HomeMy WebLinkAbout90325931097 (04) B 05 8 0650 ..... ..... MEMORANDUM OF REOEIVED ~rankovJc and R. L. ~ra~ovic, Trustee of the R. L. Prankovic Trust dated September 30, 1996, as Sd]er, ~d ~chelle C~en, as Buyer, ~hose address ~ "~ " '~ Ridge Trail, Corona De Tucson, Arizona 856~1, for the sale and purchase pursuant to an ~s[aliment L~d Contract of the follow~g described rea] estate, situate ~ the County of L~co~, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and re]easing a~ dgh~s under and by virtue of ~he homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: Lot 3~ of River Ranches ~ish~g and Equesh'ian Estates at Preedom, Wyoming, according to that plat fi]ed November ~6, ]99~ h~ the Or,ce of County Clerk, L~coln Cowry, Wyoming, as Instrument ~o. 793710, Plat No. 351. Together with and including al] improvements thereon and al] appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, and rights-of- way of sight and/or record. Buyer shall be entitled to enter into possession of the above-described property on the date of closing. Seller shall, upon payment in full of the purchase price as provided in said Agreement, cause a Warranty Deed conveying the above-described property to be delivered to the Buyer. This Memorandum of Sale is for information and recordation purposes only and does not constitute the entire agrbement between the parties. SFII ER: BUYER: Rudie L Frankovic aka R. L. Frankovic R, .L. Frankovic Trust dated R. L. Frankovic, Trustee Michelle Gagen MEMORANDUM OF SALE An Agreement has been entered into between Rudie L. Frankovic aka R. L. Frankovic and R. L. Frankovic, Trustee of the R. L. Frankovic Trust dated September 30, 1996, as Seller, and Michelle Gagen, as Buyer, wh6se address is 16485 South Sycamore Ridge Trail, Corona De Tucson, Arizona 85641, for the sale and purchase pursuant to an Installment Land Contract of the following described real estate, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, ro wit: Lot 31 of River Ranches Fishing and Equestrian Estates at Freedom, Wyoming, accordh~g to that plat filed November 16. 1994 in the Office of County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as Instrumem No. 793710, Plat No. 351. Together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, and rights-of- way of sight and/or record. Buyer shall be entitled to enter into possession of the above-described property on the date of closing. 0651 Seller shall, upon payment in full of the purchase price as provided in said Agreement, cause a Warranty Deed conveying the above-described property to be delivered to the Buyer. This Memorandum of Sale is for information and recordation purposes only and does not constitute the entire agreement between' the parties. SFI I Fp,: Rudie L. Frankovic aka R. L. Frankovm R..L. Frankovic Tru ~t dated September 30 1996: BUYER: R. L. Frankovic, Trustee Michelle Gagen -0652 STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNTY ))ss' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this of September, 2004 by Rudie L. Frankovic aka R. L Frankovic and by R. L. Frankovic as Trustee of the R L. Frankovic Trust dated September 30, 1996. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Nota~r b~ II COUNTY OF ~,'~ STATE OF 11 II JOHNSON li~ WYOMING (( I~IRES~~, ~/~R___~_,_2~_~_,~.v.~FEBRUARY ~, 20~ y t. on:mission E~ --~ ~ ~' STATE OF ~l~) ) SS. COUNTY OF r~r~ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~.~}~/1 day of September, 2004 by Michelle Gagen. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public My Commission Expires: