HomeMy WebLinkAbout900969 RECEIVED LI'hlCOLf'.I COLIN-fY CLERK' · 9 o'o 9 6 9 WAR2XANTY. DEED BRUCE L. DANA AND ~R~NDix '~. ~A, TRUSTEES BRUCE AND B~A :~'~/~ YAM~LY TRUST dated 7ebru~y 9, 1999, grantors of Lincoln.County, State of Wyom~g, for consideration of Ten and ~/100's ($10.00) and o~er good ~nd valuable Comideration in 5an~, receim whereof is hereby ac?mowiedged CONVEY AND'WA~NT TO " P.O. Box 3~3 g . gramees, whose address is ~4-~d~e.-ff.~, Stevenv:tlle, ~T 59870 :~e follow~ng described real. estate, situate in L~nc:lr County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiv~g ail rights wnder and by vSWae 3f the homestxad exemption !aws of tke s~te to wit: Part of Section· 1, T32N Rl19W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the S0uth boundary fine of said Section 1 that is 20 rods West of the Southeast comer of the SW ~A SE ~,4 of said Section 1; thence West 20 rods, along South boundary line; thenCe North 8 rods; thence East 20 rods, more or less, on a line parallel to said South boundary line, to the West boundary line of the Ronald Tolman tract, recorded in Book lllPR on page 242 of records of Lincoln County Clerk; thence South 8 rods, more or less, along said west boundary line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT, however, to all reserVations, restrictions, protective covenants, .exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record, in sigl~t, or in use. WITNESS our hands this 7 State of Wyoming · . County of Lincoln day of July, 2004. Bruce L. Dana, Trustee Brend'h'/G. Dana, Trustee The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Bruce L. Dana and Brenda G. Dana ~is '7 day of July, 2004. Witness ,_ny hand and official Seal, ivey Com~nission.Expires: · Notary Pub2ic