HomeMy WebLinkAbout902827~EP-IO-04 11:15 I:l~O}~-Land T!tie Ccmi:any WARRANqI DEED John Thomas Tobin and Heidi ~Tobin, and wife, and Frances A. Browning, a CON¥~Y a~d WAR~.~T t~ NormanL. and Norma L. Day, husband and.' wife ,.i ~:'/:'.i"l~'! E WAGNER P. O Box 3076~ Ten ~ollars an~ other 9o0'ff"ahd"'Va~lh'a~le consideration. Parcel of Section 29 .... T37N Rl18 in Lakeview Estates in the town of : Alpine, WY 83128 Lincoln County Wyoming, according to that plat filed December 19, 1996 Instrument No. 830708 as SEE EXHIBIT "A" ~ohn Thomas Tobin Heidi ~obin Frances A. BRowning cg~ State ~ Teton ~ wyoming B.ns By: Sur~,eyor Scherbel~ Lto.; DIE SCRI PTI ON OF DAY T PAC'/ 397 6a5 9a09; ~ep-r~-04 13:13; Page 2!3 ¢©PY That part of 'rrac~ B of the Lakeview' Estate¢. Incorporated Tract~ A-F, a Subclivisiorl record in ~he Office of lhe Clerk of Lincoln County a~ Plat No. 157, within the E~S~ of SeXton 29, 'r37N, El 18~ and within the incorporat~ limits:: o~ the Town o¢ Alpine. Lincoln County, Wyoming, describ~ as follow~: BEGINNING at a poinI on the "CALL 1/16 LINE", 589o55'52~ 460.00 feet ot the "~LL CS1/16" corner on the east line of ~id Tract 8; thence continuing S89~5.5'52,,W, 15.00 feel to the southeast point of Lot 328 of ,.aid Lakevmw Estates; th~n~ ~07-5~,!0..W; 69.96 feet, along the easterly line of said Lot 3~8 m the south ~omi o~ Lot 329 of said Lakevlew E~tates; hence N54*25'05"E, 46,12 f~t, along the southeast line of said Lo~ 329 to a point; :~ence 511'47'23"E, 49.1~ fee~, to a nor:hwe~tedy point of ~o: 4 of the Mountain .Me~ows Addition to the Town of Alpine to be filed In said ~lce; thence 526029'~0'%~ 54.&8 feet along, a ~onh~,esl line of said Eot 4 to ~e ~EGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of ~.07 acre, more or ~'P.?J~[i p~d ~y a_5/8"x24" stol reinforc ng rod with aluh] ~um ca ~.,~v~uK ~CH~RBEL LTD AFTON, ~OMING PL~ ~qAa .... j _ ' . ..... , a.u appropriate aetallS Ikhe BASE BE ........... ,' ,,is~9.55 ~2,,~ ,or In~s su~ey and descripDon s the "~LL 1/16 LINE" being ~lall in accordance ,vi'h the attached exhibit ,i,l~ "Exhibit for ,he DAY T~CT wi ' "Modificai~lon In any way of ~he torcgoing descr, pti¢,n terminates iiai~iliet or' the sur~,eyor" ~. ~02~5 W Z ~0 0 I-- 3.ffO,r,O. OON ®