HomeMy WebLinkAbout903218I~£LIrASE " - ESTATE MO~TGAG£
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That ....................................................................
Washington Federal Savings
a corpormtion, of the County of ........ _K_i__nK .................. and State of ........ _W_~t~Jl~.l!gt_p_n_ ............. do~s
certify that a certain mortgage, b~arinl~ dat~ tho___.2_6._t_h_ ............. day of .... -J_u_.lX ..................... A.
made and executed by Sal~ River Ho.~s ~ LL_C_,. ~. ,~pmiD~g IO.~i.t.¢ii. LiabJ.lif.~ llamp, allM. .........
as mortgagor__, to Washing.t_on Federal Savi_nis- .....
as mortgagee, eonve~ng cerlmin r~al estato therein mentioned as security for the payment of $..__1__3_6_,__0_0.0_a_0_0_ ..........
therein stated, which morti~go was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Re~ster of Ds~ds of ..........
........................................... County, State o:f Wyoming, on the___2__9_t.h_ .... day ot.___J_u__]-Y_ .............
in Book...~5.6.~. .... of Mortgas~es, at page .... _3_~_, and mm-tgal'ing the following descrlb~d ram estst~ in said County, to-wit:
Lot 176 of Nordic Ranches Division No 12 Lincoln County Wyoming as described
on the official plat thereof.
· ,~' F:,EOEIVED
...... ,..,otl~lTY OLERK
903218 :::-?29
, l', 3:11
is, with a not~ secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, amd dlscharR~! ami in consideragan
thereo~ the said mortgagee does hereby r~leaae and quitclaim unto tho said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed mad
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Washington Federal Savings.
has caused these Presents to be ~igmed by its ..... _S_r___V_i__c_e___P_r_e_s_.i~_~p~t__~/td_~D.~gt~32 ................................
and its corporate seal to i~ affixed, this ..... 27th day al September
................................................. A. D. 40__20114
~igned, Sos, led a~d Delivm-sd in the pr.~¢e o~
A. tteat Seal: No Seal Available
Sr ........
~t~ Vice President and Manag_e_r_ ..........
Not~: If iC is not desired to describe lands in s_p._.~,~e therefor, insert the following: "All land, described in ~aid mortgug~,°'
County of ........ _B.o..n. _n ~.v.i. 3_1_ _e .........................]
On this 27th
.............................. day of ..... S._e~_t_.e_m_b_.e_r. .................... t-~-.2.00f; I>eform m~ l~rSon~lly ~pp~ared
to me personally known, who. bein~ by me duly sworn, did aa), that he is the ........................................ Sr Vice President and Man.aider of
W.a~.hi.n_gton Federal Savi.n_gs
and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the eorporat~ seal of said ~orporat. ion, and that said insta-ument ~as sillmed amd
sealed on behalf,of.said corporation by authority of its Board of._l~irectors and said ......................................
aclrnowlecl~ed sa,d mstrument to be the free act and deed of/sliid co~poratiom . ............ /.-~..._ ' '
G,ven under my hand and notarial ~,~ttiiliL~ltt~7th ~ da), of ', SeDto~ibe.~
T~s mat. rumant ~,ma filed for ~:~t~l~t ........ "~'~ o+~lock M on the
........ and duly recorded m Bo~Zt~;~qts¢~ ...... on Pa~e .....................
No. Fees. $ .......................... By .......................................................
................. Deputy Clerk