HomeMy WebLinkAbout900944 RECEIVED LINCOLtq COUI',,IT¥' OLERK ,,, ,,. · Assignment of Mortgage LIcI ~O37~ That First Indiana Bank, N.A., o~ganized and existing nnder the laws of the United States wilh its principal office in Indianapolis, Indliana' for value received hereby sell and assigns nlllo: Organized ~nd existing under th~ laws of Delaware P,O, Box 2020, Flint, MI 48501-2026 all it's right, title, and interest in :md Io a cerlain real estate Mortgage lycra SHAWN RAY STEPHENS AND CINDY ANNE STEPHEN3, HUSBAND AND WIFE bearing the date of 10/22/2003, and closed in ihe office of Ihe Cotmiy Recorder of LINCOLN Counly, in WYOMING in Book, Vohune of Liber No.: ~'~) Page No.: '~ ~ I ~ Instrument No.: Recorded:_· Legal Description: LOT 8 OF THE GREEN VALLEY SUBDIVISION, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED E]ON THE oFFICiAL pLAT TI~ERE~)F. [3, [3PARCEL ID NUMBER: 34182840202400 Dated this january 05, 2004 FIRST iNDIANA BANK, N.A. Jndy A. Aflnour, Asst. Secretary ATt'EST: This InslJtulJon has no corporate seal STATE OF INDIANA ) ~ ) SS:: COUNTY OF MARION ) Befor~ me, the tmdersigned, a no ar'y public in and for the county and state, January 05, 2004, persomflly appeared Judy A. Anpour, Asst. Secretary, of Firs! Indiana Bank, NA., who acknowledged the execnfion of fl.e lbregoing Assigmnent of Mortgage for and on behalf of First Indiana Bank, N.A.. Cmmty of Residence: My Commission Expires: This Form Was Prepared By: Telephone Number: · Loan Number: Job#: 90799 Batch//: 26 SHANNON M. BENEDICK, Nolary Public Johnson 11/13/2010 Judy A. Armour, Assl. Secretary .135 North Petmsylvania Stree! lndi,'mapolis, IN 46204 '1-800-888-8586 9667504342 49-05_3 After Recording Return To: PEEkLE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Assignment P.O.§OX 1710 CAMPBELL~ CA 95009-1710 LN#09000021146 MIN#:lO02~O-9000021146-O MERS# 1-888-679-637~