FORP1 WI:S 1960 (6-89)
:ss. 902000
Theunders ned Granto · . ,'F' * ~, ," , , -, -
g ' r, for and m conslderation of the mutual cov .... ~.' ,(~f,,,,[i- , ' ',f..i.l~
GAS PROCESS NG COMPANY PO Box2~'~r, ',' .......... enantsandprom~sesherem con abed f6ihe'Gran,tOr'i~ .~l h~!~,th,,~^/ ^~o
act<now edged does hereby grant sell and convey unto said Grantee its successors and assigns an exclusive right-of-way and easement to locate, survey a
a oma ~4121,here,nafterreferredt,oasOrantee, the.re,deiptandsufticieric~,0fwhichishereby
route, construct, entrench, ma ntain, protect, inspect and operate a pipeline with appurtenances including but riot lin~ited to valves, metering equ p
electrical cable, cathodic equipment, roads and communication cable (said pipeline and appurtenances being hereinafter sometimes collectively called tile
"facilities") over, under and through the hereinafter described land, approximately along the line designated by survey heretofore made or hereafter to be made
by Grantee, through and over the said land on a right-of-way 50 feet in width being 35 feet on the Southwesterly side and 15 feet on the No~ theasterly side
the centerline of the pipeline consti-ucted hereunder, situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming described below:
,'~,, _Subdivision Section Township ~ B & M
NEY,, 20 -
d].> 20 North 112 West 6th
Wilhin one (1) year from the date on which Grantor executes this right-of-way and easement, Grantee shall record a more specific description of this
right-of-way and easement identifying the actual location of facilities as consb'ucted. Grantee shall provide Grantor with a copy of this more specific description
at or about the time that it is recorded.
This right-of-way and easement shall carry with it the right of ingress and egress to and from, and access on and along said rigid-of-way, wit/) the right to
use existing roads, for the purpose of constructing, inspecting, repa r ng protecting and maintaining the facilities and the removal or replacement of same at
will, either in whole or in part, and/he replacement of said pipeline with either like or different size pipe. During temporary periods Grantee may use snch
portions of the property along and adjacent to said right-of-way as may be reasonably necessary in connection with construction main/ena ~ce, repair, removal
or replacement of the facilities. ,
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD/he above described rights and easements, toeether with all rights necessary to operate, protect and mainta ~ the facilities
over the right-of-way hereby granted unto the said Grantee, ts successors and a';signs, and the Grantee may assign the righls and ease ~)enls t e ein granted
either in whole or in part subject to the terms of this grant, and such rights and easements shall be covenanLs runnthg with the land arid be t)inding upon
Grantor, its heirs, legal representatives and successors in title.
Grantee shall compensate the Grantor for all actual damages to Grantor's growing crops, pasture, fences, livestock and other real or personal property
improvements caused by the construction, maintenance, repair, replacemenl or removal of lt~e pipeline and appurtenant facilities. Grantee shall co, npensate
the Grantor for all damages to Grantor's timber caused by the initial construction of the fac ities; thereafter, Grantee shall have the right to ce[ and keel) clear
without payment of damages all trees, brush and other obstructions that may in the Grantee's opinion endanger, hinder of conftict with the construction
operation, inspection, protect oil maintenance and use of said pipeline and appurtenant facilities. ,
Grantee further agrees that within a reasonable time following the completion of conslu'uc ion, Granlee shall restore said righ/-oFway io a condition equal
Io or better than that which existed prior to construction to the extent practicable. Restoration shall include where necessary final grading, reseeding and
installation of erosion control structures. , ,
Grantor reserves the right to use and enjoy said property except for the purposes herein granted, but such use shall not b rider, conflicl or interfere with
Grantee's surface or subsurface rights hereunder, or disturb its facilities and no road, reservoir, excavalJon, change in surface grade, obstruclJon or structure
shall be constructed, created or mainta ned on, over, along or withth said right-of-way without Grantee's prior written consent. Grantee shall, during initial
consbuction in cultivated lands, bury said pipeline below ordinary cultivation depth.
Grantor represents and warrants that he/she is the owner in fee simple of the said described land. Grantee shall have the right 1o discharge or redeem
for Grantor, in whole or in part, any mortgage, tax or other lien on said land and thereupon be subrogated to such lien and rights incident thereto.
It is hereby understood that the parties securing this grant in behalf of the Grantee are without authority to make any covenant or agreement not herein
Wilson Ranch #5-20
AFE# 18306
STATE OF ~k~,'...'.~ m ~ ( ¢,,,~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Onthis J_[4~ _dayof_ ~ ,2004, bero,.e me personally appeared__G 8~C~~
known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free
act and deed.
My Commission Expires:
Notary. Public in and for ~D~