HomeMy WebLinkAbout902555 9 ..,'i' QUITCLAIM i0i EO COUNTY CLERK
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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Geo~g~.~ Uih'fbrd and Linda B.
Linford, a/~a Linde H. Linford, a/k/a, Linda Lmioro ' nus~ana;a'~;~,jl¢, Grantors, of PO
Box 28, Fai~iew, WY 83119, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in conSideration of Ten
Dollars ($10.00)and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIM to George L. Linford Family
Revocable Trust, dated August 24, 2004, George L. Linford and Linda B. Linford,
Trustees, Grantees, whose address is PO Box 28, Fai~iew, WY 83119 the following
described real estate, situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and
waiving all rights under and by vidue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit:
Parcels 1, 2, 3
See Attachment Marked EXHIBIT "A' and by this reference made a
pad hereof.
Parcels 4, 5
See Attachment Marked EXHIBIT "B" and by this reference made a
par hereof.
TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appuaenances, hereditaments and all
other things thereunto belonging or in anywise appeaaining.
SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, rese~ations and
restrictions now of record or othe~ise affecting said lands.
With respect to W.S. ~ 34-2-122, as amended, Grantors hereby state, represent and
warrant that the said Trust was established by written instrument executed the 24~ day of
August, 2004, that said Trust has never been revoked, and that said instrument transfers
upon said Trustees, all powers set fodh in the Uniform Trustees' Powers Act of the
Wyoming Statutes.
WITNESS my hand this 24t' day of August, 2004.
~3ee~ge L. Linfo~'
Linda B. Linford .... / /}
a/k/a Linda Linford, a/k/a LfDfla H. Linford
The above and'foregoing was acknowledged before me by GeOrge L. Linford and
L. inda B. Linford, a/k/a Linda Linford, a/k/a Linda H. Linford, this 24th day of August, 2004.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
'~lot~ry'~'P'O blic ~~
'.~.;.~ :4;,%1,
Tr.ct No. 1~
$£~SE~- old.cHon 4, T ~1 N;C'R 119 w. bib P.~.,
Wyoming, thst 1, ~0 rod, ~',I al th. Sou~lwe~ Co,nor
o! ,eld SE~$F'¼, &nd runnlnj thence i~ort/~. 80 rocil,.
more or I,es, to ~e North boundsry line off ~ld SE~,
thmn~o ~m~, ilon~ m~id ~orlh boundsry line, ~O rodin,
thcneo ~ou[h, ~lon~ ~ld E~I boundary linc, ~35 (ecl,
I~.., Io ~. 5ouch bo~d~ry lin. off ~L~ 5E~SE~, d~cnce
Wesc, ~lon~ I~ld 3outh boundary linc~ ~3~ [~l, moro
or [nil, to the point ol b.ginnlng,
Excepting snd Rc'~cryln~( There[rom unlo Iha under,lgn~d
~r&niors. Osr.I Brown end ~ry Leu Brown. hu,b~nd ~nd
wi(c, ~nd ~oir hcir~, ~uccci.o/i, ~nd s,slgnl, · Righl-
o[-Wsy ~,cmsni ior [nircl~ sn~ ~ir,s~ ovcr. ~cro~, &nd
siong ~h( ~,1 Z6 /c~l ol th~ Horlh 5]5 [*~t [h~rco/ &nd I)~e
"~egln~ln~ &( a poinl oa th South'boundsry linc o/'the
NE~SE~ o/ Srctlan 4, T ]; R 119 W, 6th P.M.,
Wyoming, {h~l li'~] r~4 Weal o[ Ihl 5ou~CSal Corner
off ~sld NE~SE~, ~nd r~nlng lh~nc~ Hor~h 10[-g/9
thence ~l ZI-I~Z/Z~9 todd, thcnc~ 5ou~h }OZ.Z/9 rods,
more or {cji, to the South boundary itn~ o[
thcncc Wcit ~tong ~&id. 5uuih boundity }[nc~ 21-1~2/Z79
rod~, mor. or l~,~, tO th~ point
EXCEPTING THEREFROM the CwoCrac/~ o~ land du$cribed belowt
A ¢,ortlon of the SE/4 SE/a oF Section ~, f31~ RIIg~ o! the 6th P,H., Lincoln
County, ~yc~lng being mote Particularly Oe~crIof~ a~ (ollow~;
5aglnn'lng aC a p~lnt c~ the (att ~v~ry )lnl ~ ~he SE/4 5[/4 Of
tn~nc~ ~d:C ~6
thenco ~Ch 535 /eec, ~r, or les~, to a ~lnt 785 feet North of
~u~ry line of :~lO 5[/4 St/at
Beginning at a point on Iho South boundary line el the S
Socllon 4, T31N, R119W, 6Ih P.~., Wyoming, that I~ 30 rod~
Soulhwest Corner ol said SEI/4SE1/4~.and running thence No~h 1244.572
feel; thence Easl parallel to ~ho No~h:~'oundary line of said SE1/4SE1/4 175
feet; Ihence Soulh 1244.572 feel, more or. less, lo me Soulh ~unda~ llne
sa~d SE1/4S~1/4; thonce Wesl along said South ~undaw Ilae 175
more or less, to lbo ~lnl ot beginning.
5outhe&fl Gorner o( Section t. T 3l H, R 119 W, ~lh P.M,, Wyomlnl~
~nd runnln~ thence Horlh 108 (eel Io Ihe ~oulhe~,l Corner o[ the
.hid D~rei.' grown lr~c~. Ig4 [eel. thence $oU~h
~long ~h~ ~x~t~n~ !~ne ~¢l~¢~nt Io Ih~ r-~lt boundary IIn~
~1¢r1~¢~ ~r~¢~ l'rorn ~h, County Ro~ on ~hz South to
trom ~,ld Counly Ro~d to Or~nte,', prop,rty.
OegtnntnB at a ~olnr th~t ts 12].5 reec We~t of :he SoutheaaC corner or the
S£¼SE~ of gectlon 6, T]IN, RIIgW of the 6ch ?.H., Lincoln ~ounty, Uyomlng~ Ind
~eet 1~ [eecl :hence Horch 139 ~eecl :hence ~esc 136 feet; thence South
~hence ~asc 162.5 reef co :he poln'c o£ beglnn:ng,
'i :-
A portion of the SE1/4SE-I/4 of Section 4, T31N, Rl19W,
6th P.M., Lincolh ..County, Wyoming being more particularly
described as follows-
BEGINNING .at a point-in the East Iire :,f said SE1/4SE1/4,
said point being ,~,~,fi '= - , -
· *;~,_.00 ~,_.eL NO 56'E fi'o'~ the Sou~heas~
corner of said SE1/4SE1/4: thence I'u~ning West 166.00
feet; thence S0 56'W 174.03 feet; thence S89 01'10"V~z
~20.05 feet; thence N0 56'E 407.26 fee[; tlnence East
286.00 feet to a point in the East line of said SE1/4SE1/4;
tlqence S0 56'W, along la.st said East 'ne, 231.I8 feet
to the Point of Beginnhqg, containing 2.000 acres of land.
Along with all' imgrovements and ease~-ents to the ahoy=
description of land. ~
A portion of ~2te~,,q~ ~/~.-~,~,,, ~q¢ ~ ,'~ o£ ~don 4;. T3 'iN, R 119W, 5th P .;..t',,~'~, Lkaz~>Lu Camry,.
V/yomLn$ ~g more part/c"~ty d'~scribed
BEGLNN u'LNG at a ~int 250.00 feet~ NO°56~ mad West 1~<; 0,9 tL.~t ,.[rom the
c~-ner of'said SE1/4SE 1/4; thenc~ intoning.. West !20.00 fret; throes NO~55'57E 21.91
thence N§¢°01'!0~E 120.05 f~t; thence ~56'W 23.97 f~t to th: Point of Beg/m~irtg,
containing 0.0~3 acres of land.