HomeMy WebLinkAbout902373:'5 RECEIVED ~i',lOOLf',l C',Ot..!,,~T¢' CLERK KNOWN ALL MEN THeE PRESENTS, Thai' ~" , ~ ~.~ y [:~ ~:' ~:;. 7t' '¢ ,~!f .~ ~ D~EL W. D~Y, SUCC~SOR ~USTEE OF ~ E~ W. DU~EY TRUST dated Mar~ 3, 1980, ~ DA~EL W. D~Y, SUCCOR ~USTEE OF ~ G~ V. D~Y ~U~ ~t~ March 3, ~80, of th~ Coun~ of Lin~ln. S~te of Wyoming in comider~ion of %n and ~/l~'s Doll~s ($10.~) ~ other good and v~uable co~ideration to them in h~d paid ~e ~eipt whereof is hareby conf~ a~ acknowledged, have re~s~, released, convey ~ forever ~tcla~ed and by ~ese pres~ do for my heirs, ex--tots a~ ad~is~atora, r~ise, rele~e a~ brevet quitclaim unto ~ ~ PO~R, P~, ~USlEE OF T~ ~ ~ ~R ~U~ dat~ May 29, 1991; A~ D~'~ W. DURFEY ~D ~IN L. D~Y, ~U~ OF ~ D~ L~NG TRUST 1~4 dated Nov~r Zl, 1994, whose ~dt~s ia P.O. Box 1956 ~el, CA 91921-1956 heirs and assigm, forever, all such ~ght, title, interco, pro~, poss~sion, claim aM domed as I have, ough{ to have or [ratifier acquire in or lo ail the followi~ d~eri~d premis~, tmwit: Beginning N 36°40' W, 2840 feet, thence N 89'30' E, 400.00'feet from clue St~ corner of Section 12, T33N RilgW of the 6th P.M., Lincoln CounW, Wyoming and running thence N 89°30, E, 290.0 feet; thence S 16°30, W, 209.00 feet; thence N 81°30' W, 230 feet; thence N 0°30, W, 180.0 feet to the point of beginning, Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the /¢ State of Wyoming. Dated this ' day of July, 2004. GRACE V. DURFEY T~.ST DATEgrtVIARCH 3, 1980 State of California ) )$~, Count3, of Oro.~ o._ ) Thet foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Daniel W. Durfey this I c~ .~ day of July, 2004. Wimess my hand a~ official seal. ~ [ ~/' Notary Public My CO, ranission Expires: