wyoming, on lhe 2nd cia3, of July ~ 20 ~.02 in [:look /493 o£ Mortgages, at Page 550 ~ Instrmnent Number ~ mortgaging the following described real property: See Schedule C attached lmreto and made a part hereof. that the mortgage described herein has been fidly satisfied by the payment of the debl secured thereby, and is hereby cancelled, released and discharged. IN wITNEsS WHEREOF, tim below signed mortgagee bas caused its name Io be signed hereto by its proper officers imrsuant to due autlmri~ given tiffs (O~ day of Ju 1 y ,20 04 John .10)Wa,; ~.s?i)el.,,~y ?1 STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Natrona The foregoing instrnme~.t was acknowledged belbre me I)y George D. Axlund~ Executive Director, this ~_~ I~L_ day of Jul y ,20 0/4 .. ~/~jlness my band a?ol'!~l seal. Notary Public ~y Commission expires ALTA COMMITMENT- '1982 - WY Commitmcn~ No.' Flk 8725 OM SCHEDULE C Tim lm~d rc£crrcd to in this conmfitr[}ent is situated in the Stale of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is described as follows: That part of GLO Lot 5 of Section 6, T30N RllgW of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office o~ the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 421PR on pa~e 377 and in Book 339PR on page 138, described as follows: ~ Beginning at a so~ke on the centerline of the R6eves-Schwab County Road 12-149, S 38°21'4:3,, E, 3~6.25 feet, from the northwest oorner of said GLO Lot 5i thenc~ N 89"29,]1, E, 318.17 feet, along a line parallel with the north, line of said GLO Lot 5, co a point; . thence ~ 00042,33" E, 265.00 feat, along a line parallel with the west line of said GLO Lot 5, to a point; thence S 89o29,11. W, 207.68 feet. along a lino parallel with said north line, tc, a point on said eenterline; thence N 23o39,19. W, 70.02 feet, along said eanterline to an angle (PI) in said Centerline; thence N 23°12,19" W, 217.45 feet, alon~ said centerline to the spike of beginnin~'