HomeMy WebLinkAbout901611BOOK RECE VED RESOLUTION NO. l ]. 5 90 I 6 I I T~iIS ~So~u'noN, having presented nody or the Town of Afton, ~yoming, at it's regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting of April ], 1985, for the purpose of acknowledgement of the abandonment of a ~ight-of-way and proposed ~oadway. WHEREAS, the Town of Afton, on the ]0th day of August, 1977 during it's regular open session discussed the proposal by Jack Wollenzien, et.al., for the development of an avenue refe~ed to as "Avenue A", located within Block 11 of the Afton Townsite; and, ~HEREAS, it was duly moved by Councitmember, Verdean Jensen that the proposed development be approved subject to 'the proper dedication by signatures of landowners involved in said Block 11; said Motion having been seconded by Council- member Eugene Call, and ear,led; and, ~HEREAS, subsequen~ thereto, a plat map was filed in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-O'ffieio Register of Deeds, on the ?th day of September, 1977, referred to as the Jack Wollenzien et.M., Development Area, showing a p~oposed eight-of-way and roadway to be developed within said Block il of the Townsite; and, ~HEREAS, said ~oadway has never constructed, and has never been maintained o~ established within the Town, and said dedication is precluded from development due to excessive costs and destruction of a[ least one ~esidential dwelling which has since been built on the proposed right-o¢-w~y. NOW, TIIEREFORE, it appea~s to the Governing Body of the Town of Alton, upon testimony and evidence presented, that the real property subject to the p~oposed right-of-way and roadway has been conveyed, sold and developed with disregard foe the peopsed Jack Wollenzien Development Area as a ~oad and ~ight- of-way within the Town; that the individuMs proposing the said roadway are gene~all no~ the presen~ landowners within said Block ] i, and that the roadway and right-of- way should be abandoned. IT IS tlEREBY RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Town of Afton in open session by Motion duly made, seconded and passed, that the said garb Wollenzien Development Area, and such p~oposal for "Avenue A" th~0ugh Block 11 of the Afton Townsite, is hereby declared abandoned and undedicated foe public use, travel, and any purposes as heretofore established by records of public standing. Page 2 RESOLUTION/TOWN OF AFTON April l, 1985 DATED this 1st day of April, 1985. Attest: Date of Publication (One Week): /-/////.'./j'_5