HomeMy WebLinkAbout901765Account No.: 9180878 -k ~-* q~ 9 0
Branch No.: 996
Loan Product: BR 90% CLTV Standalone
THIS MORTGAGE, as amended and extended (this "Mortgage") is signed to secure advances under a
GMAC Home Equity Line of Credit agreement (the "Agreement"d; it is dated as of June 23,200~4, and is made
by Ke~meth L. Stewart And Marl Hegge-Stewart, Husband And Wife who reside(s) at 112111 Hwy 89 ,
Alpme,-'~-~yoming 83128, as mortgagor(s), in favor of GMAC MmYtgage Corporation, a Pennsylvalfia
Corporation, 100 Witmer Road, Horsham, PA 19044-096~MAC") and the Mortgage Electronic
Registration Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501-2026 ("iVIERS") acting solely as nominee for
GMAC and GMAC's successors and assigns under this Mortgage, as mortgagee.
Throughout this Mortgage, "we", "tis" and "our" refer to mortgagor(s). "GMAC" refers to GMAC
Mortgage Corporation or its assigns. 'II~e "Account" refers to the iqome Equity Line of' Credit account
established by GMAC under the Agreement. "Borrower" refers to each person who signs the Agreement as
borrower. The Agreement and this Mortgage, taken together, are called the "Credit Documents." "Signer"
refers to any person (other thml GMAC) who has signed a Credit Document.
By signing this Mortgage, we mortgage to MERS acting solely as a nonfinee for GMAC, subject to tile
terms of this Mortgage, (a) file real estate located at 112111 U.S. It ighway 89, Ema, Connty of iLincoln, State
of Wyoxmng 83118, more fully described in Schedule A; (b) all buildings and other structures on the property;
(c) all rights we may have in any road, alley, easement or license regarding the property or in any mineral, oil,
gas or water which is part' of the Property; (d) all rents and royalties fi'om the property; (e) all pr6ceeds of auy
insurance ~on the property and all refunds of premiums on such insurance; (O all proceeds of any taking(Or
threatened taking) of file property by any govenm~ental authority ("condemmttion'9; and (g) all fixtures on the
property at any tinae (collectivel); the "Property").
The Property includes all fights and interests which we now have or which we may acquire in the
For example, if the security mortgaged under this Mortgage is a leasehold estate and we subsequently acquire
fee title to the Property, the fights and interests granted to MERS acting solely as a nominee for GMAC by this
Mortgage will include the fee title that we acquire. This Mortgage is also a Security Agreement under the
Wyoming Unifmm Conmaercial Code and we hereby ¢!'ant MERS acting solely as a nominee for GMAC a
securitY interest in the personal property described itl (d') [in'ough (0 above.
We have signed this Mortgage to secure payment to GMAC of up to $142,000.00, plus FINANCE
CHARGES and any other amounts due GMAC under the Agreement (the "Total Bahmce Outstanding") and to
secure perfurmance by Borrower under the Agreement and our pe,'lbmlance of the covenants of this Mortgage
(collectively, the "Secured Obligations").
The lien of this M6rtgage will attach on the date this Mortgage is recorded, with priority over subsequently
recorded mortgages. The indebtedness evidenced by the Credit Documents is a revolving indebtedness. The
Credit Documents provide that amounts may be advanced, repaid and readvanced from time to time in
accordance with the terms and provisions of the Agreement. Accordingly, the aggregate advances during the
term of the Credit Documents may exceed the Credit Limit. However, the Total Balance Outstanding less
FINANCE CHARGES and certain special charges at any time (the "Earning Balance Outstamling") shall never
exceed the Credit Limit, except for advances made to protect the lieu of this Mortgage. We agree that the lien
and security title of this Mortgage shall not be deemed released or extinguished by operation of law or implied
intent of the parties if the Total Balance Outstanding is zero as of thc date of this Mortgage or is flora time to
thne reduced to zero by payments made to GMAC.
RETURN TO: SMl/Wesley }less / Job t/530_2301
I Iouston, TX 77254-0817 WY/LINCOLN
9 I 8 ~ B 7 8
We promise that, except for Permitted Liens: (a) ;ve own the Property; (b) we have the right to mortgage
the Property to GMAC; and (c) there are no outstanding clahns or charges against the Property. Tire term
"Permitted Lien" means (x) any mortgage, deed to secure debt or deed of trust ("security instrument") disclosed
to GMAC by any Signer in applyiug for tile Account, to the extent that the amount secured by such security
instrument does not exceed the amouut disclosed on such application; and (y) any liens, claims and reskictions
of record that do not individually or collectively have a material adverse impact upon GMAC's security, the
value of the Property or the Property's current use.
Each of us gives a general warranly o flitlc to GMAC. This means that each of tls ~vill be fidly responsible
for any losses which GMAC suffers because someone has rights in the Property other than Permitted Liens. We
promise that we will defend our ownership of the Property against any claims of such right.
We W, i31 neither take nor pemfit any action to, partition, subdivide or change the condition of title to all or
auy part of the Property. We will not amend any Pefinitted Lien without GMAC's prior written consent.
We nndcrstaud that GMAC may, trader certain circumstances set forth in the Agreement, cancel its
obligation to make fi~ture advances and/or require repayment at once of the Total Balance Outstanding.
Under the Agreement, FINANCE CI IARGES are based on the "prime'rate" published in The Wall Street
~p. ur~ka_l or in certain circumstauces the "pr/nm rate" published in ~II~e New York Times or a shnilar index
setecled by GMAC. The rate of FINANCE CHARGES changes ou a daily basis as the index or the amount
outstanding under the Agreement increases or decreases. We understand that Borrower will not receive
advauce notice of such ~hanges.
We agree with GMAC as follows:
1. TIMELY PAYMENT. Except as limite4 by paragraph I0 below, Borrower shall pay when due all
sums owed GMAC under tile Credit Documents. ~
AYI;IENqS. All payments shall be applied by GMAc' as set forth in the
3. MORTGAGES AND DEEI)S OF TRUST; CHARGES; LIENS. We shall make payments when due
aud perform all our obligations under any mortgage, deed of trust or other security agreement on the Property.
We shall pay or cause to be paid when due all lOaus, .taxes, assessments, charges, 17roes, impositions and
rents of any kind relating to the Properly ("Assessments"). Receipts evidencing such payments shall be
delivered Io GMAC upon its request. Except for Permitted Liens, we shall not allow any encumbrance, charge
or lien on the Property to become prior to this Mortgage.
(a) We shall, at our cost, keep all improvements on the Prope~%, insured against loss caused by
hazards inclnded in the term "extended coverage" or by other hazards GMAC may reasonably specify. Hazard
insurauce shall be in an amount equal to tile lesser of (i) the fidl replacement cost of the building that is part of
the Property or (ii) the amount of this Mortgage plus the total amount of all Pemfitted Lieus; but never less than
the amount necessary to satisfy any coinsurance reqrfircment contained in the insurance policy.
We may choose the insurance company, subject to approval by GMAC which may not be unreasonably
withheld. All insurance policies and rcncwals must be in form acceptable to GMAC and must include a
slandard mortgagee clause in favor of GMAC. GMAC shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals,
sul~ject to the terms of any Pm'milled Liens. If we pay the premiums directly, we shall provide GMAC with all
rcuewal nolices and, if requested by GMAC, all receipts for premiums. If policies and renewals are held by any
other persou, we shall supply copies of them Io GMAC within ten ~alendar days after they are issued.
In thc event of loss, we shall give prompt notice to the insurance company and GMAC. GMAC may file a
proof of loss if we fail to do so promptly. .
(b) The proceeds of auy condemnation of the Property shall be paid to GMAC, subject to any
Permitted Liens. We shall give GMAC nolicc of any threateued condenmation and sign all documents requked
~o carry out this paragraph 4. No condemnation settlement may be made without GMAC's prior Written
approval which shall not be um'easonably withheld.
(c) Subject to the temps of any Permitted Lien, GMAC may elect that the proceeds of any
insurance or condemnation (after payment of all reasonable cosls, expenses and attorneys' fees paid or incurred
by GMAC and ns) shall be applied to pay the Secured Obliganons, ti) repair or reconstruct the Property, and/or
pay us for our loss. In the event that such proceeds are not used entn ely lbr repair and reconstruction, we shall
provide GMAC with a new appraisal or valuation of the Property, conducted by a person or entity and in a form
reasonably acceptable to GMAC, unless GMAC waives this reqmrcment in writing. The receipt of proceeds
shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default under this Mot-tgage or invalidate any act done pursuant
to such notice.
If the Property is abandoned by tis, or if we fail to respond to GMAC in writing within 30 calendar days
fi'om the date notice of a proposed insurance or condenmation settlement is g~ven to us, GMAC may settle the
claim, collect the proceeds arid apply them as set forth above.
If the Property is acquke~l by GMAC, all of our right, title and interest in and to any insurance or
condemnation proceeds shall become the property of GMAC to the extent of the sun)s secured by this
UNIT DEVELOPM~'~NTS. We shall: use, improve and maintain the Property in compliance with law; keel)
the Property in good repair and pay when due all repair costs; prevent waste, impairment and/or deterioration of
the Property; and comply with file provisions of any lease of the Prt~pcrty.
If the Property is part of.a Condomininm project or a planned milt development, we shall promptly perlbrm
all of our obligations tinder the governing documents of the project or development.
6. PROTECTION OF GMAC SECURITY. We shall al)pear in and defend any action or proceeding
which may affect the security of GMAC under this Mortgage or result iii a violation of paragraph 3 above. If
such an action is filed, we violate this Mortgage or Borrowers violate the Agreement, then GMAC may disbm-se
fitnds and do whatever it believes necessary to protect the security of this Mortgage. In doing so, GMAC shall
give tis notice but it need not make demand or release tis fi-om any obligation.
Any amounts paid by GMAC under this paragraph 6, with FINANCE CHARGES at the variable rate iii
effect under the Agreement, shall be paid by us upon demand. Until paid by us, .such amounts are secured by
this Mortgage. GMAC is not required to incur any expeqse or take any action under this Mortgage and no
actinn taken shall release us fi'om any duty.
7. INSPECTION. Representatives of GMAC may inspect the Property fi'om time to time. Except in an
emergency, GMAC must first give notice specifying reasonable cause for the inspect'iou.
permitted by law, we agree that F1NANCE CHARGES after the eild o£ the Account and/or after a judgment is
entered shall continue to accrue at the rates and in the manner specificd itt the Agreement.
right under the Credit Documents shall release or limit our liability, Borrower's liability, or lhat of our
successors or Borrower's successors, nor shall any waiver affect the lien or priority of this Mortgage. GMAC
shall not be required to start proceedings against any successor or modify payment terms hy reason of any
demand made by us or any successor.
No GMAC act or failure to act shall waive any'right under this Mortgage. All waivers must be in writing
and signed by GMAC; they shall apply only to the extent and with respect to the event specified in the writing.
Obtaining insurance, or paying taxes, other liens or charges shall not be a waiver Of GMAC's right to demand
payment at once Of the sums ~e'cured by this Mortgage in the event of a default under the Credit Documents.
Mortgage shall bind us and our respective successors and permitted assigns tbr the benefit of GMAC attd its
successors and assigns. All agreements made by us or any successor are joint and several and may be enforced
against each of us or any successor.
Any Signer who does not exgcute the Agreement (a) is co-signing only to encumber that person's interest in
the Property and to release all homestead and/or dower rights, (b) is not personally liable under the Credit
Documents, attd (c) agrees that GMAC and any Signer may modify either Credit Docmnent, without consent
and without modifying the interests of the rest of us tinder this Mortgage.
1 I. NOTICES. All notices shall be in writing. Except where applicable law requires otherwise:
(a) GMAC notices shall be hand delivered or mailed by first class, registered or certified mail to the address
of the Property or to such other address specified by the addressee in a written notice given to GMAC. Any
GMAC notice shall be considered given on the day it is deposited in the U.S. mail or is hand-delivered.
(b) Onr notices shall be mailed to GMAC by first class, registered or certified mail to the address for such
nolices specified on our most recent monthly statement under the Agreement or to such other address specified
by GMAC in a written notice given to us. Any such notice shall be considered given on the day it is received
by GMAC.
12. GOVERNING LAW. This Mortgage will be governed by federal and Wyonfing law. If any
provision is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, this Mortgage shall be interpreted as if such provision had never
been included.
13. COPIES. We shall receive copies of ll~e Credit Documents at the t/me they are signed or after this
Mortgage is recorded.
14. EXERCISING REMEDIES. GMAC may exercise all of the rights and remedies provided by the
Credit Documents or law, and any of these rights and remedies may be exercised individually or jointly, once or
a number of times. The patties to this document are subject to the provision for Arbitration as set forth in the
Agreement which is incorporated by reference as if set forth at length herein.
(a) The events set forth in paragraph 15(b) are Events of Default if and when GMAC gives any Signer
notice of default. We agree to notify GMAC promptly upon the happening of any event that would be an Event
of Dchull under either Credit Document upon the giving of notice by GMAC.
(b) After giving r~otice of default, GMAC may end the Account and/or demand repayment at once of the
Total 13alance Outstanding in any of the following events:
(i) There has been fi'and or material misrepresentation by any Signer in co~mection with the
(ii) Borrowers have failed to meet the repayment terms of the Agreement for any amount
outstanding; or
(iii) Any action or inaclion by any Signer has adversely affected the Properly or any right of
GMAC m the Property; to the extent pcmfittcd by law, this will include, but not be linfited to, any Sig~er (or
any legal representative or successor of any Signer) agreeing to sell, transfer or assign or selling, transferring or
assigning any interest in the Property, without the prior written consent of GMAC.
(c) Notwithstanding any language iu tiffs Mortgage to the contrary, GMAC will not give notice of default
nnless permitted by applicable law and GMAC will give us any grace period, right to cure and/or reinstatement
righ! requited by applicable law. This paragraph 15 is intended to give GMAC all rights pemtitted by
applicable law.
17. FORECI,OSURE BY ADVERTISElXiENT. We hereby grant GMAC upon an Event of Default
power lo sell or cause the sale of the Property by advertisement and sale at public auction or vendue and to
convcy the Property to the purchaser in thc manner provided by law.
18. APPOINT1VIENT OF RECEIVER. Upon an Event of a Default or our failure to pay taxes assessed
against the Property and/or insurance premiums on the Property (which we agree shall constitute waste),
GMAC shall be entitled to the appointmcnl of a receiver ifpernfitted by law.
19. SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE. Upon payment and discharge of all sums secured by this
Mortgage and termination ol5 the Account, ihis Mortgage shall be void and GMAC shall satisfy this Mortgage,
file a discharge or release and pay any recording costs.
20. REQUEST FOR NOTICES. GMAC requests that copies of notices of default, sale and foreclosure
fi-om thc holder of any lien which has priority over tiffs Mm~gage be sent to GMAC at 100 Witmer Road,
Horsham, PA 19044.
By signing this Mortgage, we agree to all of the above.
Kenneth L. Stewart
Mari Hegge-Stewan
On the~day of~, .~:9 D ~/' before me personally came Kenaefl~ L.
Stewart And Mari Heg~St~art, Itusband And~ife to me known to be Ihe individual(s) described m and
who qxecuted the foregoing fl~s~ument, and achmwledged that he/she/th~executed the same.
l___ ~VCom~ssmt~es~~ f MyComm Expnes ~
21. EXHIBITS, SCttEDULES AND RIDERS, ETC. The terms of any Exhibit, Schedule or Rider
attached to this Mortgage or executed and recorded with this Mortgage shall be treated as ff fully set forth in this
Mortgage. All of the terms of the Agreement are made part of this Mortgage.
22. TIME OF ESSENCE. Ti~ne is of the essence fl~ this Mortgage.
23. ACTUAL IGNOWLEDGE. For purposes of the Credit Documents, GMAC shall not be deemed to
have actual knowledge of any fact until it actually receives notice as set forth in paragraph 11 or until it receives
writlen notice thereof fi'om a source GMAC reasonably believes to be reliable. The date of receipt shall be
delermined by reference to the "Received" date stamped On such written notice by GMAC or its agent.
24. RELEASE. To the extent permitted by law, for ourselves and our successors and assigns, we hereby
release and waive all rights uuder and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming.
25..EXPENSEs OF LIT'IGATION. In auy proceeding to enforce any remedy of GMA~ under the Credit
Documents there shall be allowed and included, to the extent permitted by law, as additional indebtedness in the
judgment or decree, any court costs and reason/~ble expenses which may be paid or incurred by GMAC for
attorneys; appraisers; documentary aud expert evidence; stenographers; publication; surveys; abstracts of title;
title searches; litle insurance policies; Torrens certificates; and sin~ilar items which GMAC reasonably considers
necessmy in such proceeding or to evidence to bidders at any sale the true condition of the title to or value of the
Property. Such expenses may be estimated to the extent they will be incurred after entry of the decree. In any
foreclosure by advmtisemcnt, all expenses pem~itted by statute that GMAC incurs in protecting the Property,
maiutaiuing the lien of this Mortgage and foreclosh~g this Mortgage shall be included fl~ the redemption price
and in the calculation of any deficiency.
26. CAPTIONS; GENDER; ETC. The headings in this Mortgage are not to be used to interpret or define
its provisions. In this Mortgage, the masculine gender includes the fe~rfinine and/or neuter, singular numbers
include the plmals, and plurals include thc singular.
27. MERS. Borrower understands aud agrees that MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted
by Borrower in this Mortgage, but, if necessary to comply with local law or custom MERS (as nominee For
GMAC and GMAC's successors and assigns) bas the right: to exercise any or all of these interests, including,
but not limited to, the right to foreclose and sell the property; and to take any action required of Lender
including but no~ limited to, releasing aud canceling this Mortgage.
(This space left blank bttentionalIj9
Schedule A
A portion of the SE1/4NW1/4 of Section 22, T36N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being
more particularly described as follows: Beghming at an h'on pipe set near a comer fence postin
the curved Westerly Right of Way line U.S. 89 concave to the E and having a radius of 1959.859
fl, said pipe being locate~d S55 deg 44'59"W, 3550.649 ft fi-om the NE comer of said Section 22;
thence running S88 deg 02'55"W, 494.49 fl; thence S2 deg 5 I'10"E, 60.51 fl; thence S86 degrees
8'7"W, 98.90 ft; thence N1 degree 39'23"W, 79.99 fl; theuce $ 86 degrees 49'47"W, 134.23 ft;
thence N1 deg 22'45"W, 84.10 fi' thence N84Deg 48'28"E, 690.44 ft to said curved Westerly
Right of Way line, a radial line to said point bearing S75 deg 19' 59"W. thence Southerly, along
said Right of Way line, radial line to said point bearing S75 deg 19'59" W, thenc eSoutherly,
along said Right of Way line through a central angle of 4 deg 07'36" and an arc distance of
70.609 fi to the point of beginning.
Tax ID Number: 3619222000300 ~.,~~ "~
Known as: 112111 U.S. Highway 89, Etna, Wyomh~g 83118
Title No.
Valerie Blair
GMAC Mortgage Corporation
4 Wahmt Grove Drive
Horsham, PA 19044
Recorded At Request of
GMAC Mortgage Corporation
GMAC Mortgage Corporation
Home Equity Funding
4 Wahmt Grove Drive
Horsham, PA 19044-0963