HomeMy WebLinkAbout901902 RECEIVED --INCOL. N COUNTY CLERI< 901902 AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ROSE MARIE KALAN, being first duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and states as follows: i. On the 25th day of May, 2004, my husband, GEORGE T. KALAN, died, as is evidenced by the official certificate of death attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. At the time of his death my husband jointly owned certain real property with: me, said real property being located in the County of Lincoln, SEate of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: Parcell: Tract 78 described as follows: All thai certain rectangular tract of land being 45 feet fronting Main Street by 200 feet and described in particular as follows: Beginning at a point S 11°04' E, 60 feet from the Southwest corner of Block Eight (8) of the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, thence S 11004, E, 45 feet; thence ~ 78°56, E, 200 feet; thence N 11°04 W, 45 feet; thence S 78o56, W, 200 feet to ~he poin~ of beginning now known as Tract 78 as shown upon the map filed August 31, 1942 in the Office of the County Clefk .and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds in and for the County of Lincoln, SEaEe of Wyoming. EXCEPTING FROM Tract 78 a parcel of land situaEe .,6!2 within the boundary of Tract 78 of the Town of Diamondville as shown upon the.plat thereof dated August 31, 1942, and particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly boundary line of Tract 78, 100 feet Easterly of the Northwest Corner of Tract 78; thence Easterly along the said boundary line, a distance of 40 feet; thence Southerly at right angles, a distance of 45 feet; thence Westerly parallel to the Northerly boundary of the said Tract, a distance of 40 feet; thence Northerly a distance of 45 feet to the point or place of beginning, containing 1800 square feet. .Parcel 2: Tract 79 described as follows: BEGINNING at the point from which the Southwest Corner of Block Eight (8) of the Town of Diamond'ville, Wyoming bears N 11004' W, a distance of 105 feet; running thence S 11004' E, 15 feet; thence N 78056' E, 93 feet; thence S 11004' E, 45 feet; thence N 78056' E, 47 feet; thence N 11004' W, 60 feet; thence S 78056' W, 140 feet to the place of beginning; said Tract containing an area of .0098 acre, more or less. AND Beginning at a point S 11°04' E, 120 feet from the Southwest Corner of Block Eight (8) thence S 11004' E, 45 feet; thence N 78056' E, 93 feet; thence N 11004' W, 45 feet; thence N 78056' E, 93 feet; thence N 11004' W, 45 feet; thence S 78056' W, to the place of beginning being a part of the tract of ]_and which lies East of Block Eleven {il) on the Eastern side of Central Avenue and containing 96/1000 acre in the Town of Diamondville, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, according co the map or plat of said Town of Diamondville now on file and of record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds in and for Lincoln County, Wyoming. Parcel 3: Lot 74 of Block 19 of the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming. TOGETHER WITH all improvements, and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. 3. Said real property was originally conveyed to GEORGE T. KALAN AND ROSE MARIE KALAN, husband and wife, by Decree of Distribution dated May 4, 1987, and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds on May 6, 1987, in Book 251PR at Page 29. 4. By reason of my husband's death, I am entitled To sole ownership of the above-mentioned real property. , DATED this R~ MARIE KALAN ~// AN~ SWORN to and acknowledged before me this ~f~ day of ~~~ , 2004, by ROSE MARIE KALAN. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~qH~Llk~ ,~,hOALL · I, IOTA,~y F'U~LIG My Commission Expires: Notary Public 3 -LOCA, L FIL~[ NUMeE~ DATE OF B R¥1~ O¢~obe~ ~'~I. Yes · DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF DEATH May 25, 2004 I Q82.5":-,"- Kemmerer, Wyoming 520£'28- 4'3~'6 L. D. S. Hospital Lake. ' ~ Rose Marie Koscak ' ' . p~s usu~ occuPAnoj?&~, ~b ~ JPittsburgh &'MidWay · ;: Mary Begus ,0. Box 95 Diamondville, Wyoming 113116 Ce[ Kemmerer, WyOming Kemmerer, '~-- ~ 115198 lCrandalZ FUnera~ Hom~'- 105 ~. Cenker DAV~ySAR' jKamas, UT 84036. 2~c LICENSE NUMBEa 27d pATE SIGNED/M~nt~, 0~: ?~ai)" ' J . · _ _ :% ':.'" Injury, NATURE OF INJURy should be e~= office. This certified copy is issued As Amended· 4an'g!e OF VITAL RECORDS *01359386,