HomeMy WebLinkAbout901604JUL-06-04 3057~ 10:0? FROM-Land Title Company 307-733-6186 T-042 P.OOZ/OOZ F-O4T P~ECEIVED SUBORDINATION AGREEMENTINCOL~.,I COUNTY CLERK KNOW ALL MEN BY ..THESE PRESENT~: 0 ] 6 0 t~ For good and valuable consideration in hand Pard M. Stock, Truste~'~;~:P'~l~fM: Revocable Trust u/aid 5-9-95, amended and Nedra J. Stock, Trustee of the Nedra J. Stock Revocable Trust u/a/d 5-9-95, as ameded of the State of Wyoming does hereby subordinate that certain Mortgage between Evan J. Simpson and Beverly A. Simpson, Trustees of the Simpson Family Trust, u/aid 3-26-97 as Mortgagor and Pard M. Stock, Trustee of the Paul M. Stock Revocable Trust u/a/d 5-9- 95, as amended and Nedra J. Stock, Trustee of the Nech'a J Stock Revocable Trust u/a/d 5-9-95, as amended, as Mortgagee recorded May 3, 2004 in Book 544 P.R. Page 75. oft he Official Records of the County Recorder of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming covering land described herein to that certain Mortgage between Evan J. Simpson and Beverly A. Simpson, Trustees of the Simpson Family Trust, u/a/d 3-26-97, Mortgagors and The Bank of Star Valley, as Mortgagee recorded 2~1~/0~- in Book ~bS Page '1~ a$ Instrument No. C~Oi~C)% in the office of the Recorder of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming in the sum of $328,000.00 Legal Description: See attached "Exkibit A" Pau}~,l. Stock, Trustee STATE OF WYOMING :SS County of Lincoln On tho-~<day of A_D. 200~personally appeared before me Paul M. Stock, Trustee and Nedra J. Stock, T~st~'e the signers of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me ~h'at they / executed the same_  My Commission Expires July It 2000 Commission expires: That part of [he SW¼ of Section 26, T32N RI] 9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tbact off record in the Office '6f the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 371 of Photostatic Records on page .93, described as follows: BEGINNING al the northwest comer of the E¼SW¼ of said ~qecdon 26; thence S89o.52'.29"W, 658.16 feet along the north line of said SW¼, to the northwest earner of the thence S00°-I I'-00"E, 524.80 feet, Mens the wes~ line of said EY~W'/'~SW¼~ to a poiat at a fence comer; thencec.onramg' said ex~stmg' ' fence line: 889"-15'-20'E, 43.30 feet, to a point; S1 l"-I 7'~36"E, 193.23 f, et, to a point; 18.26 feet, to a point; 834°-27'-19"E, 154.27 Cmt~t, to a point; ,qOT"-55'-13"E, 406.17 feet, to the northwest point of Lot' 1 of tim Paul Stock 7L? Ranch Subdivision Atnendcd of record in said Office as Plat No. 199-G, and leave said fence Il.ne; thence Sg9"-22.'-18"E, 924.68 feet, along the north line o'f said Lot l, to tho northeast pmnt of said Lot 1; ii, once 801°-46'-34"E, 1303.36 feet, along tho east line of said Lot 1. to a spike on the soutlt kine ofsaid SW¼; thence N89°-51 '-29"E, 113,55 feet, along said soutl~ line, to a spike; .thence N01'L46'.38"W, 1301,84 feet, to a poim at a fence come!'; thence N00°;06'-33"E, 1341.48 ['eel, along an existing Fence line, to a p'nint on the north ' line of'said SW¼; thence fi@9'~-52'-29"W, 693.14 feet, along said north'line, to the CORNER OIi' BEGINNING; the BASE BEARING for this survey ia the east line of' the SE¼ of St~ction 26, Tg2N' RI 19W, beihg N00°-g2'.06"W; ¢a¢11 "comer" f'ound as d~:aerihcd in ti'~ Comer Record filed or to he filed in the Off'toe o1" tlie Clerk of Lincoln County; 91!il9q:~1-10£ '.,.;:;~ /~UeduJ°3 ell!l PUe'l-~lO~J '¥L,¥~ I" 'Iqtq ~ t=.. lql_.lq I / L ~ll,-I ) DESCRIPTION FOR PAUL M. STOCK REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED 9 MAY 199£ NEI)P~ J, STOCK I'¢EVOCARLE TRUST, DATED 9 MAY 1905 EVAN.SIMPSON TRACT PAGE TWO 077 -763 each "point" marked by a S/fl" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" alurr~hmm cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCH~RBBL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate detail~; each "spike"'markod by a 3/g" x 12" steel spike referenoed by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFl'ON WY' PLS 5368", with app. mpfiate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lineola County titlod,,"PAUL M. STOCK REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED 9 MAY 1995 NEDR.A J, STOCK REVOCABLE TRUST, DATED 9 MAY 1995 PLAT OF TRACTS AND EASEMENTS .,W-,ITHFN SECTION 26 T32N RII9W LINCOLN er 2003