HomeMy WebLinkAbout902272 REOEIVED Lti',]{;0LN COUNTY OLERK WARRANTY DEED ,.! 117.,,~, ?,) hi E W AG N E R ~OW ALL ~ERSO~S BY T~SE ~SE~TS, that'~ED S. CLA~ and ~AT~CIA B. CLX, husband and wiCe, tenants by the entireties, o¢ P.O. Box 143, Smoot, Wyomin8 ~3126, G~NTORS, ¢or and in consideration o¢ TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other 8ood and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt o¢ which is hereby ac~owledfed, hereby CONVEY AND WA~T to DAVID L. STO~E and DEA~ R. STO~E, as husband and wife, tenants by the entireties, o¢ 1596 Che~y Circle, Farminston, Utah ~4025, G~NTEES, and their heirs and assisns, thc ¢ollowi~8 described real prope~y, situate in the County or Lincoln, State o¢ Wyomin8, hereby waivin8 and releasin8 all rifhts under and by vi~ue o¢ the homestead exemption laws oCthe State o¢ Wyomins, [o wit: See Exhibits A and B, excepting therefrom the property described in Exhibit C, all attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Together with and including all improvement s thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements, rights, and rights-of-way of sight and/or of record. WITNESS my hand this 20th day of August, 2004. REED S. CLARK PATRICIA H. CLARK STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by REED S. CLARK and PATRICIA H. CLARK this 20th day of August, 2004. WITNESS my hand and official seal. County of ~ State of Lincoln ~ Wyoming My Commission expires: PUBLIC 0 EXHIBIT A' 0637 · /. Ju],l.02 12:43PU~ ERNEST A. POGGETTI AND GERALDINE TAYLOR PARCEL E - REVISED EXHIBIT B To-wit:.. IO.2 0639 'Fh,q p~.rt of thc Nv~NrEN of S~ctlon 29, T30N, R! ! 8W, L.i~cotn ~, ~1 of ~at ~t or ~rd ~ ~ 0~ of ~e Cluk of Lincoln County in Book 476 of Photostatic ~l on pa~e 130, de~cdb~ ~ follows: BEGINNING at ~e no~w~t com~ of~d N~NE~; · ~cc NS~o.53,.00,,E, 131~7 fee~ ~oag ~o no~ ~ of ~ NW~NE~ of s~d Section BEG~G; ' ~CO~ASS~Q ~ ~ of 17.30 ~m, mo~ or less; · e BASE B~O for ~is s~ is ac ~u~ ~ of ~e SE~ of Scc~on 20, T]0N~ RI 8W, ~ag -TOGE~R ~ a ~t ofin~s ~d e~s ~d ugUgea over, ~dcr ~d across a s~p of l~d foay (40) feel in ~d~ ' ~cd~, "S~VEYOR SC~EU L]~ ~ON~ PLff'53~8"~ ~ a~mpfiatc m ~cor~ ~ ~ p~ p[~d Io ~ filed h ~ O~ca of ~c Clerk of Lincoln E~EST A. POOOE~I ~D GE~LD~E TAYLOR P~CEL D ~D P~CEL E ~!~ ~ SW~SE~ SECTION 20 N~NE~ 8E~ION 2~ T30N RI I~W LINCOLN '~' 15 M~ 2002; ~h 2~2; R~sed "M~icatinn in any way of Ihe foregoing ~escriP~on larminales liability of EXHIBIT C ¥¥ARRAaNTY DEED REED S, CLARK AND PATR/CIA.:<CLARK, aka P-iTP, XCIA .~.. CL_~RI, Husband and Wife, /:,_c · grantors of Lincoln County, Store of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/i 00's ($10.00) and other good and valuab[e consideration in hand, receipt whereof istereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO DAVID L. STONE gND De.~NN R. STONE, lffusband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties, graarzes, whose address is 1596 Cherry Circle, Farmington, UT 8402-5 the fo/lowing described rea/estate, situate in Lincoln County and Sram of Wyoming, hereby re/easing a.M waiving ail righu under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the sram to wif: A met of land in thc NWBNE½/4 of Section 29, T30N RllSW. 6th P.M., Lincoln Count, Wyoming, said tract being more particularly ~scribed as follows: WITNESS our hands ~ State of Wyoming BEGINNING at a po/nt on the Wext ~ of doe said N-W¼NE~,I (North--Sow. h cemerline of said Section 29).. said point lying S 00°23'54" W, 240.57 feet fl~m the Northwest comer thereof ['North one-quarter comer of sa.id Section 29); theruze N 89.~57'22. E, 1320.13 feet to the East line of said thence $ 00°08'23" W, 337.25 feet along said East line; ~enee N 89°23'47" W, 1321.62 feet to said West Line; thence N 00°23'54.' E, 322132 feet, along said West line to the point of begkmiag. Said tract containing 10.00 acres, more or leas. TOGETFZER WITkI ail water and mineral righm Grantor may have. SUBJECT, however, to ali reservations, resa'icrions, protective coven.ants} exc~tions, easements and rigkts-of-way of record, in sight, or in use. / 3rd day of Ianuary. 2003. ,z'~)_~. - ' '7, Reed S. Clark ?arrdeia~ Clark Com~tt- of Lincoln The foregoing ~nstmment was acknowledged before me by Reed S. Claxk aod Parr/cia A. Clark riffs __ 3rd day of January, 2003. Wlmess :ny hand zmal official seal. :,'ly Camm. ission ~xDires: :lo?amber 2 ",nc- ,--~I :11:_%: 51RM -/o~rw ?uNit 0840