HomeMy WebLinkAbout901438 RECEIVED LINCOLN crOUNTY CLFRK ROADWAY ACCESS AND UTILITY EASI~M~N~ [:, ~:, ;~ ~. ~. r- WADE PEAVLER AND TE~SA PEAVLER, HUSBAND AND WIFE, G~NTORS, 0f Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in eo~ideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable co~ideration, i~d paid, receipt of which is hereby ac~owledged, CONVEY AND WAR~NT to CLAY PEAVLER AND DIANN PEAVLER, HUSBAND AND WIFE, their successors ~d assigns, G~NTEES, whose address is P.O. Box 203, Aflon, ~ 83i 10, a pe~emal non-exclusive thirty foot wide roadway access and utili~ e~ement to be used for ingress, egress and utility pu~oses over, under ~d across the following described prope~y, n~ely: That pan of ~e roadway, access ~d utility ~ement described on E~ibit "A" attached hereto within Tract 5 ~ disclos~ on "Map of Su~ey Pearler Fmily Exemption SE~ANE ~, Section 29, T32N Rl l9W of Lincoln Count, Wyoming" filed November 18, 2002 as Instrument No. 885669 of the records of the Lincoln Coun~ Clerk in Ketmerer, wyoming. Together with the right to co~tmct, maintain, improve and repair the sad roadway and utilities. Said easement shall be apPu~enant to Tract 2 of ~ shown on said map flied November 18, 2002 as I~tmment No. 885669 of the records of the Lincoln .County Clerk. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state of Wyoming. WITNESS our hands this . . dayof. [. I,_w4.C..[/t,../~_ ,2004. ' ~/j..../ t . .... ---'~Wade veawer Teresa Peavler STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) Witness my hand and official ' {-'FROXlE JENKINS ~~"1 {( County of ~,~,~ Slate 11' Linc°In I~11~ VVy°ming II My Commission Expires: .~t/ The foregoing instrument was acknoWledged before me by Wade Peavler'and Teresa Pearler this ,2004. .... ~7 -(/- ' ' ~ Ndtary Public 4179 TO: 130788B3301 P. 8'6 LEGAL DESCP. IPTION FOR AN ACCESS A/rD U~ILITY F-A$~F2TT A striD of land located in the SWltaNWI/4, Section 28 and the N1/2 of Section 29, T32N, RllPW, 6th PM, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being a portion of that record tract in Book 305 PR, Dage 577, in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County and being 60.00 feet wide, 30,00 feet each side of the following described centerline; Beginning at a point on [he ease line of Said Sw1/4NW1/4 of Section 28, S00"39,39,E, 150.12 feet from the northeast corner of Said SW1/4NWl/4, Thence S78°50.10.W, 52.42 feet; Thence S70°16,13-W, 373.06 feet; Thence S63°ll,45.W, 156.45 feet; Thence $50°51.16,,w, 154.34 feet to a Doint of horizontal circular curve to the right, southwesterly, having a central angle of 31~17,04., and a radius'of 175.00 feet; Thence through Said curve for an arc distance of ~.S5 feet; Thence S82°08'20,W, 111.90 fee= to a point of horizontal circular curve to the left, southwesterly, having a central an~le of 61~13,39. and a radius o~ 10~.00 feet; Thence along Said curve for an arc distance 106.86 feet; Thence S20~54,&l,,W, 101.39 feet; Thence S31~16,16,Wi 102.25 feet to a point of horizontal circular curve ~0 the right, southwesterly, having a central angle of 51"39'1~, and a radius of 100.00 feet; Thence along Said curve for an arc distam~ of 90.16 fee~; Thence S82~55,35,,W, 64.~7 feet to a poinu o~ horizontal circular curve ~o the right, northwesterly, having a central angle of 69"54'29- and a radius of 50.00 fee~; Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 61.01 feet; Thence ~27"09'56'W, 74.45 feet to a point of horizontal circular curve to the left, northwesterly, havin~ a cenSral angle of 75~20,37- and a red/us of 100.00 fee~; Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 82.10 fee~ to a point on the west line of Said SW1/4hrW1/4, which point lies S00~30'3a"E, 633.30 fee= from the northwest corner of Said SWl/4NW1/~; Thence continuing along Said curve for az~ arc distanc~ of 49.40 feet; Thence S77~29,~7,W, 113.29 feet; Thence S69~17,,21.W, 95.45 ~eet; Thence S82°37,26,W, 134.~ feet; Thence N85°32,13,,W, 76.00 feet to a poin~ of horizontal circular cur~e to the right, northwes~e.rly, having a central angle of 51°19'03" and a radiug of 200.00 feet; Thence alon9 Said curve for an arc distance o~ 179.13 feet; Thence ~3~°13,10,W, 67.48 feet to a poin~ of horizontal circular curve to the le~t, northwesturly, havi~ a central angle of 60~50,55, and a radiu~ of 125.00 feet; Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 132.75 f~et; Thence S84"55'55"W, 198.52 feeE to a poin~ of horizontal circular curve to the right, northwesterlY, having a central angle o~ 54"25'34" and a radius of 150.00 ~eeC; Thence along Said curve for an arc dis[ance 142,49.feet; Thence N40°38,31-W, 85.71 feet to a point of horizontal circular curve to the left, northwesterly, having a central angle of 27°56,34,, and a radius of 250.00 fee~; Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 94.33 feet to a point on the west llne of the SE1/4NE1/4 o~ Said Section 29, which lies 800"08'11-E, 392.$5 feet from the northwest corner of Said SE1/4NE1/4; Thence continuing along Said curve for an arc distance of 27.59 feet; ~: \~coJ]ooo\o~-i\clc~cal\rodock lup-I ~¢ri~cio~ m~ia ro=a,w~d ~7 ~3 4179 TO: 13078835-301 250 Thence N68oss,05.W, 2'07,97 feet to a point o~ horizontal circular curve to the left northwesterly, having a central angle of 20°32,33" and a radius of 300.00 feet; Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 107.56 feet; Thence N89"07'38,W, 161.67 feeT; ~hence N86"lS'50-W, 147.32 feet; Thence N77°lS,53,W, 94.54 feeT; Thence N70"lS'01'W, 114.68 feet; Thence N61o08,22.W. 163.23 feet; Thence N65"37'3~.W, 136.86 feet; Thence N75°ll,~7.W, 128.53 feet to a ~oint of horizontal circular curve to the right, northwesterly, having a central angle of 112"28'40, and a radius of 65,00 feet; Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 67.87 feet to a point on the north line of Said SE1/4NE1/4, which lies 689"58'26',E, 48.47 feet ~rom the norr_hwest corner of Said Thence continuing along Said curve for an arc distance of 59.73 feet; Thence N37°16,53.E, 114,34 feet to a point of horizontal c~rcu/ar curve to the left, northeasterly, having a central angle of 59°00'24" and a radius of 90.00 feet; Thence along Said curve for an arc d/stance of 92.69 feet; Thence N21"43'31.W, 98,51 feet to a point of horizontal circular curve to the right, northeasterly, having a central angle of 97"55'05" and a radius of 90.00 feet; Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 153.81 feet; Thence N76Oll,3A.E, 117.05 feet uo a point of horizon:al circular curve to the lef:, northeasterly, having a central angle of 49°21,27. and a radius of 150.00 feet; Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 129.22 Thence N26"50'06,E, 86.47 feet; Thence N38°26,10.E, 133.01 £ee~ to a point of horizontal circular curve to the left, northeas=erly, having a c~ntral angle of 77°06'27· and a radius of 75.00 feet; Thence along Said curve for an arc d/stance of 100.93 feet; Thence N38°40,17.W, 183.29 fee~ to a potn~ of horizontal circular curve to ~he left, northwesterly, havin~ a central angle of 67°37'65. and a radius of 85.00 fee~; Thence along Said curve of an arc distance of 100.33 ~eet; Thence $73°41,57.W, 68.96 feet; Thence N89°35,30.W, 174.88 ~eet to a point of horizontal circular curve to the left, southwesterly, havin~ a central an~le of 39°26'54- and a radius of 200.00 feet: Thence along Said curve for an arc distance of 30.88 feet to a point on the wes~ line of 5he NW1/4NE1/4 of Said Section 29, which lies S00°04,07.E, 300.48 feet from the northwes~ corner of Said NW1/4NE1/4; Thenc~ con~inuin~ alon~ Said curve for an arc dis[ance of 10~.82 feet; Thence S50°57,36-W, 78.11 feet to a point on a horizontal circular curve ~o the righ[, southweszerl¥, ha~ing a central angle of 81"51'24" and a radius of 60.00 fee=; Thence along Said curve for an arc dis=ance of 85.$] fee~: Thence N47"ll'01-W. ~9.3~ £eet~ Thence N35°lS,30-W 217 74 feet, Thence N43"36'23"W, ~4.48 feet to the end of this description being a "Y" in the road, which lies S70°01,50.W, ~7.83 ~eet from the Said northwest corner of Said ATW1/4ATE1/4, as shown on that Map of Survey recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County as Map No. 393C. The Basis of Bearing for this description being Geode~ic NorSh. ~ichaul L. Mincer W~omxng PLS 4~69 Nelson Engineering Project No. 00-077-1 July 5, 2000 5:\ProJ~OOO\07?-lLc,l.e,clc~3\~od~ legal ~$Cr~=t~n ~tn ron~/.,~