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HomeMy WebLinkAbout901940 RECEIVED _INCOLN COUNTY CLERK 9019k0 :~ _ . WARRANTY DEED JULIE M. P, GRIFFIN, A Married Persan, '-' , grand'or of Ltn?~ol'fl'~Cgunty State of,Wyonmgi for ¢o~dc~ahu ~ ol Ten and O0tlO0%'/ilO'OO~ ' '-';, ', -and'~othe~ g&~' and ~ukble 'consideration .in hand, receipt whereof is ~ereb~:ac~nOwl~ ~-d ~:: ~ i~" ?releasing.and t~g ~ll-lig~ u~d~ a~td by v rt~e of ~c homt~tcad exemption That part of Lot 3 of Block 24 of the 'rownsile of Afton lJncoln Coumy Wyofi~ifiS', iff record in the,Gifted'of the Clerk of Linco~ Count:,, as Plat Nb 100. being a part of that tract of ~eeord in the ,aid Office in Book 393PR on page 102 described aa follows: COMMENCING at ~ Ivah L. Call, Regi$tered Professional Engineer 274, Muellat water cap with brass bolt at the apptoz~mat~ intersection of Momoa' Street and Fourfl~ Avenue; thence S 01 ~45'56" W. 412.32 feet wi~in ~e tight of xvay of said Moato, ~x, to a PK mil; thence~S 88°14~O4" E, ~230 feel m ~¢ POINT OF BEGINNING on thCwest line 'of said ~t 3; ~henee S O1'45'56~ W. 99.~ fee~ to a thence S 8fl°14'04" E, 136.00 feet ~o a point; thence N 01°45'56~ E, 90.00 feet to a point, thence N 88'14'O4" W. 136.~ feet to the POINT Of BEGINNING. SIIBIE~, howevm:~ to all reservations, restrictions, protective covenants, exceptions, casemenB and rights-of-my of recoffi, in eight, or in usc Actiq~n ~e Coun~ of Co,my o~ foregoing instrument was acl,dxowiedged before mc hy Julia M P. Griffin this day of ~,1'.~~ 2004. O Nota~ Public Witness my hand arid afficial seal. My Commission Expina: