HomeMy WebLinkAbout902172 -- LINCOLF~, COUNTY C,LERK ASSIGNMENT AND QU, IT CLAIM OF OIL AND GA~ INTER~ST~~- .... ~OW ~L ~N BY T~SE P~SENTS: ~,' ::~ ~.~P~:' :;~ ~ ...... ~at the ~dersi~ed: Ga~ A. Jeman and Susan J. Jerman, husband and wife, as Jolt Tenants with the ~ght of Survivorship 4194 South Valentia Street Denver, Colorado 80237 hereinafter referred to as Assignor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, convey and Quit Claim unto the following Assignees, in the percentage of interest as set forth below. ASSIGNEES PERCENTAGE OF INTEREST Black River Royalties, LLC, i645 Court Place, Suite 326 Denver, CO 80202 50% White River Royalties, LLC 4194 S. Valentia Street Denver, CO 80237 50% hereinafter, collectively, referred to as Assignee, all of Assignor's right, title and interest of whatsoever nature or kind in and to the lands located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: DATE: June i st, 2003 LESSOR: USA LESSEE: FEDERAL LSE: WYW-155830 P~C.DATA: DESCRIPTION: Township23 North, Range 112 West6thP.M. Section 9 :SE/4 Section 10: SW/4, W/2SE/4 DATE: June 1st, 2003 LESSOR: USA FEDER~AL LEASE: WYW~ 155831 DESCRIPTION: Township 23 North, Range ! 12W,6th P.M. Section 10: NE/4, NE/4NW/4 It is the specific intent of Assignor to all of Assignor's interest in and to any overriding royalty on oil, gas and other substances produced, as well as any leasehold interest, reversionary rights, mineral interest, royalty interest, interests in personal or equipment used in or in connection therewith which AsSignor may own in the above captioned lands, as of the effective date hereof, whether correctly described, omitted or not. This Assignment is made without warranty of any kind either express or implied. This Assignment shall be available to and binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Assignor and Assignee herein. Ex .o/~ted this .'foJ~day of July, 2004, but effective for a!J purposes as of July 1st, 2004 at 7:00 A.M. It tile ~0~!, ~f th~ Assignor to convey all of Assignors right, title and interest ~ and to all revenues ms~se~at may have been produced from, or be anributable to the m~eral interest after the effective ~o~,~ ~y~. ~ : STATE OF COLO~O ) CO~TY OF ~V~ ) - Before me, the ~dersi~ed, a Nota~ ~blic, within and for said Co~ and State, on this ~ day of~O ~ ,2004, personally Ga~ A. Jeman and Susan J. Jeman, is wife to me personally ~om to be the id~ti~l persons who executed the Mthin and foregoing instrument and ac~owledged to me that they executed ~he Same as their flee and vol~ta~ act and deed, for the uses and pu~oses therein set fo~. ~ ~ES8 ~OF, I have here~to set my hand and official seal the day and year last above ~i~en.. - MY c~mis?i~E~:_ - . ' ~P'~'~, '~. . . ~~~ Nota~ ~bhc m and for smd