HomeMy WebLinkAbout902866WARRANTY DEED (CORPO.~^TION)~FORh! NO. 186 RECEIVED WARRANTY ~3EiI-~C':)LN COUNTY CLERK THIS INDENTURE, made the_9._0_.~_~_~_~)_ .......... day of._.~~.~_C~ ....... , 19~_, by and between the .... ~~~f_~..~__~.~.~. ............ ~=~-:~ ,~ ...... ,~,~ Cq~oration organiz~ and exmting under and by virtue of the laws of the State of__. [_t) WZQ~-.]~ ~'.,. ;.', , L: . and havin~ its pnnc]pal pl,.ce of business in the County of__~_~_~A.C ~_ -;-' the CRANT~. and ........................ .... Z. w~ose aa~resa ia __~Z~___~o_~__~j~ ..... ....................... , That the grantor, for and in consideration--~of the sum of '~ ~a~ -~C~-'f~o.5~zao_Dollara ($___J~ ...... ) in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, d~s, by these presents, ~ant, bargain, sell, CONVEY AND W~RRANT unto t~e Said grantee__, all that certain tract, lot, piece, and parcel of ]and situated in the County of__~/_~ff~_g_~ ............... State of Wyoming, and d~cribed ~ follows, to-wit: o56 0315 SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. ', :i. ~' ~' ; ':".'~ ...:t '' ,.',~.~ 'V'~;:.;, .,, ~,, !t.: ~',, : ~'~"'" · ' ' '/'l ~:~ ' 'V'::!t~':L'''!'i:~''' '~ ;" '; !* ;:';:'~i IN WITNESS-WHEREOFF the. Grantor has caused, its corporate seal to-be hereunto.affixed,.and .these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officer, the day and year first above written. ' ' , ' " ~ ' ''.;"" ! '" ' ' ' ' ' "i '" '" . ' (SEAL) ........... THE STATE OF WYOMING, of /--/~_¢_p_~__z2 .................. ~=---_l ss. _ c~ County ......... of .....~---~z~J~--~-~-~iJ~- ~f- ........... , 19-~-~, ~fore me personally appeared .-. ~ ~ -- 0n tnla ......... ~ ............ ___.__._.,.____._1__--_._,_._. .................. : ......................... :-:---: .......... to me personally kno~, who, being by~ duly sworn, did .ay that he ia the .... ~~~-~ ................ o1 : ::,: .......... : ..... ..... and that the zeal affixed to said lnzt~ment ia the corpora~ zeal of said corporation, and that ~aid inzt~ment wa~ sealed on behalf of ~aid corporation by authority of ifa Board of Directors and acknowledged said instrument to be tho free act and deed of said co~oration. My Commission expires on the ....... l~ ..... day of ..... A ~M~tL!;i~ .................. A. D. 19-~-. Qiven under my hand and norrisI seal this ..... ,__i~9 ...... ,_d.~ o~ .... ~-~-~-~-~ ........ , Steven Roberts Notar Pu~hc ~ l~ I ~ ~ ~/~~- B , ,.. ....................... ~ My Commi~slon Expires: August 14, 1996 ~ .