HomeMy WebLinkAbout901195RECORDING REQUESTED BY/ AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: SMI/Attn. Wesley Hess P.O. Box 540817 Houston, Texas 77254-0817 Tel. (800) 795-5263 901 BOOK RECEIVED 'LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK AFFIDAVIT 465 2405 0003709 WY/Lincoln ~ ~ ~ 3 7 a 9 STATE OF IOWA ) ) ss COUNTY OF DALLAS ) AFFIDAVIT Doc# 200403883~ I, David V. Gorsche, being duly sworn, hereby depose and state: I am the Vice President and Assistant Secretary of Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, a national banking association (the "Bank'). As such, I have access to the records of the Bank and have personal knowledge that the following are true and correct statements regarding the Bank: On May 8, 2004, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. merged Inlo and with Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, with Wells Fargo Bank, National Association remaining as the surviving entity. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a.true and correct copy of the certification of the Comptroller of the Currency regarding the merger of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. into and with Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. Fudher Affiant sayeth not. Dated th~ay of May 2004. Vice President and Assistant Secretary Wells' Fargo Batik., Nationi~l,t~,ssoCiation [~-_',., L.._.__J State of Iowa ) ) ss Goun~ o~ Dalla~ N I, Lisa J. Koss, Notary Public, certify that David V. Gorsche, Assistant Secretary of Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, appeared ~)efore me on this 11th day of May 2004, and signed the Notary ldubllc Commtaeloll Numbe~ 702588 Apdl 5, 20O6 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZORIA I certify that the above and foregoing is a full true and correct photographic copy of the original record on file in my office. Given under my hand and seal of the court in my lawful custody and possession. JOYCE HUDMAN, BRAZORIA COUNTY CLERK ¢) EXHIBIT A 470 Cgml~';ll~' =f I~o Cun'~noy Admini~rm[~r nf N~JO~al Ba.J~ L~ge Bank ~ td~ 7-! 3 200 E 3~ 6.W. M~ 10~ '~004 0CC C-=ntmi Nn L~w D~.a~m~s~UMAC N930~-tT0 1700 W=ll~ Far~ Cnmr Tl~ l,:~r is tt~ ofltcial cer~Ic~o~ of dm Compu~ller ofth~ Cuna~cy of~he mcr~r of WoII~ F=lo Home 1W~,rt$~e, ~ D~ Motto:s, low~, im~ ~nd u~d~r ~ae ~ a~t tide of Wells l~'go llmlk. Na~mal A.~oci~ion, Sioux Fall~, South Dakota, Ch~'t~r Nr. 1741, e, ffectivo M&y Ii, 2004. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZORIA I certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct photographic copy of the original record on file in my office. Given under my hand and seal of the cou~ in my lawful custody and possession. JOYCE HUDMAN, BRAZORIA COUNTY CLERK