HomeMy WebLinkAbout902644WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Boyd L. Jacobson 4210 Daisy Drive Mountain Green, Utah 84050 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 9 0 2 ~ b, ~ Oh ~EP - '/ F?t 12: ! 9 JEANNE QUIT CLAIM DEED "~'"'" ~-~'~".~:, ~O~ ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, That FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is acknowledged, APEX, L.L.C., a Wyoming Limited Liability Company, QUIT CLAIMS to: Boyd Jacobson and Christine Jacobson, the following described real property in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. SEE EXHIBIT "A" Executed on the 1st day of February, 2003, at Salt Lake City, Utah. APEX, L.L.(~.,.a Wyoming Limited Liability Company Its: Manager/~ STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE } }ss. } On this the 1st day of February, 2003, before me, personally appeared before me Boyd Jacobson, who being duly sworn, says that he is the Manager of APEX, L.L.C., a Wyoming Limited Liability Company and that he executed the above and foregoing instrument on behalf of said APEX, L.L.C., a Wyoming Limited Liability Company by proper authority and acknowledged that said entity executed the same.  nd and official seal. Notfiry Pu ict~and for said State E~-IIBIT 'A" 0555 Part of Section 32. T30N R118W of the 6th P.M.'. Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: Beginning S 4500' W, 1080 feet from the Northeast comer of said Section 32 and running thence West 30 feet to comer No. 1. the point of beginning; thence N 600. W. 302 feet to Comer No. 2; thence West 490 feet; thence South 300 feet; thence East 530 feet. more or less, to Comer No. I the point of beginning. ALSO Part of Section 32. T30N Rl lSW of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as [ollows: Beginning S 38"0' W, 1330 feet from thc Northeast Comer of said Section 32, and running thence N 10"30' E. 288.5 feet; thence N 6°0' W, 302 feet; thence East 528 feet; qhence South 169 feet: thence East approximately 50 feet to the center of Salt River: thence meandering Southerly along the centerline of Salt River to the NorthEast Comer of the Gordon Hoffmann ;Tract No. 2 (described as Tract No. 2 in Warranty Deed recorded May 14, 1981 in Book 176PR on page 221 of records of Lincoln County Clerk). the said Northeast Comer of thc Gordon Hoffmann Tract No. 2 being approximately 1048 fe~t South a_nd 219 feet West of thc Northeast Corner of said Section 32; thence West 600 feet, more or less, to the point.of beginning.