HomeMy WebLinkAbout902823Ocwen Federa Bank FSB The Forum, Suite 105 1665 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Loan Number: 99660961 0905 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK IqlCtgO Pail of~cdon 19, T32N R11BW of QB Oth:P;M,, .~:nco[n County, 'Wyo,ning more particularly de~ribed as follows, : . '.... ~.: ,.:,.;%:~-. ,,,,:-,.. ' , .:.., .;,...., · . :-':.;:..~ ~gi~g. ai,.a ~Jht 1819~0 .f~ ~'~{,~'~N~w~t corer of said Section I9 a~ running ~n~ ~t 150.0 feet; t~e West 317.0 f~ .... ~n~ E~ 167.0' fe~ :~"th~.: I~ ~IT~ESS WHEREOF, the said FIRSTAR BA~K, SOCCESSOR I~ I~TEREST TO FIRSTAR MILWAOKEE, ~.A., ~S TRUSTEE, By and throu~h its ~ttomey-in-Faet Ocwan Federal Rank FSB, Paul Neff, the Servicino Officer, on AUGUST ~ 7, 2004, has hereunto set its corporate name and seal. ... FIRSTAR BANK, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO FIRSTAR BANK MILWAUKEE, N.A., AS TRUSTEE By its Attorney-in-Fact Ocwen Federal Bank FSB By: Name: Paul Neff Title: Servicing Officer STATE 'OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned Notary Public, on AUGUST 17, 2004, by Paul Neff, the Servicing Officer of Ocwen Federal Bank FSB, a federal savings bank, Attorney-in-Fact for FIRSTAR BANK, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO FIRSTAR BANK MILWAUKEE, N.A., AS TRUSTEE, on behalf of the bank. He is personally known to me. Witness Notary Pub~~ of Florida JERRY T. HARMON AND BONNIE N. HARMON PREMIER MORTGAGE CORPORATION OF AMERICA OCTOBER 08, 1998 OCTOBER 13, 1998 0853993 419 PAGE: 444 352 TWIN CLIFFS ROAD, AFTON, WYOMING LINCOLN Kevin Magyar My Commil$ion DD197667 expires March 27 2007 'hen Recorded Mail To: inancial Dimensions, Ific. 400 Lebanon Church Road ittsburgh, PA 15236 payment and satisfaction of discharge said mortgage. ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR: ORIGINAL MORTGAGEE: DATED: RECORDED DATE: DOC/INSTRUMENT: BOOK: PROPERTY ADDRESS: COUNTY: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that FIRSTAR BANK, SUC, CE~_~;QR.~:IN,','IN[-r, ERES),T TO FIRSTAR BANK MILWAUKEE, N.A., AS TRUSTEE, holder of a certain*m0'c, tgage wh0se.?p~art es, dates and recording information are below, does hereby acknowledge that it has received full the same and in consideration thereof does hereby cancel and 019 Document Title: Limited Power of Attorney When Recorded Return To: Financial Dimensions, Inc. 1400 Lebanon Church Road Pittsburgh, PA 15236 OFB# /¢¢7~ 20 Grantor: Grantee: Ocwen Federal Bank, FSB PEA#: l.~a8 When Recorded Mail To: Financial Dimensions, Inc. 1400 Lebanon Church Road Pittsburgh, PA 15236 Instrument Book ;~OO;~OOO 1355 1 55 ' lllll lllllltl 35091 XNS $ 85758 OR BK 3203S i~ 0744 F~ B~k, N.A, such.or ~ tmer~ ~ F~s~ B~ Milwaukee, N.A., ~ T~stec (he~ina~r ca. ed he.by ~oin~ ~w~n F~I B~k FSB ~affor called "Ocwen"), ~ its ~e and law~l a~o~ey-in-fact in ~e ~o. pl~e ~d ~ad of T~s~. for ~e pu~oses scl fo~h b~low, Tho sam a~ey~-~-f~ ~d ~h of$~m, ~ h~ au~ori~d, ~d ~mpower~, aa follows: 1. To ~xe~, acknowl~go, seal ~d ddiver d~d of~s~mongage not~ endo~m~, I~t no~ ~davits, assi~ts of deed of~ffmo~e ~d o~er ~corded document, safisfaction~releasea/reconvey~ces of deed of~s~mongage, su~dinafions ~d modifications, lax au~ori~ nmiHcations ~d decl~ons, deeds, bills of sale, ~d o~ ~ments olde, conveyance, ~d trials, approprialely compbled, wi~ ~1 ordM~ or nece~ endorsements, a~owled~ents, a~davi~, ~d supping do¢umems as may ~ n<es~ or appropriate lo its ex~ution, dolive~, convey~ce, recordation or filing. 2. To ex~cu~ ~d d~Bver Insur~ce filin~ and claims, affldavir:~ et' debt, substitutions of m~ste~, substitutions of co=sol, non-milit~, a~davi~, notices of~ctssion, foreclm~e deeds, ~nsfer ~ a~davl~, a~davils of merit, verifications ofc~pl~n~, noHces to quit, b~plcy declarations for ~c pu~osa of filing motions to liR s~ya, ~d o~et doeum~ts or notice filings on behalf of Tmste~ in connection with {~uranc,, foreclosure, b~ptcy <d ~vicfion actions. 3. To ¢ndors~ ~y checks or othor ins~m~ received by Ocwen ~d mad~ payabW m T~stee, 4. To p~ue ~y d,fieien~y, d~bt or other obligation, scored or unsec~ed, Including but not limi~ to those arising ~om foraolosur~ or o~er sale, promisso~ note or chock. %ts pow~ ~so au~o~a ~wan to eollecg negotlata or oth~ls¢ SORI~ ~y deficiency claim, including intorest and a~om~'s 5, To do ~y o~¢r act or comple~ any o~er document that arises in the no~al course cOst,icing DaSd: Angst 9, 2001. FIRSTAR BAN~ N.A. succ~sor in inlerest ~ FIR~AR BANK ~HLWAU~gE, N.A., as Trus~, Name: Charles F. Pedersen Title: Vic= President Prepared & ~lUested by Pat Belanger of Ocwen Federal Bank at 1665 Palm Beach Lakes, W. Palm Beach, FL 33401 ~ien 'Re co rd ed~..aiLta~. OFBRP Optima Information Solutions ~ 1920 Main St. #4~0~ [rvine, CA 92614 BEFORE ME, Charles M. DiggLus, a Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid, on this ~ day of August, 2001 personally appeared Charles F. Pedersen who ' - · ~z- ,~--'~,~ .... 5~s ' resides a~ .... ,-:, ,,~ 1,,, ~ o~, East Street, St. Paul, IvFN 55[01 ~nd who is personn]ly known to me (or s~ffi¢iently proven) to be a Vice President of Firstar Bank, N,A. successor in interest to Finlar Bank Milwaukee, N.A., as Truste~ and the person who exeeut~l the foregoing instrument by virtue of the authori~, vestal in him/her and he/she did acknowledge the signing of the foregoing instrument to be hfs/her firee and voluntary act and deed as a Vice President for the uses, purposes and consideration therein act forth. CO CO Witness my hand and official seal this 9th day of August, 2001. ..,... ,_...0 ..,'~.'x~ ......... .~,/~,~'... ~ Co~mi.iOn Expires'. .--~,.)... ?~,._..,~. :o..: Ocr '~O'~ ~: ': '..?.~ / -' ~v 'JOes~~ .~a~is ,~%~/~ F'iied rot 'Redopd Tn ~~]'~bCoo~. ~ day ~I'0N COUNTy, WV .... 'US~a~ POWER/ATi'Y .......... ~'- ' ~*'~TE ~' Book 09-09-2002 At 10:34 am. 6. O0 ST:TlC TAX .... Oo .............. 55 Pa~e 421 - a::,::,